Opened 10 years ago
Last modified 9 years ago
#262 assigned defect
winswitch on ubuntu 14.04 keeps failing — at Version 1
Reported by: | madsurgeon | Owned by: | Antoine gmail |
Priority: | major | Milestone: | |
Component: | Server | Keywords: | |
Cc: |
Description (last modified by )
I have installed winswitch 0.12.20+dfsg-1
on Ubuntu server 14.04 headless.
According to xpra documentation I have additionally installed xvfb.
When starting the client I get a connection to the server and even a list of applications to start.
On the server, I see the following processes running by then:
easyprot@phenyx:~$ ps -ef | grep [w]ins easyprot 364 1 0 11:26 ? 00:00:00 /usr/bin/python /usr/bin/winswitch_server --daemon easyprot 32763 32762 0 11:26 ? 00:00:00 /usr/bin/python /usr/bin/winswitch_stdio_socket easyprot 32767 32763 0 11:26 ? 00:00:00 [winswitch_serve] <defunct>
However, I see already error messages in the server log file:
easyprot@phenyx:~$ cat .winswitch/server/server-20140825-112612.log [DD] 2014/25/08 11:26:12.684660 main_loop.loop_init(False) [II] 2014/25/08 11:26:12.760705 main_loop.loop_init(False) twisted version 13.2.0 [II] 2014/25/08 11:26:12.761884 globals os.uname=('Linux', 'phenyx', '3.13.0-34-generic', '#60-Ubuntu SMP Wed Aug 13 15:45:27 UTC 2014', 'x86_64') [II] 2014/25/08 11:26:12.766479 globals python package info: __version__=0.12.20 [II] 2014/25/08 11:26:12.766707 globals version=0.12.20 (svn revision 5236 - 0 local modifications), built on tipua by buildd, 2013-11-07, release_build=True [II] 2014/25/08 11:26:12.766752 globals uid=1002, username=easyprot, name=easyprot, hostname=phenyx, locale=en_US, argv=[/usr/bin/winswitch_server --daemon] [II] 2014/25/08 11:26:12.766780 globals Python version 2.7.6 (default, Mar 22 2014, 22:59:56) [GCC 4.8.2] [II] 2014/25/08 11:26:12.783503 process_util.<module>() using twisted ProcessProtocol=winswitch.twisted.HiddenSpawnedProcess.HiddenSpawnedProcess [II] 2014/25/08 11:26:12.814580 DistroHelper.__init__(jessie,apt,{},{'nx': ['/usr/bin/nxproxy', '/usr/local/bin/nxproxy', '/usr/NX/bin/nxproxy'], 'windows': ['/usr/bin/rdesktop', '/usr/local/bin/rdesktop'], 'xpra': ['/usr/bin/xpra', '/usr/local/bin/xpra'], 'vnc': ['/usr/bin/vncviewer', '/usr/local/bin/vncviewer']}) [DD] 2014/25/08 11:26:12.814745 DistroHelper.find_command(nx) paths=[/usr/bin/nxproxy, /usr/local/bin/nxproxy, /usr/NX/bin/nxproxy] [II] 2014/25/08 11:26:12.814865 DistroHelper.find_command(nx) found in /usr/bin/nxproxy [DD] 2014/25/08 11:26:12.814916 DistroHelper.find_command(xpra) paths=[/usr/bin/xpra, /usr/local/bin/xpra] [II] 2014/25/08 11:26:12.814975 DistroHelper.find_command(xpra) found in /usr/bin/xpra [DD] 2014/25/08 11:26:12.815018 DistroHelper.find_command(vnc) paths=[/usr/bin/vncviewer, /usr/local/bin/vncviewer] [DD] 2014/25/08 11:26:12.823698 DistroHelper.find_command(windows) paths=[/usr/bin/rdesktop, /usr/local/bin/rdesktop] [II] 2014/25/08 11:26:12.996969 commands_util.<module>() ssh=/usr/bin/ssh, keygen=/usr/bin/ssh-keygen, xpra=/usr/bin/xpra, nxagent=/usr/bin/nxagent, nxproxy=/usr/bin/nxproxy, vncviewer=/usr/bin/vncviewer, Xvnc=/usr/bin/Xvnc, vncshadow=/usr/bin/x0vncserver, rdesktop=/usr/bin/rdesktop, java=/usr/bin/java, screen=/usr/bin/screen, xterm=/usr/bin/xterm, Xming=, xmodmap=/usr/bin/xmodmap, Xvfb=/usr/bin/Xvfb, Xnest=/usr/bin/Xephyr, cupsd=/usr/bin/cupsd, gst_capture=/usr/lib/winswitch/gst_capture, gst_playback=/usr/lib/winswitch/gst_playback, app dir=/usr/lib/winswitch/winswitch/server [II] 2014/25/08 11:26:13.007079 net_util.<module>() netifaces loaded sucessfully [II] 2014/25/08 11:26:13.007289 net_util.<module>() successfully loaded C library from [DD] 2014/25/08 11:26:13.046341 icon_cache.<module>() pixmaps_dir=['/usr/share/winswitch/icons', '/usr/share/pixmaps', '/usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps', '/usr/share/icons', '/usr/share/winswitch/wm_icons', '/usr/share/winswitch/default_icons', '/usr/share/winswitch/wm_icons', '/usr/share/winswitch/default_icons', '/usr/share/winswitch/wm_icons'] [EE] 2014/25/08 11:26:13.053504 gstreamer_util.<module>() (py)gst is missing, sound forwarding and GStreamer video streaming is disabled: No module named pygst [II] 2014/25/08 11:26:13.057213 WinSwitchServer.__init__(False) sys.argv=[/usr/bin/winswitch_server, --daemon] [II] 2014/25/08 11:26:13.057291 PortMapper.load_blacklisted_ports() this may take a few seconds... please be patient [DD] 2014/25/08 11:26:13.057385 PortMapper.load_blacklisted_ports() loading from file /etc/winswitch/ports.conf [DD] 2014/25/08 11:26:13.057427 PortMapper.load_blacklisted_ports() loaded 20 lines [II] 2014/25/08 11:26:13.063023 PortMapper.load_blacklisted_ports() blacklisted_ports above 1024: [1024, 5900, 3389] [II] 2014/25/08 11:26:13.063090 process_util.register_sigusr_debugging() signal debugging installed, use SIGUSR1/SIGUSR2 to enable/disable debug logging and frames dumping [DD] 2014/25/08 11:26:13.069629 file_io.populate_object_from_properties({..},ServerSettings(),winswitch.objects.server_settings.ServerSettings,[],[],[],True,True) [EE] 2014/25/08 11:26:13.071179 file_io.populate_object_from_properties({..},ServerSettings(),winswitch.objects.server_settings.ServerSettings,[],[],[],True,True) illegal type: <type 'NoneType'> for field gstvideo_src_plugin [DD] 2014/25/08 11:26:13.071805 config.get_local_server_config() conf=ServerSettings(phenyx), ssh_host_public_key_file= [II] 2014/25/08 11:26:13.071852 WinSwitchServer.check() found existing config=ServerSettings(phenyx) [DD] 2014/25/08 11:26:13.072167 server_portinfo.get_local_server_portinfo() ID=90588505637, port(/home/easyprot/.winswitch/server/lock/server_port)=None [II] 2014/25/08 11:26:13.078609 WinSwitchServer.start() [DD] 2014/25/08 11:26:13.079406 main_loop.loop_run() reactor uses gtk/glib main loop [II] 2014/25/08 11:26:13.079513 main_loop.loop_run() calling [DD] 2014/25/08 11:26:13.082489 process_util.get_output(['/usr/bin/xpra', '--version'],None,None,False,False) [II] 2014/25/08 11:26:13.168705 common.do_check_xpra_version_string(0.12.3) OK: xpra version matches the minimum required ([0, 7, 0]) [II] 2014/25/08 11:26:13.252792 server_settings.detect_xpra_encodings()=['vpx', 'png', 'png/L', 'png/P', 'jpeg', 'x264'] [DD] 2014/25/08 11:26:13.261407 process_util.get_output(['/usr/sbin/sshd', '-T'],None,None,False,False) [II] 2014/25/08 11:26:13.275008 ServerSettings.test_supports_ssh() OK: X11 Forwarding is enabled (config line=x11forwarding yes) [DD] 2014/25/08 11:26:13.276138 WinSwitchServer.prepare_server_config() debug_mode=True [DD] 2014/25/08 11:26:13.276417 file_io.load_properties(/home/easyprot/.winswitch/client/client.conf) is not a valid file! [II] 2014/25/08 11:26:13.276476 WinSwitchServer.prepare_server_config() configuration ready: ServerSettings(phenyx) [II] 2014/25/08 11:26:13.276536 icon_cache.populate_pixmap_lookup() this may take a few seconds.. [II] 2014/25/08 11:26:13.280824 icon_cache.populate_pixmap_lookup() pixmap cache size=133, stats={'/usr/share/winswitch/wm_icons': 18, '/usr/share/pixmaps': 15, '/usr/share/winswitch/icons': 92, '/usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps': 9, '/usr/share/winswitch/default_icons': 18, '/usr/share/icons': 33} [DD] 2014/25/08 11:26:13.280879 WinSwitchServer.load_server_start_menu() [DD] 2014/25/08 11:26:13.281836 load_desktop_menus.do_load_start_menu(['winswitch_applet', 'xpra_launcher', 'compiz', 'alltray', 'ccsm', 'avant-window-navigator', 'awn-manager', 'fusion-icon', 'vncviewer', 'nxclient', '*blueproximity*', 'bluetooth*', 'gpilotd-control-applet', 'gsynaptics', 'gnome-obex-server', 'gnome-display-properties', 'grandr', '*gdmsetup', '*gdmphotosetup', 'gnome-screensaver-preferences', 'resapplet', '*xscreensaver*', '*screenshot*', 'istanbul', 'gtk-recordMyDesktop', 'lxrandr', 'gnome-mouse-properties', 'gnome-power-preferences', '*gparted', '*jockey-gtk', 'unetbootin', 'usb-creator', 'gnome-session-properties', 'gnome-panel', 'alacarte', 'screenlets-manager', 'gnome-appearance-properties', 'onboard-settings', 'gnome-window-properties', 'lxsession-edit', 'gnome-keybinding-properties', 'gnome-keyboard-properties', 'oo*', 'openoffice*', '*battery-graph*', 'decibel-audio-player*', 'pavucontrol', 'padevchooser', 'xfce4-mixer', 'rhythmbox*', '*javaws', '*jconsole', 'openbox-session', 'konqueror*', 'chromium*', 'xdg-open*', '*/xdg-open*', 'exo-open*', 'gnome-terminal', 'mate-terminal', ''],['*'],['', 'GNOME', 'GTK', 'Application', 'Screensaver'],['screensavers']) loading from /home/easyprot/.winswitch/server/menu [DD] 2014/25/08 11:26:13.281917 load_desktop_menus.load_menu_files(/home/easyprot/.winswitch/server/menu,.desktop,True,['winswitch_applet', 'xpra_launcher', 'compiz', 'alltray', 'ccsm', 'avant-window-navigator', 'awn-manager', 'fusion-icon', 'vncviewer', 'nxclient', '*blueproximity*', 'bluetooth*', 'gpilotd-control-applet', 'gsynaptics', 'gnome-obex-server', 'gnome-display-properties', 'grandr', '*gdmsetup', '*gdmphotosetup', 'gnome-screensaver-preferences', 'resapplet', '*xscreensaver*', '*screenshot*', 'istanbul', 'gtk-recordMyDesktop', 'lxrandr', 'gnome-mouse-properties', 'gnome-power-preferences', '*gparted', '*jockey-gtk', 'unetbootin', 'usb-creator', 'gnome-session-properties', 'gnome-panel', 'alacarte', 'screenlets-manager', 'gnome-appearance-properties', 'onboard-settings', 'gnome-window-properties', 'lxsession-edit', 'gnome-keybinding-properties', 'gnome-keyboard-properties', 'oo*', 'openoffice*', '*battery-graph*', 'decibel-audio-player*', 'pavucontrol', 'padevchooser', 'xfce4-mixer', 'rhythmbox*', '*javaws', '*jconsole', 'openbox-session', 'konqueror*', 'chromium*', 'xdg-open*', '*/xdg-open*', 'exo-open*', 'gnome-terminal', 'mate-terminal', ''],['*'],['Mobile', 'KDE'],True,['screensavers'],Command) [II] 2014/25/08 11:26:13.282057 load_desktop_menus.do_load_start_menu(['winswitch_applet', 'xpra_launcher', 'compiz', 'alltray', 'ccsm', 'avant-window-navigator', 'awn-manager', 'fusion-icon', 'vncviewer', 'nxclient', '*blueproximity*', 'bluetooth*', 'gpilotd-control-applet', 'gsynaptics', 'gnome-obex-server', 'gnome-display-properties', 'grandr', '*gdmsetup', '*gdmphotosetup', 'gnome-screensaver-preferences', 'resapplet', '*xscreensaver*', '*screenshot*', 'istanbul', 'gtk-recordMyDesktop', 'lxrandr', 'gnome-mouse-properties', 'gnome-power-preferences', '*gparted', '*jockey-gtk', 'unetbootin', 'usb-creator', 'gnome-session-properties', 'gnome-panel', 'alacarte', 'screenlets-manager', 'gnome-appearance-properties', 'onboard-settings', 'gnome-window-properties', 'lxsession-edit', 'gnome-keybinding-properties', 'gnome-keyboard-properties', 'oo*', 'openoffice*', '*battery-graph*', 'decibel-audio-player*', 'pavucontrol', 'padevchooser', 'xfce4-mixer', 'rhythmbox*', '*javaws', '*jconsole', 'openbox-session', 'konqueror*', 'chromium*', 'xdg-open*', '*/xdg-open*', 'exo-open*', 'gnome-terminal', 'mate-terminal', ''],['*'],['', 'GNOME', 'GTK', 'Application', 'Screensaver'],['screensavers']) no files found in /home/easyprot/.winswitch/server/menu, using system locations: ['/usr/local/share/applications', '/usr/share/applications', '/home/easyprot/.local/share/applications'] [DD] 2014/25/08 11:26:13.282132 load_desktop_menus.load_menu_files(/usr/local/share/applications,.desktop,True,['winswitch_applet', 'xpra_launcher', 'compiz', 'alltray', 'ccsm', 'avant-window-navigator', 'awn-manager', 'fusion-icon', 'vncviewer', 'nxclient', '*blueproximity*', 'bluetooth*', 'gpilotd-control-applet', 'gsynaptics', 'gnome-obex-server', 'gnome-display-properties', 