Custom Query (230 matches)


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Results (193 - 195 of 230)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#54 duplicate start session dialog to allow us to switch to jpeg compression for xpra Antoine Martin Antoine Martin

the code itself is pretty easy, what is difficult is keeping the interface clean between the dialog, the client and the server...

Maybe define a list of options for each session type? Is this too generic for the sake of it?

#52 fixed NX shadow mode can't shadow all sessions (ie: not 8bit colour...) Antoine Martin Antoine Martin

We should figure out what the requirements are and avoid showing the shadow buttons in that case.

#51 fixed upgrade to NX version 3.4 Antoine Martin Antoine Martin

release announcement
For win32 this should just be a matter of rebuilding from source, on Linux/Ubuntu we will probably wait for packages to show up here

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