Custom Query (230 matches)


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Results (175 - 177 of 230)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#187 fixed replace distro packaging util code with calls to packagekit on Linux Antoine Martin Antoine Martin

This class: is horrible and buggy (no '-A' option with gksudo on some distros) so replace it with packagekit.

There are dbus bindings: example and decent usage docs

#70 fixed replace pyinotify dependency with gio.File.monitor_directory Antoine Martin Antoine Martin

We don't actually care if it's not recursive, so a dependency on gio.File is a lot better than a dependency on Linux specific library/code. A lot more portable!

see gio.File.monitor and this example

#177 fixed restore window mode for desktop environments without a system tray area Antoine Martin Antoine Martin

This mode should replace the system tray with a control window which allows the same access to the servers/sessions/info menus as found in the system tray. This should probably be enabled by default when we find a desktop environment which does not support the system tray (ie: fluxbox?)

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