'grandr', '*gdmsetup', '*gdmphotosetup', 'gnome-screensaver-preferences', 'resapplet', '*xscreensaver*', '*screenshot*', 'istanbul', 'gtk-recordMyDesktop', 'lxrandr', 'gnome-mouse-properties', 'gnome-power-preferences', '*gparted', '*jockey-gtk', 'unetbootin', 'usb-creator', 'gnome-session-properties', 'gnome-panel', 'alacarte', 'screenlets-manager', 'gnome-appearance-properties', 'onboard-settings', 'gnome-window-properties', 'lxsession-edit', 'gnome-keybinding-properties', 'gnome-keyboard-properties', 'oo*', 'openoffice*', '*battery-graph*', 'decibel-audio-player*', 'pavucontrol', 'padevchooser', 'xfce4-mixer', 'rhythmbox*', '*javaws', '*jconsole', 'openbox-session', 'konqueror*', 'chromium*', 'xdg-open*', '*/xdg-open*', 'exo-open*', 'gnome-terminal', 'mate-terminal', ''],['*'],['Mobile', 'KDE'],True,['screensavers'],Command) [DD] 2014/25/08 11:26:13.282222 load_desktop_menus.load_menu_files(/usr/share/applications,.desktop,True,['winswitch_applet', 'xpra_launcher', 'compiz', 'alltray', 'ccsm', 'avant-window-navigator', 'awn-manager', 'fusion-icon', 'vncviewer', 'nxclient', '*blueproximity*', 'bluetooth*', 'gpilotd-control-applet', 'gsynaptics', 'gnome-obex-server', 'gnome-display-properties', 'grandr', '*gdmsetup', '*gdmphotosetup', 'gnome-screensaver-preferences', 'resapplet', '*xscreensaver*', '*screenshot*', 'istanbul', 'gtk-recordMyDesktop', 'lxrandr', 'gnome-mouse-properties', 'gnome-power-preferences', '*gparted', '*jockey-gtk', 'unetbootin', 'usb-creator', 'gnome-session-properties', 'gnome-panel', 'alacarte', 'screenlets-manager', 'gnome-appearance-properties', 'onboard-settings', 'gnome-window-properties', 'lxsession-edit', 'gnome-keybinding-properties', 'gnome-keyboard-properties', 'oo*', 'openoffice*', '*battery-graph*', 'decibel-audio-player*', 'pavucontrol', 'padevchooser', 'xfce4-mixer', 'rhythmbox*', '*javaws', '*jconsole', 'openbox-session', 'konqueror*', 'chromium*', 'xdg-open*', '*/xdg-open*', 'exo-open*', 'gnome-terminal', 'mate-terminal', ''],['*'],['Mobile', 'KDE'],True,['screensavers'],Command) [DD] 2014/25/08 11:26:13.296700 load_desktop_menus.load_menu_files(/home/easyprot/.local/share/applications,.desktop,True,['winswitch_applet', 'xpra_launcher', 'compiz', 'alltray', 'ccsm', 'avant-window-navigator', 'awn-manager', 'fusion-icon', 'vncviewer', 'nxclient', '*blueproximity*', 'bluetooth*', 'gpilotd-control-applet', 'gsynaptics', 'gnome-obex-server', 'gnome-display-properties', 'grandr', '*gdmsetup', '*gdmphotosetup', 'gnome-screensaver-preferences', 'resapplet', '*xscreensaver*', '*screenshot*', 'istanbul', 'gtk-recordMyDesktop', 'lxrandr', 'gnome-mouse-properties', 'gnome-power-preferences', '*gparted', '*jockey-gtk', 'unetbootin', 'usb-creator', 'gnome-session-properties', 'gnome-panel', 'alacarte', 'screenlets-manager', 'gnome-appearance-properties', 'onboard-settings', 'gnome-window-properties', 'lxsession-edit', 'gnome-keybinding-properties', 'gnome-keyboard-properties', 'oo*', 'openoffice*', '*battery-graph*', 'decibel-audio-player*', 'pavucontrol', 'padevchooser', 'xfce4-mixer', 'rhythmbox*', '*javaws', '*jconsole', 'openbox-session', 'konqueror*', 'chromium*', 'xdg-open*', '*/xdg-open*', 'exo-open*', 'gnome-terminal', 'mate-terminal', ''],['*'],['Mobile', 'KDE'],True,['screensavers'],Command) [DD] 2014/25/08 11:26:13.296764 load_desktop_menus.load_menu_files(/usr/share/desktop-directories,.directory,False,None,['*'],['Mobile', 'KDE'],True,[],Category) [DD] 2014/25/08 11:26:13.296808 load_desktop_menus.load_menu_files(/usr/local/share/desktop-directories,.directory,False,None,['*'],['Mobile', 'KDE'],True,[],Category) [II] 2014/25/08 11:26:13.296858 load_desktop_menus.do_load_start_menu(['winswitch_applet', 'xpra_launcher', 'compiz', 'alltray', 'ccsm', 'avant-window-navigator', 'awn-manager', 'fusion-icon', 'vncviewer', 'nxclient', '*blueproximity*', 'bluetooth*', 'gpilotd-control-applet', 'gsynaptics', 'gnome-obex-server', 'gnome-display-properties', 'grandr', '*gdmsetup', '*gdmphotosetup', 'gnome-screensaver-preferences', 'resapplet', '*xscreensaver*', '*screenshot*', 'istanbul', 'gtk-recordMyDesktop', 'lxrandr', 'gnome-mouse-properties', 'gnome-power-preferences', '*gparted', '*jockey-gtk', 'unetbootin', 'usb-creator', 'gnome-session-properties', 'gnome-panel', 'alacarte', 'screenlets-manager', 'gnome-appearance-properties', 'onboard-settings', 'gnome-window-properties', 'lxsession-edit', 'gnome-keybinding-properties', 'gnome-keyboard-properties', 'oo*', 'openoffice*', '*battery-graph*', 'decibel-audio-player*', 'pavucontrol', 'padevchooser', 'xfce4-mixer', 'rhythmbox*', '*javaws', '*jconsole', 'openbox-session', 'konqueror*', 'chromium*', 'xdg-open*', '*/xdg-open*', 'exo-open*', 'gnome-terminal', 'mate-terminal', ''],['*'],['', 'GNOME', 'GTK', 'Application', 'Screensaver'],['screensavers']) loaded 13 commands and 0 directories [DD] 2014/25/08 11:26:13.296927 load_desktop_menus.load_xsessions(['startmoblin'],['*']) loading from /home/easyprot/.winswitch/server/xsessions [DD] 2014/25/08 11:26:13.296961 load_desktop_menus.load_menu_files(/home/easyprot/.winswitch/server/xsessions,.desktop,True,None,['*'],['Mobile', 'KDE'],True,[],Desktop) [II] 2014/25/08 11:26:13.297025 load_desktop_menus.load_xsessions(['startmoblin'],['*']) no files found in /home/easyprot/.winswitch/server/xsessions, using system locations: ['/usr/share/xsessions', '/usr/local/share/xsessions'] [DD] 2014/25/08 11:26:13.297062 load_desktop_menus.load_menu_files(/usr/share/xsessions,.desktop,True,['startmoblin'],['*'],['Mobile', 'KDE'],True,[],Desktop) [DD] 2014/25/08 11:26:13.297104 load_desktop_menus.load_menu_files(/usr/local/share/xsessions,.desktop,True,['startmoblin'],['*'],['Mobile', 'KDE'],True,[],Desktop) [DD] 2014/25/08 11:26:13.297145 load_desktop_menus.load_xsessions(['startmoblin'],['*'])=[] [DD] 2014/25/08 11:26:13.297205 load_desktop_menus.load_menu_files(/home/easyprot/.winswitch/server/actions,.desktop,True,None,['*'],['Mobile', 'KDE'],True,[],Action) [DD] 2014/25/08 11:26:13.297465 load_desktop_menus.load_actions()=[Action(Browse: None)] [II] 2014/25/08 11:26:13.297498 WinSwitchServer.load_server_start_menu() found 13 server commands, 0 menu directories, 0 desktop commands, 1 shortcuts [DD] 2014/25/08 11:26:13.297579 WinSwitchServer.detect_X_locks() found lockfile .X11-unix, marking port 6011 as taken [DD] 2014/25/08 11:26:13.297609 WinSwitchServer.detect_X_locks() detected ports: [6011] [II] 2014/25/08 11:26:13.298180 WinSwitchServer.assign_fs_utils() fs_client_helpers={'nfs': <winswitch.fs.nfs_client_helper.NFS_Client_Helper instance at 0x7f57ed2eb950>, 'smb': <winswitch.fs.smb_client_helper.Samba_Client_Helper instance at 0x7f57ed2eb830>} [II] 2014/25/08 11:26:13.312605 utmp_wrapper.<module>() getutents=<function python_utmp_getutents at 0x7f57e9d55410> [DD] 2014/25/08 11:26:13.312943 file_io.populate_object_from_properties({..},<winswitch.virt.screen_server_util.ScreenServerUtil instance at 0x7f57e9d4d1b8>,<type 'instance'>,[enabled],[],[],True,True) [II] 2014/25/08 11:26:13.313011 ScreenServerUtil.load_config()={} [DD] 2014/25/08 11:26:13.313055 ScreenServerUtil.detect_sessions() not implemented for screen [DD] 2014/25/08 11:26:13.313299 file_io.populate_object_from_properties({..},<winswitch.virt.xpra_server_util.XpraServerUtil instance at 0x7f57e9dae4d0>,<type 'instance'>,[# support for xpra sessions:, enabled, # the TCP port number offset we try to allocate from, port_base, # when detecting new sessions, use this delay to batch detection, batch_detect_sessions_delay, # log all session output (debugging), debug_log_read, # how long to wait before assuming the session has timed out, session_start_timeout, # test the version of all xpra sessions found and upgrade them if needed, auto_upgrade_xpra_sessions, # also force the upgrade when the version is already the latest, auto_upgrade_same_version, # when we find xpra sessions started externally, restart them so they can be used with winswitch, capture_external_sessions, # start the server in debug mode (very verbose!), xpra_server_debug_mode, # when a session starts, ignore its socket status during the grace period, start_grace_delay],[],[],True,True) [II] 2014/25/08 11:26:13.313400 XpraServerUtil.load_config()={} [DD] 2014/25/08 11:26:13.313611 file_io.populate_object_from_properties({..},<winswitch.virt.localX11_server_util.LocalX11ServerUtil instance at 0x7f57e9d4d9e0>,<type 'instance'>,[# support for X11 sessions:, enabled, # the TCP port number offset we try to allocate from, port_base, # when detecting new sessions, use this delay to batch detection, batch_detect_sessions_delay, # the name of the session for display :0, display0_session_name, # the prefix for session names (the display number will be appended to it), display_session_name_prefix, # x11 display numbers higher than this value will be ignored, max_x11_display_number],[],[],True,True) [II] 2014/25/08 11:26:13.313686 LocalX11ServerUtil.load_config()={} [DD] 2014/25/08 11:26:13.313980 file_io.populate_object_from_properties({..},<winswitch.virt.nx_server_util.NXServerUtil instance at 0x7f57e9dbacf8>,<type 'instance'>,[# support for nx sessions:, enabled, # the TCP port number offset we try to allocate from, port_base, # log all session output (debugging), debug_log_read, # how long to wait before assuming the session has timed out, session_start_timeout, # default options for the nxagent configuration file, default_nxagent_options],[],[],True,True) [II] 2014/25/08 11:26:13.314327 NXServerUtil.load_config()={} [DD] 2014/25/08 11:26:13.315124 file_io.populate_object_from_properties({..},ServerSession( - - ),winswitch.objects.server_session.ServerSession,[],[],[],True,True) [DD] 2014/25/08 11:26:13.315569 config.load_session_icon(:117) loaded 0 from /home/easyprot/.winswitch/server/sessions/117/session.icon [DD] 2014/25/08 11:26:13.315606 WinSwitchServer.load_existing_session_files() found xpra session on display :117 in state starting [DD] 2014/25/08 11:26:13.315920 file_io.populate_object_from_properties({..},ServerSession( - - ),winswitch.objects.server_session.ServerSession,[],[],[],True,True) [DD] 2014/25/08 11:26:13.316163 config.load_session_icon(:62) loaded 0 from /home/easyprot/.winswitch/server/sessions/62/session.icon [DD] 2014/25/08 11:26:13.316193 WinSwitchServer.load_existing_session_files() found xpra session on display :62 in state starting [DD] 2014/25/08 11:26:13.316516 file_io.populate_object_from_properties({..},ServerSession( - - ),winswitch.objects.server_session.ServerSession,[],[],[],True,True) [DD] 2014/25/08 11:26:13.317003 config.load_session_icon(:60) loaded 128 from /home/easyprot/.winswitch/server/sessions/60/session.icon [DD] 2014/25/08 11:26:13.317038 WinSwitchServer.load_existing_session_files() found xpra session on display :60 in state closed [DD] 2014/25/08 11:26:13.317478 file_io.populate_object_from_properties({..