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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#21 fixed OSX Packaging: py2app Antoine Martin Antoine Martin

Packaging should be done with: py2app

Server seems to work OK on OSX (after installing all the required dependencies using macports) and it can authenticate users using python-PAM, but I have added support for Kerberos5 anyway using pykpass There is a new server option: "authentication_module" = [pam|pykpass].

We will also need to load the list of X applications from somewhere... and OSX does not follow the freedesktop spec, so we may just test for a few (xterm, ...) and create these "*.desktop" files in ~/shifter/server/menu/ on first start.

TigerVNC can be built on OSX, but I cannot find any ready-made images, see this: tigervnc-devel message More info on nasm/ld bug here

nxproxy can be built with macports' help (libpng, jpeg): nxproxy-apple

xpra: client and server both build fine (with this simple patch) But only the client is usable... (keymap issues for server)

#23 fixed remove unused files on session end Antoine Martin Antoine Martin

When a session terminates, we should clean up a few things:

  • pid file (on client)
  • password file (both) - can also remove this one when the client is no longer actor
  • icon file (both)
  • session file - eventually? (both)
  • ...
#26 fixed add ssh keys to host option Antoine Martin Antoine Martin

If the account has an SSH key defined, we can just add it to the list of authorized keys on the server rather than storing the password.
shifter_add_key SHIFTER_KEY, SSH_KEY
This is the public key, so we need the UI widgets to point to the public key as well as private key. Windows keys generated by puttygen.exe must be converted on the server via "ssh-keygen -i"

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