Custom Query (230 matches)


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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#290 fixed CentOS 6.8 package directory is missing "winswitch" package (maybe others) badpens

The directory is missing the "winswitch-0.12....." package.

The directory does have packages like winswitch-0.12.22-1.x86_64.rpm

Do I need to hardcode my /etc/yum.repos.d/winswitch.repo to use 6.7 instead of $releasever ?

#293 invalid XPRA - add connection title to menu philip

XPRA is so fantastic that I sometimes use it to view several remote machines at the same time. This packs several identical stylish icons side-by-side in the tray of whatever Ubuntu session manager I happen to be using.

In this situation, disconnecting the correct session while preserving the rest can be a challenge. It would be nice if the menu that pops up when I click on the XPRA icon could list the name of the corresponding host machine at the very top. The floating tooltips associated with the icons convince me that this should be possible. I would appreciate seeing confirmation that I have clicked on the correct icon right in the menu itself.


#294 invalid Latest Version of Xpra breaks compatibility (Linux) Ade


The latest version of xpra (1.0-r14532) causes winswitch client not to enable xpra.

Looking at the client log, this following line suggests winswitch is expecting a third integer in the versioning sequence (as was in the previous xpra version, 0.17.0) and so the client/server xpra versioning comparison process fails at this point:

ServerLineConnection.xpra_version_compat(1.0-r14532,1.0-r14532) invalid literal for int() with base 10: '0-r14532'
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