},ServerSession( - - ),winswitch.objects.server_session.ServerSession,[],[],[],True,True) [DD] 2014/25/08 11:26:13.317697 config.load_session_icon(:61) loaded 0 from /home/easyprot/.winswitch/server/sessions/61/session.icon [DD] 2014/25/08 11:26:13.317727 WinSwitchServer.load_existing_session_files() found xpra session on display :61 in state starting [II] 2014/25/08 11:26:13.317824 ScreenServerUtil.zap_existing_sessions([]) [DD] 2014/25/08 11:26:13.317865 process_util.get_output(['/usr/bin/screen', '-ls'],None,None,False,False) [EE] 2014/25/08 11:26:13.327233 XpraServerUtil.may_warn(ServerSession(:117 - xpra - starting)) session does not have a server_process_pid, assuming it is dead and deleting it [EE] 2014/25/08 11:26:13.327385 XpraServerUtil.may_warn(ServerSession(:62 - xpra - starting)) session does not have a server_process_pid, assuming it is dead and deleting it [EE] 2014/25/08 11:26:13.327432 XpraServerUtil.may_warn(ServerSession(:61 - xpra - starting)) session does not have a server_process_pid, assuming it is dead and deleting it [II] 2014/25/08 11:26:13.328373 XpraServerUtil.detect_sessions() found: [('UNKNOWN', ':117'), ('UNKNOWN', ':60')] [DD] 2014/25/08 11:26:13.329096 file_io.populate_object_from_properties({..},ServerSession( - - ),winswitch.objects.server_session.ServerSession,[],[],[],True,True) [DD] 2014/25/08 11:26:13.329480 config.load_session_icon(:117) loaded 0 from /home/easyprot/.winswitch/server/sessions/117/session.icon [II] 2014/25/08 11:26:13.329541 XpraServerUtil.detected_new_session(UNKNOWN,:117) found session details on disk: state=starting, preload=True [DD] 2014/25/08 11:26:13.329589 XpraServerUtil.add_local_user(easyprot,None) [DD] 2014/25/08 11:26:13.329690 WinSwitchServer.add_new_session(ServerSession(:117 - xpra - starting)) can_capture=True, screen_capture_command= [II] 2014/25/08 11:26:13.329781 WinSwitchServer.send_session_to_all(ServerSession(:117 - xpra - starting)) clients=[] [DD] 2014/25/08 11:26:13.329851 FirewallUtil.call_script(['ADD', '', '15118']) firewall_script=/usr/lib/winswitch/firewall [II] 2014/25/08 11:26:13.329899 FirewallUtil.call_script(['ADD', '', '15118']) firewall script disabled [DD] 2014/25/08 11:26:13.330362 file_io.populate_object_from_properties({..},ServerSession( - - ),winswitch.objects.server_session.ServerSession,[],[],[],True,True) [DD] 2014/25/08 11:26:13.330770 config.load_session_icon(:60) loaded 128 from /home/easyprot/.winswitch/server/sessions/60/session.icon [II] 2014/25/08 11:26:13.330823 XpraServerUtil.detected_new_session(UNKNOWN,:60) found session details on disk: state=closed, preload=False [DD] 2014/25/08 11:26:13.330879 XpraServerUtil.add_local_user(easyprot,None) [DD] 2014/25/08 11:26:13.330944 WinSwitchServer.add_new_session(ServerSession(:60 - xpra - closed)) can_capture=False, screen_capture_command= [II] 2014/25/08 11:26:13.330987 WinSwitchServer.send_session_to_all(ServerSession(:60 - xpra - closed)) clients=[] [DD] 2014/25/08 11:26:13.331037 WinSwitchServer.update_session_status(ServerSession(:60 - xpra - closed),closed,None) session already removed [DD] 2014/25/08 11:26:13.331081 FirewallUtil.call_script(['ADD', '', '15061']) firewall_script=/usr/lib/winswitch/firewall [DD] 2014/25/08 11:26:13.331219 process_util.twisted_exec(['/usr/bin/xpra', 'version', ':117'],<function got_version at 0x7f57e9d60938>,<function err_version at 0x7f57e9d608c0>,None,None) [DD] 2014/25/08 11:26:13.331434 ProcessOutput.start() usePTY=False, env={'PATH': '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games', 'PWD': '/home/easyprot', 'LOGNAME': 'easyprot', 'USER': 'easyprot', 'HOME': '/home/easyprot'}, cmd=['/usr/bin/xpra', 'version', ':117'] [DD] 2014/25/08 11:26:13.338088 ProcessOutput.connectionMade() [DD] 2014/25/08 11:26:13.338395 process_util.twisted_exec(['/usr/bin/xpra', 'version', ':60'],<function got_version at 0x7f57e9d60cf8>,<function err_version at 0x7f57e9d60c80>,None,None) [DD] 2014/25/08 11:26:13.338640 ProcessOutput.start() usePTY=False, env={'PATH': '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games', 'PWD': '/home/easyprot', 'LOGNAME': 'easyprot', 'USER': 'easyprot', 'HOME': '/home/easyprot'}, cmd=['/usr/bin/xpra', 'version', ':60'] [DD] 2014/25/08 11:26:13.344549 ProcessOutput.connectionMade() [II] 2014/25/08 11:26:13.344881 LocalX11ServerUtil.zap_existing_sessions([]) [II] 2014/25/08 11:26:13.344927 LocalX11ServerUtil.detect_existing_sessions() found getutents=<function python_utmp_getutents at 0x7f57e9d55410>, we should be able to detect local displays [DD] 2014/25/08 11:26:13.344958 LocalX11ServerUtil.detect_local_displays() [DD] 2014/25/08 11:26:13.345391 LocalX11ServerUtil.detect_local_displays() <function python_utmp_getutents at 0x7f57e9d55410>()=[7 7127 pts/3 pts/3 easyprot 0 None 1408952164 (-701997950, 0, 0, 0), 7 6176 pts/2 pts/2 david 0 None 1408951599 (-701997950, 0, 0, 0), 7 6113 pts/0 pts/0 easyprot 0 None 1408951564 (-701997950, 0, 0, 0)] [DD] 2014/25/08 11:26:13.345440 LocalX11ServerUtil.X11_display(pts/3) skipped pts 7 7127 pts/3 pts/3 easyprot 0 None 1408952164 (-701997950, 0, 0, 0) [DD] 2014/25/08 11:26:13.345480 LocalX11ServerUtil.X11_display(dkf40-214) utmp entry <winswitch.virt.utmp_wrapper.utmp_rec instance at 0x7f57e9d6ddd0> does not look like a display or tty [DD] 2014/25/08 11:26:13.345516 LocalX11ServerUtil.detect_local_displays() session 7 6176 pts/2 pts/2 david 0 None 1408951599 (-701997950, 0, 0, 0) ignored (owned by david) [DD] 2014/25/08 11:26:13.345554 LocalX11ServerUtil.X11_display(pts/0) skipped pts 7 6113 pts/0 pts/0 easyprot 0 None 1408951564 (-701997950, 0, 0, 0) [DD] 2014/25/08 11:26:13.345586 LocalX11ServerUtil.X11_display(dkf40-214) utmp entry <winswitch.virt.utmp_wrapper.utmp_rec instance at 0x7f57e9d6de18> does not look like a display or tty [DD] 2014/25/08 11:26:13.345612 LocalX11ServerUtil.detect_local_displays() testing: {} [DD] 2014/25/08 11:26:13.346064 LocalX11ServerUtil.detect_existing_sessions() watching for wtmp traffic using <__main__.GInotifyFileMonitor object at 0x7f57e9d78550 (GInotifyFileMonitor at 0x20a5b70)> [DD] 2014/25/08 11:26:13.346156 ScreenServerUtil.setup_directory_watcher() watching [] [DD] 2014/25/08 11:26:13.346191 XpraServerUtil.setup_directory_watcher() watching [/home/easyprot/.xpra] [DD] 2014/25/08 11:26:13.346271 LocalX11ServerUtil.setup_directory_watcher() watching [] [DD] 2014/25/08 11:26:13.346303 NXServerUtil.setup_directory_watcher() watching [] [II] 2014/25/08 11:26:13.346358 WinSwitchServer.assign_virt_utils()={'nx': <winswitch.virt.nx_server_util.NXServerUtil instance at 0x7f57e9dbacf8>, 'X11': <winswitch.virt.localX11_server_util.LocalX11ServerUtil instance at 0x7f57e9d4d9e0>, 'screen': <winswitch.virt.screen_server_util.ScreenServerUtil instance at 0x7f57e9d4d1b8>, 'xpra': <winswitch.virt.xpra_server_util.XpraServerUtil instance at 0x7f57e9dae4d0>} [DD] 2014/25/08 11:26:13.346542 WinSwitchServer.selinux_callback(False,False,SELinux is not enabled) [DD] 2014/25/08 11:26:13.346620 ClientChannelFactory.__init__(WinSwitchServer(90588505637),True) [II] 2014/25/08 11:26:13.350194 WinSwitchServer.setup_local_listener() listening on local socket '/home/easyprot/.winswitch/server/socket' [DD] 2014/25/08 11:26:13.350257 ClientChannelFactory.__init__(WinSwitchServer(90588505637),False) [DD] 2014/25/08 11:26:13.350305 net_util.tcp_listen_on(ClientChannelFactory(WinSwitchServer(90588505637),False),*:) [DD] 2014/25/08 11:26:13.351011 net_util.tcp_listen_on() listening on '' port '43551' [II] 2014/25/08 11:26:13.351053 WinSwitchServer.setup_tcp_listeners() started listening on: [('', 43551)] [DD] 2014/25/08 11:26:13.351496 WinSwitchServer.save_port_file() [DD] 2014/25/08 11:26:13.420295 ProcessOutput.processExited([Failure instance: Traceback (failure with no frames): <class 'twisted.internet.error.ProcessTerminated'>: A process has ended with a probable error condition: process ended with exit code 1.\n]) Failure (command=['/usr/bin/xpra', 'version', ':117']), exitCode=1 [DD] 2014/25/08 11:26:13.420476 ProcessOutput.processEnded([Failure instance: Traceback (failure with no frames): <class 'twisted.internet.error.ProcessTerminated'>: A process has ended with a probable error condition: process ended with exit code 1.\n]) [EE] 2014/25/08 11:26:13.420524 XpraServerUtil.err_version(connection failed: [Errno 111] Connection refused) [DD] 2014/25/08 11:26:13.420576 process_util.twisted_exec(['/usr/bin/xpra', 'info', ':117'],<function got_info at 0x7f57e9d84c08>,<function err_info at 0x7f57e9d60aa0>,None,None) [DD] 2014/25/08 11:26:13.420740 ProcessOutput.start() usePTY=False, env={'PATH': '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games', 'PWD': '/home/easyprot', 'LOGNAME': 'easyprot', 'USER': 'easyprot', 'HOME': '/home/easyprot'}, cmd=['/usr/bin/xpra', 'info', ':117'] [DD] 2014/25/08 11:26:13.427091 ProcessOutput.connectionMade() [DD] 2014/25/08 11:26:13.429500 ProcessOutput.processExited([Failure instance: Traceback (failure with no frames): <class 'twisted.internet.error.ProcessTerminated'>: A process has ended with a probable error condition: process ended with exit code 1.\n]) Failure (command=['/usr/bin/xpra', 'version', ':60']), exitCode=1 [DD] 2014/25/08 11:26:13.429619 ProcessOutput.processEnded([Failure instance: Traceback (failure with no frames): <class 'twisted.internet.error.ProcessTerminated'>: A process has ended with a probable error condition: process ended with exit code 1.\n]) [EE] 2014/25/08 11:26:13.429666 XpraServerUtil.err_version(connection failed: [Errno 111] Connection refused) [DD] 2014/25/08 11:26:13.429716 process_util.twisted_exec(['/usr/bin/xpra', 'info', ':60'],<function got_info at 0x7f57e9d60de8>,<function err_info at 0x7f57e9d60e60>,None,None) [DD] 2014/25/08 11:26:13.429880 ProcessOutput.start() usePTY=False, env={'PATH': '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games', 'PWD': '/home/easyprot', 'LOGNAME': 'easyprot', 'USER': 'easyprot', 'HOME': '/home/easyprot'}, cmd=['/usr/bin/xpra', 'info', ':60'] [DD] 2014/25/08 11:26:13.435589 ProcessOutput.connectionMade() [DD] 2014/25/08 11:26:13.508707 ProcessOutput.processExited([Failure instance: Traceback (failure with no frames): <class 'twisted.internet.error.ProcessTerminated'>: A process has ended with a probable error condition: process ended with exit code 1.\n]) Failure (command=['/usr/bin/xpra', 'info', ':117']), exitCode=1 [DD] 2014/25/08 11:26:13.508873 ProcessOutput.processEnded([Failure instance: Traceback (failure with no frames): <class 'twisted.internet.error.ProcessTerminated'>: A process has ended with a probable error condition: process ended with exit code 1.\n]) [II] 2014/25/08 11:26:13.508918 XpraServerUtil.err_info(connection failed: [Errno 111] Connection refused) [EE] 2014/25/08 11:26:13.508998 ProcessOutput.processEnded([Failure instance: Traceback (failure with no frames): <class 'twisted.internet.error.ProcessTerminated'>: A process has ended with a probable error condition: process ended with exit code 1.\n]) ok_callback=<function got_info at 0x7f57e9d84c08>, err_callback=<function err_info at 0x7f57e9d60aa0> [ee] 2014/25/08 11:26:13.509534 Traceback (most recent call last): [ee] 2014/25/08 11:26:13.509560 File "/usr/lib/winswitch/winswitch/util/", line 417, in processEnded [ee] 2014/25/08 11:26:13.509583 self.err_callback(out) [ee] 2014/25/08 11:26:13.509603 File "/usr/lib/winswitch/winswitch/virt/", line 427, in err_info [ee] 2014/25/08 11:26:13.509621 callback() [ee] 2014/25/08 11:26:13.509641 File "/usr/lib/winswitch/winswitch/virt/", line 487, in after_getting_info [ee] 2014/25/08 11:26:13.509659 with_version(self.auto_upgrade_same_version) [ee] 2014/25/08 11:26:13.509678 File "/usr/lib/winswitch/winswitch/virt/", line 474, in with_version [ee] 2014/25/08 11:26:13.509699 self.sdebug("xpra_version=%s" % session.xpra_version, force_upgrade) [ee] 2014/25/08 11:26:13.509718 AttributeError: ServerSession instance has no attribute 'xpra_version' [DD] 2014/25/08 11:26:13.517494 ProcessOutput.processExited([Failure instance: Traceback (failure with no frames): <class 'twisted.internet.error.ProcessTerminated'>: A process has ended with a probable error condition: process ended with exit code 1.