Custom Query (230 matches)


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Results (19 - 21 of 230)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#272 fixed [PATCH] Correct parsing for .desktop files Nathan Rennie-Waldock

I've updated load_desktop_menus to use ConfigParser?. I've been using this patch for a couples months and had no issues, menus behave as expected.

#273 fixed winswitch_command_wrapper: Add option to only start inside winswitch Nathan Rennie-Waldock

This adds an option to only start a command inside winwitch, useful for headless servers that want some graphical apps started at boot.

#275 fixed bashism in /bin/sh script onlyjob

As reported in

checkbashisms (from the 'devscripts' package) found the following:

possible bashism in ./usr/lib/winswitch/bin-override/xdg-open line 28
(should be 'b = a'):
		  if [ $e == 0 ]; then

Not using bash (or a Debian Policy compliant shell interpreter that doesn't provide such an extra feature) as /bin/sh is likely to lead to errors or unexpected behaviours. Please be aware that dash is the default /bin/sh in Debian.

Hints about how to fix bashisms can be found at:

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