Custom Query (230 matches)


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Results (190 - 192 of 230)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#206 needinfo test ssh public key login on win32 Antoine Martin Antoine Martin

As reported here on the mailing list, there may be an issue with win32 ssh public key authentication.

Re-test it.

#213 wontfix tests can't load dependent modules Antoine Martin onlyjob

Many unit tests fail to load because they can't find their modules:

Traceback (most recent call last): 
  File "tests/", line 8, in <module> 
    from winswitch.util.simple_logger import Logger 
ImportError: No module named winswitch.util.simple_logger 

Perhaps there is a more elegant way to fix that what I did in the attached patch, but it works for me.


#65 wontfix the newer GTK builds for win32 do not support ICO format - workaround it Antoine Martin Antoine Martin

Added a test for it so we dont flood the logs (r1523)

GError: This build of gdk-pixbuf does not support saving the image format: ico

But we should either save it in png format (and hope the user's version of windows supports that or at least fails gracefully) or find a library that will convert it to ico (not found so far - only reading is supported, see PIL, etc)

Maybe pywin32 can give us access to something in windows API that will do the job, this is not too far off (it's only reading though).

Found Icon.Save in .NET

this example writes it out straight to file. Newer versions of windows support icons as PNGs, we should at least do that when saving .ICO fails.

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