\n]) Failure (command=['/usr/bin/xpra', 'info', ':60']), exitCode=1 [DD] 2014/25/08 11:26:13.517576 ProcessOutput.processEnded([Failure instance: Traceback (failure with no frames): <class 'twisted.internet.error.ProcessTerminated'>: A process has ended with a probable error condition: process ended with exit code 1.\n]) [II] 2014/25/08 11:26:13.517609 XpraServerUtil.err_info(connection failed: [Errno 111] Connection refused) [EE] 2014/25/08 11:26:13.517659 ProcessOutput.processEnded([Failure instance: Traceback (failure with no frames): <class 'twisted.internet.error.ProcessTerminated'>: A process has ended with a probable error condition: process ended with exit code 1.\n]) ok_callback=<function got_info at 0x7f57e9d60de8>, err_callback=<function err_info at 0x7f57e9d60e60> [ee] 2014/25/08 11:26:13.517734 Traceback (most recent call last): [ee] 2014/25/08 11:26:13.517757 File "/usr/lib/winswitch/winswitch/util/", line 417, in processEnded [ee] 2014/25/08 11:26:13.517776 self.err_callback(out) [ee] 2014/25/08 11:26:13.517796 File "/usr/lib/winswitch/winswitch/virt/", line 427, in err_info [ee] 2014/25/08 11:26:13.517814 callback() [ee] 2014/25/08 11:26:13.517834 File "/usr/lib/winswitch/winswitch/virt/", line 487, in after_getting_info [ee] 2014/25/08 11:26:13.517852 with_version(self.auto_upgrade_same_version) [ee] 2014/25/08 11:26:13.517871 File "/usr/lib/winswitch/winswitch/virt/", line 474, in with_version [ee] 2014/25/08 11:26:13.517890 self.sdebug("xpra_version=%s" % session.xpra_version, force_upgrade) [ee] 2014/25/08 11:26:13.517909 AttributeError: ServerSession instance has no attribute 'xpra_version' [DD] 2014/25/08 11:26:14.352914 WinSwitchServer.publish() [II] 2014/25/08 11:26:14.352966 WinSwitchServer.publish() mDNS_publish=False [DD] 2014/25/08 11:26:17.659948 WinSwitchClientChannel.connectionMade() via local socket [DD] 2014/25/08 11:26:17.661579 ProtocolHandler.__init__(ServerSettings(phenyx),<bound method WinSwitchClientChannel.send_message of <winswitch.server.client_channel.WinSwitchClientChannel instance at 0x7f57e990a4d0>>) [DD] 2014/25/08 11:26:17.661893 WinSwitchClientChannel.get_handler() adding local handlers [II] 2014/25/08 11:26:17.756635 ProtocolHandler.do_set_salt(86a2cfcc5451498ea82e7a7f86dd4602) previous salt=None [DD] 2014/25/08 11:26:17.756703 ProtocolHandler.check_parse_version(3,0.12.20) [II] 2014/25/08 11:26:17.756760 common.check_remote_version([0, 12, 20]) OK: remote application version matches the minimum required ([0, 12, 8]) [II] 2014/25/08 11:26:17.756803 WinSwitchClientChannel.sync_local() [DD] 2014/25/08 11:26:17.771681 crypt_util.sign_long(<type 'instance'>,86a2cfcc5451498ea82e7a7f86dd4602)=1461272594800494023436076331067834803874559546437881165395364463204194039362018812745239958918635... [II] 2014/25/08 11:26:17.818487 WinSwitchClientChannel.add_user(('easyprot', 'Administrator', 'Administrator', '913860e1cef64bc59c219acd8af3b228', 'pc-PC', '2220...) [II] 2014/25/08 11:26:17.818738 WinSwitchClientChannel.do_add_user(58952511253550908...,b242991865c0fa80d...,User(Administrator : 913860e1cef64bc59c219acd8af3b228)) remote host=, tunneled=True [II] 2014/25/08 11:26:17.819087 WinSwitchClientChannel.check_signature(<_RSAobj @0x7f57e9933290 n(2048),e>,58952511253550908...,b9a4f7404e964ca1a332f7c49a6bde33)=True [II] 2014/25/08 11:26:17.819121 WinSwitchClientChannel.do_add_user(58952511253550908...,b242991865c0fa80d...,User(Administrator : 913860e1cef64bc59c219acd8af3b228)) local socket connection, not checking password [DD] 2014/25/08 11:26:17.819171 WinSwitchClientChannel.do_add_user(58952511253550908...,b242991865c0fa80d...,User(Administrator : 913860e1cef64bc59c219acd8af3b228)) existing connection=None [DD] 2014/25/08 11:26:17.819367 WinSwitchServer.add_local_user(easyprot,913860e1cef64bc59c219acd8af3b228,xpra) [DD] 2014/25/08 11:26:17.819429 ScreenServerUtil.add_local_user(easyprot,913860e1cef64bc59c219acd8af3b228) [DD] 2014/25/08 11:26:17.819465 XpraServerUtil.add_local_user(easyprot,913860e1cef64bc59c219acd8af3b228) [DD] 2014/25/08 11:26:17.819501 LocalX11ServerUtil.add_local_user(easyprot) [DD] 2014/25/08 11:26:17.819527 LocalX11ServerUtil.add_local_user(easyprot,913860e1cef64bc59c219acd8af3b228) [DD] 2014/25/08 11:26:17.819560 LocalX11ServerUtil.schedule_detect_local_displays(800) detect_local_displays_pending=False [DD] 2014/25/08 11:26:17.819652 NXServerUtil.add_local_user(easyprot,913860e1cef64bc59c219acd8af3b228) [DD] 2014/25/08 11:26:17.819684 WinSwitchClientChannel.logged_in_ok(User(Administrator : 913860e1cef64bc59c219acd8af3b228)) username=easyprot, uuid=913860e1cef64bc59c219acd8af3b228 [DD] 2014/25/08 11:26:17.819841 WinSwitchServer.add_client(WinSwitchClientChannel(User(Administrator : 913860e1cef64bc59c219acd8af3b228))) user=User(Administrator : 913860e1cef64bc59c219acd8af3b228) [DD] 2014/25/08 11:26:17.819923 WinSwitchClientChannel.send_tunnel_ports() tunnel_printer=False, user.local_ipp_port=0, FORCE_IPP_TUNNEL=False [DD] 2014/25/08 11:26:17.819953 WinSwitchClientChannel.send_tunnel_ports() tunnel_fs=False, user.local_samba_port=139, FORCE_SAMBA_TUNNEL=False [DD] 2014/25/08 11:26:17.849535 ProtocolHandler.do_set_user_icon(913860e1cef64bc59c219acd8af3b228,..) user=User(Administrator : 913860e1cef64bc59c219acd8af3b228) [DD] 2014/25/08 11:26:17.849597 WinSwitchClientChannel.handle_command(set_user_icon '913860e1cef64bc59c219acd8af3b228','base64:iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAADAAAAAwCAYAAABX...) forwarding command to all clients [II] 2014/25/08 11:26:17.849643 WinSwitchServer.send_all(set_user_icon '913860e1cef64bc59c219acd8af3b228','base64:iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAADAAAAAwCAYAAABX...,WinSwitchClientChannel(User(Administrator : 913860e1cef64bc59c219acd8af3b228))) clients=[WinSwitchClientChannel(User(Administrator : 913860e1cef64bc59c219acd8af3b228))] [DD] 2014/25/08 11:26:17.849694 ProtocolHandler.check_parse_version(3,0.12.20) [II] 2014/25/08 11:26:17.849741 common.check_remote_version([0, 12, 20]) OK: remote application version matches the minimum required ([0, 12, 8]) [II] 2014/25/08 11:26:17.849781 WinSwitchClientChannel.sync() [II] 2014/25/08 11:26:17.850095 WinSwitchClientChannel.send_server_commands() sent 0 items of type directory, 6 items of type command, 0 items of type desktops, 1 items of type actions [II] 2014/25/08 11:26:17.850125 WinSwitchClientChannel.send_visible_users() [II] 2014/25/08 11:26:17.850218 WinSwitchClientChannel.send_accessible_sessions() [DD] 2014/25/08 11:26:17.916046 icon_util.load_pixmap_file(/usr/share/pixmaps/htop.png,48) gtk pixmap load failed [DD] 2014/25/08 11:26:17.916910 icon_util.load_pixmap_file(/usr/share/icons/hicolor/16x16/apps/openjdk-6.png,48) gtk pixmap load failed [DD] 2014/25/08 11:26:17.917609 icon_util.load_pixmap_file(/usr/share/icons/hicolor/16x16/apps/openjdk-7.png,48) gtk pixmap load failed [DD] 2014/25/08 11:26:17.918854 icon_util.load_pixmap_file(/usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/visualvm.xpm,48) gtk pixmap load failed [DD] 2014/25/08 11:26:18.620558 LocalX11ServerUtil.detect_local_displays() [DD] 2014/25/08 11:26:18.621060 LocalX11ServerUtil.detect_local_displays() <function python_utmp_getutents at 0x7f57e9d55410>()=[7 7127 pts/3 pts/3 easyprot 0 None 1408952164 (-701997950, 0, 0, 0), 7 6176 pts/2 pts/2 david 0 None 1408951599 (-701997950, 0, 0, 0), 7 6113 pts/0 pts/0 easyprot 0 None 1408951564 (-701997950, 0, 0, 0)] [DD] 2014/25/08 11:26:18.621108 LocalX11ServerUtil.X11_display(pts/3) skipped pts 7 7127 pts/3 pts/3 easyprot 0 None 1408952164 (-701997950, 0, 0, 0) [DD] 2014/25/08 11:26:18.621145 LocalX11ServerUtil.X11_display(dkf40-214) utmp entry <winswitch.virt.utmp_wrapper.utmp_rec instance at 0x7f57f407a050> does not look like a display or tty [DD] 2014/25/08 11:26:18.621182 LocalX11ServerUtil.detect_local_displays() session 7 6176 pts/2 pts/2 david 0 None 1408951599 (-701997950, 0, 0, 0) ignored (owned by david) [DD] 2014/25/08 11:26:18.621218 LocalX11ServerUtil.X11_display(pts/0) skipped pts 7 6113 pts/0 pts/0 easyprot 0 None 1408951564 (-701997950, 0, 0, 0) [DD] 2014/25/08 11:26:18.621250 LocalX11ServerUtil.X11_display(dkf40-214) utmp entry <winswitch.virt.utmp_wrapper.utmp_rec instance at 0x7f57f5c98290> does not look like a display or tty [DD] 2014/25/08 11:26:18.621277 LocalX11ServerUtil.detect_local_displays() testing: {} [DD] 2014/25/08 11:26:27.828720 ProtocolHandler.check_response_received(ping,4) response_counter=15
Then, after trying to start an application from the client, I see the following processes on the server:
easyprot@phenyx:~$ ps -ef | grep [w]ins easyprot 364 1 0 11:26 ? 00:00:00 /usr/bin/python /usr/bin/winswitch_server --daemon easyprot 2373 1 5 11:33 ? 00:00:00 /usr/bin/python /usr/bin/xpra --bind-tcp= --password-file=/home/easyprot/.winswitch/server/sessions/61/session.pass --no-daemon start :61 easyprot 32763 32762 0 11:26 ? 00:00:00 /usr/bin/python /usr/bin/winswitch_stdio_socket easyprot 32767 32763 0 11:26 ? 00:00:00 [winswitch_serve] <defunct>
And this is the server logfile gets appended by the following lines:
[DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:47.551042 WinSwitchClientChannel.start_session(aa995f59daaf3fdc255b45743a7f9669,xpra,,read_only=False;encoding="";,None) options={'read_only': 'False', 'encoding': '""'} [II] 2014/25/08 11:33:47.551204 WinSwitchClientChannel.start_session(aa995f59daaf3fdc255b45743a7f9669,xpra,,read_only=False;encoding="";) command=Command(Htop: htop), user=User(Administrator : 913860e1cef64bc59c219acd8af3b228) [II] 2014/25/08 11:33:47.551250 WinSwitchServer.start_session(User(Administrator : 913860e1cef64bc59c219acd8af3b228),xpra,Command(Htop: htop),,{'read_only': 'False', 'encoding': '""'},None) [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:47.551292 WinSwitchServer.real_start_session(User(Administrator : 913860e1cef64bc59c219acd8af3b228),xpra,Command(Htop: htop),,{'read_only': 'False', 'encoding': '""'},None) [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:47.551357 XpraServerUtil.get_prelaunch_session(913860e1cef64bc59c219acd8af3b228,easyprot,,{'read_only': 'False', 'encoding': '""'}) going to test: [ServerSession(:117 - xpra - starting), ServerSession(:60 - xpra - closed)] [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:47.551406 XpraServerUtil.get_prelaunch_session(913860e1cef64bc59c219acd8af3b228,easyprot,,{'read_only': 'False', 'encoding': '""'})=ServerSession(:117 - xpra - starting) [II] 2014/25/08 11:33:47.551453 XpraServerUtil.prelaunch_start_command(ServerSession(:117 - xpra - starting),Command(Htop: htop),User(Administrator : 913860e1cef64bc59c219acd8af3b228),,{'read_only': 'False', 'encoding': '""'},None) [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:47.551537 XpraServerUtil.initialize_session_from_command(ServerSession(:117 - xpra - starting),Command(Htop: htop)) now set name=Htop, uses_sound_out=False, uses_sound_in=False [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:47.551584 WinSwitchServer.add_new_session(ServerSession(:117 - xpra - starting)) can_capture=True, screen_capture_command= [II] 2014/25/08 11:33:47.551661 WinSwitchServer.send_session_to_all(ServerSession(:117 - xpra - starting)) clients=[WinSwitchClientChannel(User(Administrator : 913860e1cef64bc59c219acd8af3b228))] [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:47.551781 XpraServerUtil.get_prelaunch_session(None,913860e1cef64bc59c219acd8af3b228,None,{}) going