Custom Query (230 matches)


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Results (181 - 183 of 230)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#3 fixed shadow mode for VNC and NX sessions using nxagent -S Antoine Martin Antoine Martin

The new connection is like a brand new session (re-use all the attributes), but it needs to hang off the one it is shadowing

#159 wontfix sound support for MS Windows Antoine Martin Antoine Martin

Split from #88 : what is needed is just the TCP network code ported to MS Windows as per ossbuild ticket 166

#88 fixed sound support: use gstreamer+pulseaudio to provide efficient sound in/out over network Antoine Martin Antoine Martin

What we have there kinda works, but there are many issues that need improving/resolving:

  • bandwidth: pulseaudio's TCP protocol is a bandwidth pig... We must ensure we only use it over fast links (need better detection?)

Edit: see original description for the approach that was abandoned (pure pulseaudio)

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