to test: [ServerSession(:117 - xpra - starting), ServerSession(:60 - xpra - closed)] [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:47.551817 XpraServerUtil.get_prelaunch_session(None,913860e1cef64bc59c219acd8af3b228,None,{}) session ServerSession(:117 - xpra - starting) is already associated with another user: easyprot [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:47.551867 XpraServerUtil.get_prelaunch_session(None,913860e1cef64bc59c219acd8af3b228,None,{}) session ServerSession(:60 - xpra - closed) is already associated with another user: easyprot [II] 2014/25/08 11:33:47.551963 XpraServerUtil.wait_for_session_readyness(ServerSession(:117 - xpra - starting),User(Administrator : 913860e1cef64bc59c219acd8af3b228),<function session_started at 0x7f57e8c4bc08>,<function session_error at 0x7f57e8c4bc80>) adding/firing session status update callbacks [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:47.576736 ProtocolHandler.send_session_icon(ServerSession(:117 - xpra - starting),True) no icon data available... [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:52.556905 XpraServerUtil.get_prelaunch_session(913860e1cef64bc59c219acd8af3b228,None,None,{}) going to test: [ServerSession(:117 - xpra - starting), ServerSession(:60 - xpra - closed)] [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:52.557082 XpraServerUtil.get_prelaunch_session(913860e1cef64bc59c219acd8af3b228,None,None,{}) session ServerSession(:117 - xpra - starting) is not a preloaded session [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:52.580979 XpraServerUtil.get_prelaunch_session(913860e1cef64bc59c219acd8af3b228,None,None,{}) session ServerSession(:60 - xpra - closed) is not a preloaded session [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:52.581107 XpraServerUtil.do_start_session(None,913860e1cef64bc59c219acd8af3b228,None,True,None,None,None) [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:52.581746 XpraServerUtil.initialize_new_session(913860e1cef64bc59c219acd8af3b228,None,True,None,:61,15062)=ServerSession(:61 - xpra - starting) [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:52.581797 XpraServerUtil.start_dbus() dbus_command=dbus-daemon --fork --print-address=1 --print-pid=1 --session [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:52.582213 process_util.get_output(['dbus-daemon', '--fork', '--print-address=1', '--print-pid=1', '--session'],None,None,False,False) [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:52.593027 XpraServerUtil.start_dbus(ServerSession(:61 - xpra - starting)) output(dbus-daemon --fork --print-address=1 --print-pid=1 --session)=(0,unix:abstract=/tmp/dbus-j5biNUH2R7,guid=54b4f373543710abec7bff1c53fb0300\n2367\n) [II] 2014/25/08 11:33:52.593192 XpraServerUtil.start_dbus(ServerSession(:61 - xpra - starting)) dbus_pid=2367, dbus_address=unix:abstract=/tmp/dbus-j5biNUH2R7,guid=54b4f373543710abec7bff1c53fb0300 [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:52.593635 file_io.save_object_to_properties(ServerSession(:61 - xpra - starting),None,None) /home/easyprot/.winswitch/server/sessions/61/config.txt [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:52.594340 XpraServerUtil.start_display(ServerSession(:61 - xpra - starting),None,True,False) [II] 2014/25/08 11:33:52.594763 XpraServerUtil.start_daemon(ServerSession(:61 - xpra - starting),{'LANG': 'en_US.UTF-8', 'SHELL': '/bin/bash', 'DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS': 'unix:abstract=/tmp/dbus-j5biNUH2R7,guid=54b4f373543710abec7bff1c53fb0300', 'PWD': '/home/easyprot', 'USER': 'easyprot', 'HOME': '/home/easyprot', 'PATH': '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games', 'DISPLAY': ':61'},True) starting ['/usr/bin/xpra', '--bind-tcp=', '--password-file=/home/easyprot/.winswitch/server/sessions/61/session.pass', '--no-daemon', 'start', ':61'], logging to /home/easyprot/.winswitch/server/sessions/61/xpra.log [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:52.594880 process_util.get_output(['/usr/lib/winswitch/virt_server_daemonizer', '--quiet', '--print-pid', '--daemon', '--log-file', '/home/easyprot/.winswitch/server/sessions/61/xpra.log', '--', '/usr/bin/xpra', '--bind-tcp=', '--password-file=/home/easyprot/.winswitch/server/sessions/61/session.pass', '--no-daemon', 'start', ':61'],/home/easyprot,{'LANG': 'en_US.UTF-8', 'SHELL': '/bin/bash', 'DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS': 'unix:abstract=/tmp/dbus-j5biNUH2R7,guid=54b4f373543710abec7bff1c53fb0300', 'PWD': '/home/easyprot', 'USER': 'easyprot', 'HOME': '/home/easyprot', 'PATH': '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games', 'DISPLAY': ':61'},False,False) [II] 2014/25/08 11:33:52.737959 virt_server_daemonizer.grab_daemon_pid(['/usr/lib/winswitch/virt_server_daemonizer', '--quiet', '--print-pid', '--daemon', '--log-file', '/home/easyprot/.winswitch/server/sessions/61/xpra.log', '--', '/usr/bin/xpra', '--bind-tcp=', '--password-file=/home/easyprot/.winswitch/server/sessions/61/session.pass', '--no-daemon', 'start', ':61'],/home/easyprot,{'LANG': 'en_US.UTF-8', 'SHELL': '/bin/bash', 'DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS': 'unix:abstract=/tmp/dbus-j5biNUH2R7,guid=54b4f373543710abec7bff1c53fb0300', 'PWD': '/home/easyprot', 'USER': 'easyprot', 'HOME': '/home/easyprot', 'PATH': '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games', 'DISPLAY': ':61'}) returncode=0, stdoutdata=2373\n, stderrdata=, pid=2373 [II] 2014/25/08 11:33:52.738166 XpraServerUtil.session_process_started(2373,ServerSession(:61 - xpra - starting)) [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:52.738220 XpraServerUtil.watch_session_log(/home/easyprot/.winswitch/server/sessions/61/xpra.log,ServerSession(:61 - xpra - starting)) [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:52.738287 XpraServerUtil.watch_session_log(/home/easyprot/.winswitch/server/sessions/61/xpra.log,ServerSession(:61 - xpra - starting)) logfile=17 [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:52.738333 XpraServerUtil.do_watch_session_log(/home/easyprot/.winswitch/server/sessions/61/xpra.log,17,ServerSession(:61 - xpra - starting)) will use gio to monitor for changes [II] 2014/25/08 11:33:52.738619 XpraServerUtil.do_watch_session_log(/home/easyprot/.winswitch/server/sessions/61/xpra.log,17,ServerSession(:61 - xpra - starting)) watching log with gio: <__main__.GInotifyFileMonitor object at 0x7f57e8c4eeb0 (GInotifyFileMonitor at 0x2285920)> [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:52.738697 XpraServerUtil.do_read_from_log(/home/easyprot/.winswitch/server/sessions/61/xpra.log,17,ServerSession(:61 - xpra - starting)) [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:52.738737 XpraServerUtil.do_read_from_log(/home/easyprot/.winswitch/server/sessions/61/xpra.log,17,ServerSession(:61 - xpra - starting)) about to read, current buffer: 0 bytes [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:52.738786 XpraServerUtil.do_read_from_log(/home/easyprot/.winswitch/server/sessions/61/xpra.log,17,ServerSession(:61 - xpra - starting)) read 0 bytes [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:52.738854 XpraServerUtil.poll_server_process(/home/easyprot/.winswitch/server/sessions/61/xpra.log,ServerSession(:61 - xpra - starting)) pid=2373 [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:52.738910 process_util.kill0(2373) pid is still alive [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:52.738952 XpraServerUtil.poll_server_process(/home/easyprot/.winswitch/server/sessions/61/xpra.log,ServerSession(:61 - xpra - starting)) pid=2373 [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:52.738985 process_util.kill0(2373) pid is still alive [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:52.739033 XpraServerUtil.start_session_object(ServerSession(:61 - xpra - starting),None,True) started=True [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:52.739076 FirewallUtil.call_script(['ADD', '', '15062']) firewall_script=/usr/lib/winswitch/firewall [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:52.739123 XpraServerUtil.start_prelaunch_session(913860e1cef64bc59c219acd8af3b228) saved ServerSession(:61 - xpra - starting), sending it to clients [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:52.739190 WinSwitchServer.add_new_session(ServerSession(:61 - xpra - starting)) can_capture=True, screen_capture_command= [II] 2014/25/08 11:33:52.739288 WinSwitchServer.send_session_to_all(ServerSession(:61 - xpra - starting)) clients=[WinSwitchClientChannel(User(Administrator : 913860e1cef64bc59c219acd8af3b228))] [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:53.811354 XpraServerUtil.watched_directory_changed(<__main__.GInotifyDirectoryMonitor object at 0x7f57e9d785a0 (GInotifyDirectoryMonitor at 0x1f18360)>,<__main__.GLocalFile at 0x7f57e8c4ef00: file:///home/easyprot/.xpra/phenyx-61>,None,<enum G_FILE_MONITOR_EVENT_CREATED of type GFileMonitorEvent>) [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:53.811601 XpraServerUtil.watched_directory_changed(<__main__.GInotifyDirectoryMonitor object at 0x7f57e9d785a0 (GInotifyDirectoryMonitor at 0x1f18360)>,<__main__.GLocalFile at 0x7f57e8c4ef00: file:///home/easyprot/.xpra/Xorg.:61.log>,None,<enum G_FILE_MONITOR_EVENT_DELETED of type GFileMonitorEvent>) [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:53.811634 XpraServerUtil.schedule_detect_sessions() already pending - not scheduling it [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:53.811708 XpraServerUtil.watched_directory_changed(<__main__.GInotifyDirectoryMonitor object at 0x7f57e9d785a0 (GInotifyDirectoryMonitor at 0x1f18360)>,<__main__.GLocalFile at 0x7f57e8c4ef00: file:///home/easyprot/.xpra/Xorg.:61.log.old>,None,<enum G_FILE_MONITOR_EVENT_CREATED of type GFileMonitorEvent>) [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:53.811737 XpraServerUtil.schedule_detect_sessions() already pending - not scheduling it [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:53.811794 XpraServerUtil.watched_directory_changed(<__main__.GInotifyDirectoryMonitor object at 0x7f57e9d785a0 (GInotifyDirectoryMonitor at 0x1f18360)>,<__main__.GLocalFile at 0x7f57e8c4ef00: file:///home/easyprot/.xpra/Xorg.:61.log>,None,<enum G_FILE_MONITOR_EVENT_CREATED of type GFileMonitorEvent>) [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:53.811822 XpraServerUtil.schedule_detect_sessions() already pending - not scheduling it [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:53.811871 XpraServerUtil.session_logfile_changed() [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:53.811912 XpraServerUtil.read_from_log(/home/easyprot/.winswitch/server/sessions/61/xpra.log,17,ServerSession(:61 - xpra - starting)) read_pending=False [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:53.911517 XpraServerUtil.batch_detect_sessions() [II] 2014/25/08 11:33:53.911990 XpraServerUtil.detect_sessions() found: [('UNKNOWN', ':117'), ('UNKNOWN', ':60'), ('LIVE', ':61')] [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:53.912119 XpraServerUtil.with_version(False) xpra_version=0.12.3 [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:53.912150 XpraServerUtil.with_version() xpra version is up to date [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:53.912214 process_util.twisted_exec(['/usr/bin/xpra', 'version', ':117'],<function got_version at 0x7f57e8c61848>,<function err_version at 0x7f57e8c617d0>,None,None) [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:53.912403 ProcessOutput.start() usePTY=False, env={'PATH': '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games', 'PWD': '/home/easyprot', 'LOGNAME': 'easyprot', 'USER': 'easyprot', 'HOME': '/home/easyprot'}, cmd=['/usr/bin/xpra', 'version', ':117'] [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:53.918052 ProcessOutput.connectionMade() [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:53.918409 process_util.twisted_exec(['/usr/bin/xpra', 'version', ':60'],<function got_version at 0x7f57e8c61c08>,<function err_version at 0x7f57e8c61b90>,None,None) [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:53.918652 ProcessOutput.start() usePTY=False, env={'PATH': '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games', 'PWD': '/home/easyprot', 'LOGNAME': 'easyprot', 'USER': 'easyprot', 'HOME': '/home/easyprot'}, cmd=['/usr/bin/xpra', 'version', ':60'] [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:53.925001 ProcessOutput.connectionMade() [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:53.925658 XpraServerUtil.start_read_from_log(/home/easyprot/.winswitch/server/sessions/61/xpra.log,17,ServerSession(:61 - xpra - starting)) started thread: 140015557408512 [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:53.925824 XpraServerUtil.do_read_from_log(/home/easyprot/.winswitch/server/sessions/61/xpra.log,17,ServerSession(:61 - xpra - starting)) [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:53.926069 XpraServerUtil.do_read_from_log(/home/easyprot/.winswitch/server/sessions/61/xpra.log,17,ServerSession(:61 - xpra - starting)) about to read, current buffer: 0 bytes [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:53.926119 XpraServerUtil.do_read_from_log(/home/easyprot/.winswitch/server/sessions/61/xpra.log,17,ServerSession(:61 - xpra - starting)) read 1024 bytes [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:53.926178 XpraServerUtil.do_read_from_log(/home/easyprot/.winswitch/server/sessions/61/xpra.log,17,ServerSession(:61 - xpra - starting)) read 17 lines [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:53.926262 XpraServerUtil.process_log_data(ServerSession(:61 - xpra - starting),17 lines) reloading=False, lines=['\n', 'X.Org X Server 1.15.1\n', 'Release Date: 2014-04-13\n', 'X Protocol Version 11, Revision 0\n', 'Build Operating System: Linux 3.2.0-37-generic x86_64 Ubuntu\n', 'Current Operating System: Linux phenyx 3.13.0-34-generic #60-Ubuntu SMP Wed Aug 13 15:45:27 UTC 2014 x86_64\n', 'Kernel command line: BOOT_IMAGE=/vmlinuz-3.13.0-34-generic root=/dev/mapper/VolGroup00-lvol0 ro nomdmonddf nomdmonisw nomdmonddf nomdmonisw nomdmonddf nomdmonisw\n', 'Build Date: 16 April 2014 01:36:29PM\n', 'xorg-server 2:1.15.1-0ubuntu2 (For technical support please see \n', 'Current version of pixman: 0.30.2\n', '\tBefore reporting problems, check\n', '\tto make sure that you have the latest version.\n', 'Markers: (--) probed, (**) from config file, (==) default setting,\n', '\t(++) from command line, (!!) notice, (II) informational,\n', '\t(WW) warning, (EE) error, (NI) not implemented, (??) unknown.\n', '(++) Log file: "/home/easyprot/.xpra/Xorg.:61.log", Time: Mon Aug 25 11:33:52 2014\n', '(++) Using config file: "/etc/xpra/xorg.conf"\n'] [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:53.926343 XpraServerUtil.process_log_data(ServerSession(:61 - xpra - starting),17 lines) new status(\n)=None [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:53.926377 XpraServerUtil.process_log_data(ServerSession(:61 - xpra - starting),17 lines) new status(X.Org X Server 1.15.1\n)=None [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:53.926405 XpraServerUtil.process_log_data(ServerSession(:61 - xpra - starting),17 lines) new status(Release Date: 2014-04-13\n)=None [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:53.926434 XpraServerUtil.process_log_data(ServerSession(:61 - xpra - starting),17 lines) new status(X Protocol Version 11, Revision 0\n)=None [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:53.926468 XpraServerUtil.process_log_data(ServerSession(:61 - xpra - starting),17 lines) new status(Build Operating System: Linux 3.2.0-37-generic x86_64 Ubuntu\n)=None [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:53.926505 XpraServerUtil.process_log_data(ServerSession(:61 - xpra - starting),17 lines) new status(Current Operating System: Linux phenyx 3.13.0-34-generic #60-Ubuntu SMP Wed Aug 13 15:45:27 UTC 2014 x86_64\n)=None [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:53.926539 XpraServerUtil.process_log_data(ServerSession(:61 - xpra - starting),17 lines) new status(Kernel command line: BOOT_IMAGE=/vmlinuz-3.13.0-34-generic root=/dev/mapper/VolGroup00-lvol0 ro nomdmonddf nomdmonisw nomdmonddf nomdmonisw nomdmonddf nomdmonisw\n)=None [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:53.926570 XpraServerUtil.process_log_data(ServerSession(:61 - xpra - starting),17 lines) new status(Build Date: 16 April 2014 01:36:29PM\n)=None [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:53.926603 XpraServerUtil.process_log_data(ServerSession(:61 - xpra - starting),17 lines) new status(xorg-server 2:1.15.1-0ubuntu2 (For technical support please see \n)=None [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:53.926634 XpraServerUtil.process_log_data(ServerSession(:61 - xpra - starting),17 lines) new status(Current version of pixman: 0.30.2\n)=None [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:53.926664 XpraServerUtil.process_log_data(ServerSession(:61 - xpra - starting),17 lines) new status( Before reporting problems, check\n)=None [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:53.926693 XpraServerUtil.process_log_data(ServerSession(:61 - xpra - starting),17 lines) new status( to make sure that you have the latest version.\n)=None [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:53.926720 XpraServerUtil.process_log_data(ServerSession(:61 - xpra - starting),17 lines) new status(Markers: (--) probed, (**) from config file, (==) default setting,\n)=None [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:53.926749 XpraServerUtil.process_log_data(ServerSession(:61 - xpra - starting),17 lines) new status( (++) from command line, (!!) notice, (II) informational,\n)=None [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:53.926777 XpraServerUtil.process_log_data(ServerSession(:61 - xpra - starting),17 lines) new status( (WW) warning, (EE) error, (NI) not implemented, (??) unknown.\n)=None [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:53.926805 XpraServerUtil.process_log_data(ServerSession(:61 - xpra - starting),17 lines) new status((++) Log file: "/home/easyprot/.xpra/Xorg.:61.log", Time: Mon Aug 25 11:33:52 2014\n)=None [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:53.926873 XpraServerUtil.process_log_data(ServerSession(:61 - xpra - starting),17 lines) new status((++) Using config file: "/etc/xpra/xorg.conf"\n)=None [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:53.926905 XpraServerUtil.do_read_from_log(/home/easyprot/.winswitch/server/sessions/61/xpra.log,17,ServerSession(:61 - xpra - starting)) about to read, current buffer: 26 bytes [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:53.926946 XpraServerUtil.do_read_from_log(/home/easyprot/.winswitch/server/sessions/61/xpra.log,17,ServerSession(:61 - xpra - starting)) read 1024 bytes [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:53.926984 XpraServerUtil.do_read_from_log(/home/easyprot/.winswitch/server/sessions/61/xpra.log,17,ServerSession(:61 - xpra - starting)) read 24 lines [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:53.927028 XpraServerUtil.process_log_data(ServerSession(:61 - xpra - starting),24 lines) reloading=False, lines=['(==) Using system config directory "/usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d"\n', 'Initializing built-in extension Generic Event Extension\n', 'Initializing built-in extension SHAPE\n', 'Initializing built-in extension MIT-SHM\n', 'Initializing built-in extension XInputExtension\n', 'Initializing built-in extension XTEST\n', 'Initializing built-in extension BIG-REQUESTS\n', 'Initializing built-in extension SYNC\n', 'Initializing built-in extension XKEYBOARD\n', 'Initializing built-in extension XC-MISC\n', 'Initializing built-in extension SECURITY\n', 'Initializing built-in extension XINERAMA\n', 'Initializing built-in extension XFIXES\n', 'Initializing built-in extension RENDER\n', 'Initializing built-in extension RANDR\n', 'Initializing built-in extension COMPOSITE\n', 'Initializing built-in extension DAMAGE\n', 'Initializing built-in extension MIT-SCREEN-SAVER\n', 'Initializing built-in extension DOUBLE-BUFFER\n', 'Initializing built-in extension RECORD\n', 'Initializing built-in extension DPMS\n', 'Initializing built-in extension Present\n', 'Initializing built-in extension DRI3\n', 'Initializing built-in extension X-Resource\n'] [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:53.927069 XpraServerUtil.process_log_data(ServerSession(:61 - xpra - starting),24 lines) new status((==) Using system config directory "/usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d"\n)=None [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:53.927098 XpraServerUtil.process_log_data(ServerSession(:61 - xpra - starting),24 lines) new status(Initializing built-in extension Generic Event Extension\n)=None [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:53.927127 XpraServerUtil.process_log_data(ServerSession(:61 - xpra - starting),24 lines) new status(Initializing built-in extension SHAPE\n)=None [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:53.927155 XpraServerUtil.process_log_data(ServerSession(:61 - xpra - starting),24 lines) new status(Initializing built-in extension MIT-SHM\n)=None [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:53.927184 XpraServerUtil.process_log_data(ServerSession(:61 - xpra - starting),24 lines) new status(Initializing built-in extension XInputExtension\n)=None [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:53.927212 XpraServerUtil.process_log_data(ServerSession(:61 - xpra - starting),24 lines) new status(Initializing built-in extension XTEST\n)=None [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:53.927240 XpraServerUtil.process_log_data(ServerSession(:61 - xpra - starting),24 lines) new status(Initializing built-in extension BIG-REQUESTS\n)=None [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:53.927268 XpraServerUtil.process_log_data(ServerSession(:61 - xpra - starting),24 lines) new status(Initializing built-in extension SYNC\n)=None [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:53.927296 XpraServerUtil.process_log_data(ServerSession(:61 - xpra - starting),24 lines) new status(Initializing built-in extension XKEYBOARD\n)=None [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:53.927324 XpraServerUtil.process_log_data(ServerSession(:61 - xpra - starting),24 lines) new status(Initializing built-in extension XC-MISC\n)=None [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:53.927352 XpraServerUtil.process_log_data(ServerSession(:61 - xpra - starting),24 lines) new status(Initializing built-in extension SECURITY\n)=None [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:53.927380 XpraServerUtil.process_log_data(ServerSession(:61 - xpra - starting),24 lines) new status(Initializing built-in extension XINERAMA\n)=None [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:53.927408 XpraServerUtil.process_log_data(ServerSession(:61 - xpra - starting),24 lines) new status(Initializing built-in extension XFIXES\n)=None [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:53.927435 XpraServerUtil.process_log_data(ServerSession(:61 - xpra - starting),24 lines) new status(Initializing built-in extension RENDER\n)=None [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:53.927463 XpraServerUtil.process_log_data(ServerSession(:61 - xpra - starting),24 lines) new status(Initializing built-in extension RANDR\n)=None [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:53.927497 XpraServerUtil.process_log_data(ServerSession(:61 - xpra - starting),24 lines) new status(Initializing built-in extension COMPOSITE\n)=None [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:53.927526 XpraServerUtil.process_log_data(ServerSession(:61 - xpra - starting),24 lines) new status(Initializing built-in extension DAMAGE\n)=None [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:53.927554 XpraServerUtil.process_log_data(ServerSession(:61 - xpra - starting),24 lines) new status(Initializing built-in extension MIT-SCREEN-SAVER\n)=None [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:53.927582 XpraServerUtil.process_log_data(ServerSession(:61 - xpra - starting),24 lines) new status(Initializing built-in extension DOUBLE-BUFFER\n)=None [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:53.927610 XpraServerUtil.process_log_data(ServerSession(:61 - xpra - starting),24 lines) new status(Initializing built-in extension RECORD\n)=None [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:53.927638 XpraServerUtil.process_log_data(ServerSession(:61 - xpra - starting),24 lines) new status(Initializing built-in extension DPMS\n)=None [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:53.927666 XpraServerUtil.process_log_data(ServerSession(:61 - xpra - starting),24 lines) new status(Initializing built-in extension Present\n)=None [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:53.927694 XpraServerUtil.process_log_data(ServerSession(:61 - xpra - starting),24 lines) new status(Initializing built-in extension DRI3\n)=None [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:53.927722 XpraServerUtil.process_log_data(ServerSession(:61 - xpra - starting),24 lines) new status(Initializing built-in extension X-Resource\n)=None [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:53.927752 XpraServerUtil.do_read_from_log(/home/easyprot/.winswitch/server/sessions/61/xpra.log,17,ServerSession(:61 - xpra - starting)) about to read, current buffer: 32 bytes [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:53.927783 XpraServerUtil.do_read_from_log(/home/easyprot/.winswitch/server/sessions/61/xpra.log,17,ServerSession(:61 - xpra - starting)) read 1024 bytes [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:53.927819 XpraServerUtil.do_read_from_log(/home/easyprot/.winswitch/server/sessions/61/xpra.log,17,ServerSession(:61 - xpra - starting)) read 17 lines [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:53.927865 XpraServerUtil.process_log_data(ServerSession(:61 - xpra - starting),17 lines) reloading=False, lines=['Initializing built-in extension XVideo\n', 'Initializing built-in extension XVideo-MotionCompensation\n', 'Initializing built-in extension SELinux\n', 'Initializing built-in extension XFree86-VidModeExtension\n', 'Initializing built-in extension XFree86-DGA\n', 'Initializing built-in extension XFree86-DRI\n', 'Initializing built-in extension DRI2\n', 'Loading extension GLX\n', '2014-08-25 11:33:53,024 server uuid is 43d91ef4bb4843c89f826c63197ef2f1\n', "2014-08-25 11:33:53,082 no authentication module specified with 'password_file', using 'file' based authentication\n", '2014-08-25 11:33:53,093 using notification forwarder: DBUSNotificationsForwarder(org.freedesktop.Notifications)\n', '2014-08-25 11:33:53,102 csc module csc_opencl could not be loaded: No module named pyopencl\n', "2014-08-25 11:33:53,111 started child '/etc/X11/Xsession true' with pid 2391\n", '2014-08-25 11:33:53,112 xpra server version 0.12.3\n', '2014-08-25 11:33:53,112 running with pid 2373\n', '2014-08-25 11:33:53,162 xpra is ready.\n', "2014-08-25 11:33:53,162 child '/etc/X11/Xsession true' with pid 2391 has terminated\n"] [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:53.927896 XpraServerUtil.process_log_data(ServerSession(:61 - xpra - starting),17 lines) new status(Initializing built-in extension XVideo\n)=None [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:53.927925 XpraServerUtil.process_log_data(ServerSession(:61 - xpra - starting),17 lines) new status(Initializing built-in extension XVideo-MotionCompensation\n)=None [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:53.927954 XpraServerUtil.process_log_data(ServerSession(:61 - xpra - starting),17 lines) new status(Initializing built-in extension SELinux\n)=None [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:53.927982 XpraServerUtil.process_log_data(ServerSession(:61 - xpra - starting),17 lines) new status(Initializing built-in extension XFree86-VidModeExtension\n)=None [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:53.928020 XpraServerUtil.process_log_data(ServerSession(:61 - xpra - starting),17 lines) new status(Initializing built-in extension XFree86-DGA\n)=None [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:53.928049 XpraServerUtil.process_log_data(ServerSession(:61 - xpra - starting),17 lines) new status(Initializing built-in extension XFree86-DRI\n)=None [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:53.928077 XpraServerUtil.process_log_data(ServerSession(:61 - xpra - starting),17 lines) new status(Initializing built-in extension DRI2\n)=None [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:53.928105 XpraServerUtil.process_log_data(ServerSession(:61 - xpra - starting),17 lines) new status(Loading extension GLX\n)=None [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:53.928145 XpraServerUtil.process_log_data(ServerSession(:61 - xpra - starting),17 lines) new status(2014-08-25 11:33:53,024 server uuid is 43d91ef4bb4843c89f826c63197ef2f1\n)=None [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:53.928185 XpraServerUtil.process_log_data(ServerSession(:61 - xpra - starting),17 lines) new status(2014-08-25 11:33:53,082 no authentication module specified with 'password_file', using 'file' based authentication\n)=None [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:53.928220 XpraServerUtil.process_log_data(ServerSession(:61 - xpra - starting),17 lines) new status(2014-08-25 11:33:53,093 using notification forwarder: DBUSNotificationsForwarder(org.freedesktop.Notifications)\n)=None [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:53.928252 XpraServerUtil.process_log_data(ServerSession(:61 - xpra - starting),17 lines) new status(2014-08-25 11:33:53,102 csc module csc_opencl could not be loaded: No module named pyopencl\n)=None [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:53.928287 XpraServerUtil.process_log_data(ServerSession(:61 - xpra - starting),17 lines) new status(2014-08-25 11:33:53,111 started child '/etc/X11/Xsession true' with pid 2391\n)=None [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:53.928320 XpraServerUtil.process_log_data(ServerSession(:61 - xpra - starting),17 lines) new status(2014-08-25 11:33:53,112 xpra server version 0.12.3\n)=None [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:53.928353 XpraServerUtil.process_log_data(ServerSession(:61 - xpra - starting),17 lines) new status(2014-08-25 11:33:53,112 running with pid 2373\n)=None [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:53.928386 XpraServerUtil.process_log_data(ServerSession(:61 - xpra - starting),17 lines) new status(2014-08-25 11:33:53,162 xpra is ready.\n)=available [II] 2014/25/08 11:33:53.928415 XpraServerUtil.process_log_data(ServerSession(:61 - xpra - starting),17 lines) setting new status=available from line=2014-08-25 11:33:53,162 xpra is ready.\n [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:53.928516 XpraServerUtil.process_log_data(ServerSession(:61 - xpra - starting),17 lines) new status(2014-08-25 11:33:53,162 child '/etc/X11/Xsession true' with pid 2391 has terminated\n)=None [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:53.928683 XpraServerUtil.do_read_from_log(/home/easyprot/.winswitch/server/sessions/61/xpra.log,17,ServerSession(:61 - xpra - starting)) about to read, current buffer: 27 bytes [II] 2014/25/08 11:33:53.928814 WinSwitchServer.send_session_status_to_all(ServerSession(:61 - xpra - starting),available) clients=[WinSwitchClientChannel(User(Administrator : 913860e1cef64bc59c219acd8af3b228))] [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:53.928863 XpraServerUtil.do_read_from_log(/home/easyprot/.winswitch/server/sessions/61/xpra.log,17,ServerSession(:61 - xpra - starting)) read 111 bytes [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:53.929204 ServerSession.fire_status_callbacks(available) (None, None, <function status_change_schedule_capture at 0x7f57e8c615f0>, False, None): <function status_change_schedule_capture at 0x7f57e8c615f0>()=False [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:53.929262 XpraServerUtil.do_read_from_log(/home/easyprot/.winswitch/server/sessions/61/xpra.log,17,ServerSession(:61 - xpra - available)) read 2 lines [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:53.929390 XpraServerUtil.process_log_data(ServerSession(:61 - xpra - available),2 lines) reloading=False, lines=['2014-08-25 11:33:53,912 New connection received: SocketConnection(/home/easyprot/.xpra/phenyx-61)\n', '2014-08-25 11:33:53,917 Connection lost\n'] [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:53.929886 XpraServerUtil.process_log_data(ServerSession(:61 - xpra - available),2 lines) new status(2014-08-25 11:33:53,912 New connection received: SocketConnection(/home/easyprot/.xpra/phenyx-61)\n)=None [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:53.930316 XpraServerUtil.process_log_data(ServerSession(:61 - xpra - available),2 lines) new status(2014-08-25 11:33:53,917 Connection lost\n)=None [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:53.930430 XpraServerUtil.poll_server_process(/home/easyprot/.winswitch/server/sessions/61/xpra.log,ServerSession(:61 - xpra - available)) pid=2373 [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:53.930477 process_util.kill0(2373) pid is still alive [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:54.000198 ProcessOutput.processExited([Failure instance: Traceback (failure with no frames): <class 'twisted.internet.error.ProcessTerminated'>: A process has ended with a probable error condition: process ended with exit code 1.\n]) Failure (command=['/usr/bin/xpra', 'version', ':117']), exitCode=1 [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:54.000374 ProcessOutput.processEnded([Failure instance: Traceback (failure with no frames): <class 'twisted.internet.error.ProcessTerminated'>: A process has ended with a probable error condition: process ended with exit code 1.\n]) [EE] 2014/25/08 11:33:54.000421 XpraServerUtil.err_version(connection failed: [Errno 111] Connection refused) [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:54.000473 process_util.twisted_exec(['/usr/bin/xpra', 'info', ':117'],<function got_info at 0x7f57e8c61938>,<function err_info at 0x7f57e8c619b0>,None,None) [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:54.000640 ProcessOutput.start() usePTY=False, env={'PATH': '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games', 'PWD': '/home/easyprot', 'LOGNAME': 'easyprot', 'USER': 'easyprot', 'HOME': '/home/easyprot'}, cmd=['/usr/bin/xpra', 'info', ':117'] [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:54.006087 ProcessOutput.connectionMade() [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:54.008576 ProcessOutput.processExited([Failure instance: Traceback (failure with no frames): <class 'twisted.internet.error.ProcessTerminated'>: A process has ended with a probable error condition: process ended with exit code 1.\n]) Failure (command=['/usr/bin/xpra', 'version', ':60']), exitCode=1 [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:54.008760 ProcessOutput.processEnded([Failure instance: Traceback (failure with no frames): <class 'twisted.internet.error.ProcessTerminated'>: A process has ended with a probable error condition: process ended with exit code 1.\n]) [EE] 2014/25/08 11:33:54.008814 XpraServerUtil.err_version(connection failed: [Errno 111] Connection refused) [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:54.008874 process_util.twisted_exec(['/usr/bin/xpra', 'info', ':60'],<function got_info at 0x7f57e8c61cf8>,<function err_info at 0x7f57e8c61d70>,None,None) [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:54.009069 ProcessOutput.start() usePTY=False, env={'PATH': '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games', 'PWD': '/home/easyprot', 'LOGNAME': 'easyprot', 'USER': 'easyprot', 'HOME': '/home/easyprot'}, cmd=['/usr/bin/xpra', 'info', ':60'] [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:54.015359 ProcessOutput.connectionMade() [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:54.090002 ProcessOutput.processExited([Failure instance: Traceback (failure with no frames): <class 'twisted.internet.error.ProcessTerminated'>: A process has ended with a probable error condition: process ended with exit code 1.\n]) Failure (command=['/usr/bin/xpra', 'info', ':117']), exitCode=1 [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:54.090184 ProcessOutput.processEnded([Failure instance: Traceback (failure with no frames): <class 'twisted.internet.error.ProcessTerminated'>: A process has ended with a probable error condition: process ended with exit code 1.\n]) [II] 2014/25/08 11:33:54.090238 XpraServerUtil.err_info(connection failed: [Errno 111] Connection refused) [EE] 2014/25/08 11:33:54.090315 ProcessOutput.processEnded([Failure instance: Traceback (failure with no frames): <class 'twisted.internet.error.ProcessTerminated'>: A process has ended with a probable error condition: process ended with exit code 1.\n]) ok_callback=<function got_info at 0x7f57e8c61938>, err_callback=<function err_info at 0x7f57e8c619b0> [ee] 2014/25/08 11:33:54.090500 Traceback (most recent call last): [ee] 2014/25/08 11:33:54.090526 File "/usr/lib/winswitch/winswitch/util/", line 417, in processEnded [ee] 2014/25/08 11:33:54.090550 self.err_callback(out) [ee] 2014/25/08 11:33:54.090571 File "/usr/lib/winswitch/winswitch/virt/", line 427, in err_info [ee] 2014/25/08 11:33:54.090591 callback() [ee] 2014/25/08 11:33:54.090612 File "/usr/lib/winswitch/winswitch/virt/", line 487, in after_getting_info [ee] 2014/25/08 11:33:54.090633 with_version(self.auto_upgrade_same_version) [ee] 2014/25/08 11:33:54.090653 File "/usr/lib/winswitch/winswitch/virt/", line 474, in with_version [ee] 2014/25/08 11:33:54.090675 self.sdebug("xpra_version=%s" % session.xpra_version, force_upgrade) [ee] 2014/25/08 11:33:54.090695 AttributeError: ServerSession instance has no attribute 'xpra_version' [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:54.097573 ProcessOutput.processExited([Failure instance: Traceback (failure with no frames): <class 'twisted.internet.error.ProcessTerminated'>: A process has ended with a probable error condition: process ended with exit code 1.\n]) Failure (command=['/usr/bin/xpra', 'info', ':60']), exitCode=1 [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:54.097656 ProcessOutput.processEnded([Failure instance: Traceback (failure with no frames): <class 'twisted.internet.error.ProcessTerminated'>: A process has ended with a probable error condition: process ended with exit code 1.\n]) [II] 2014/25/08 11:33:54.097689 XpraServerUtil.err_info(connection failed: [Errno 111] Connection refused) [EE] 2014/25/08 11:33:54.097738 ProcessOutput.processEnded([Failure instance: Traceback (failure with no frames): <class 'twisted.internet.error.ProcessTerminated'>: A process has ended with a probable error condition: process ended with exit code 1.\n]) ok_callback=<function got_info at 0x7f57e8c61cf8>, err_callback=<function err_info at 0x7f57e8c61d70> [ee] 2014/25/08 11:33:54.097812 Traceback (most recent call last): [ee] 2014/25/08 11:33:54.097834 File "/usr/lib/winswitch/winswitch/util/", line 417, in processEnded [ee] 2014/25/08 11:33:54.097854 self.err_callback(out) [ee] 2014/25/08 11:33:54.097873 File "/usr/lib/winswitch/winswitch/virt/", line 427, in err_info [ee] 2014/25/08 11:33:54.097891 callback() [ee] 2014/25/08 11:33:54.097911 File "/usr/lib/winswitch/winswitch/virt/", line 487, in after_getting_info [ee] 2014/25/08 11:33:54.097929 with_version(self.auto_upgrade_same_version) [ee] 2014/25/08 11:33:54.097948 File "/usr/lib/winswitch/winswitch/virt/", line 474, in with_version [ee] 2014/25/08 11:33:54.097966 self.sdebug("xpra_version=%s" % session.xpra_version, force_upgrade) [ee] 2014/25/08 11:33:54.097985 AttributeError: ServerSession instance has no attribute 'xpra_version' [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:54.613719 XpraServerUtil.session_logfile_changed() [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:54.613806 XpraServerUtil.read_from_log(/home/easyprot/.winswitch/server/sessions/61/xpra.log,17,ServerSession(:61 - xpra - available)) read_pending=False [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:54.713955 XpraServerUtil.start_read_from_log(/home/easyprot/.winswitch/server/sessions/61/xpra.log,17,ServerSession(:61 - xpra - available)) started thread: 140015557408512 [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:54.714019 XpraServerUtil.do_read_from_log(/home/easyprot/.winswitch/server/sessions/61/xpra.log,17,ServerSession(:61 - xpra - available)) [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:54.714107 XpraServerUtil.do_read_from_log(/home/easyprot/.winswitch/server/sessions/61/xpra.log,17,ServerSession(:61 - xpra - available)) about to read, current buffer: 0 bytes [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:54.714145 XpraServerUtil.do_read_from_log(/home/easyprot/.winswitch/server/sessions/61/xpra.log,17,ServerSession(:61 - xpra - available)) read 0 bytes [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:54.714185 XpraServerUtil.poll_server_process(/home/easyprot/.winswitch/server/sessions/61/xpra.log,ServerSession(:61 - xpra - available)) pid=2373 [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:54.714238 process_util.kill0(2373) pid is still alive [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:55.728793 XpraServerUtil.session_logfile_changed() [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:55.728941 XpraServerUtil.read_from_log(/home/easyprot/.winswitch/server/sessions/61/xpra.log,17,ServerSession(:61 - xpra - available)) read_pending=False [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:55.829092 XpraServerUtil.start_read_from_log(/home/easyprot/.winswitch/server/sessions/61/xpra.log,17,ServerSession(:61 - xpra - available)) started thread: 140015557408512 [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:55.829156 XpraServerUtil.do_read_from_log(/home/easyprot/.winswitch/server/sessions/61/xpra.log,17,ServerSession(:61 - xpra - available)) [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:55.829251 XpraServerUtil.do_read_from_log(/home/easyprot/.winswitch/server/sessions/61/xpra.log,17,ServerSession(:61 - xpra - available)) about to read, current buffer: 0 bytes [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:55.829291 XpraServerUtil.do_read_from_log(/home/easyprot/.winswitch/server/sessions/61/xpra.log,17,ServerSession(:61 - xpra - available)) read 0 bytes [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:55.829327 XpraServerUtil.poll_server_process(/home/easyprot/.winswitch/server/sessions/61/xpra.log,ServerSession(:61 - xpra - available)) pid=2373 [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:55.829365 process_util.kill0(2373) pid is still alive [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:56.929206 XpraServerUtil.session_logfile_changed() [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:56.929278 XpraServerUtil.read_from_log(/home/easyprot/.winswitch/server/sessions/61/xpra.log,17,ServerSession(:61 - xpra - available)) read_pending=False [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:57.029371 XpraServerUtil.start_read_from_log(/home/easyprot/.winswitch/server/sessions/61/xpra.log,17,ServerSession(:61 - xpra - available)) started thread: 140015557408512 [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:57.029422 XpraServerUtil.do_read_from_log(/home/easyprot/.winswitch/server/sessions/61/xpra.log,17,ServerSession(:61 - xpra - available)) [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:57.029500 XpraServerUtil.do_read_from_log(/home/easyprot/.winswitch/server/sessions/61/xpra.log,17,ServerSession(:61 - xpra - available)) about to read, current buffer: 0 bytes [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:57.029535 XpraServerUtil.do_read_from_log(/home/easyprot/.winswitch/server/sessions/61/xpra.log,17,ServerSession(:61 - xpra - available)) read 0 bytes [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:57.029566 XpraServerUtil.poll_server_process(/home/easyprot/.winswitch/server/sessions/61/xpra.log,ServerSession(:61 - xpra - available)) pid=2373 [DD] 2014/25/08 11:33:57.029596 process_util.kill0(2373) pid is still alive [DD] 2014/25/08 11:34:02.598294 XpraServerUtil.do_disable_gnome_screensaver(ServerSession(:61 - xpra - available)) [DD] 2014/25/08 11:34:02.598663 process_util.get_output(['/usr/lib/winswitch/virt_server_daemonizer', '--quiet', '--print-pid', '--daemon', '--log-file', '/home/easyprot/.winswitch/server/sessions/61/dbus-send-disable-gnome-screensaver.log', '--', 'dbus-send', '--session', '--dest=org.gnome.ScreenSaver', '--print-reply', '--type=method_call', '--reply-timeout=20000', '/org/gnome/ScreenSaver', 'org.gnome.ScreenSaver.Inhibit', 'string:"Window Switch"', 'string:"Virtual Session"'],None,{'LANG': 'en_US.UTF-8', 'SHELL': '/bin/bash', 'DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS': 'unix:abstract=/tmp/dbus-j5biNUH2R7,guid=54b4f373543710abec7bff1c53fb0300', 'PWD': '/home/easyprot', 'USER': 'easyprot', 'HOME': '/home/easyprot', 'PATH': '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games', 'DISPLAY': ':61'},False,False) [II] 2014/25/08 11:34:02.742683 virt_server_daemonizer.grab_daemon_pid(['/usr/lib/winswitch/virt_server_daemonizer', '--quiet', '--print-pid', '--daemon', '--log-file', '/home/easyprot/.winswitch/server/sessions/61/dbus-send-disable-gnome-screensaver.log', '--', 'dbus-send', '--session', '--dest=org.gnome.ScreenSaver', '--print-reply', '--type=method_call', '--reply-timeout=20000', '/org/gnome/ScreenSaver', 'org.gnome.ScreenSaver.Inhibit', 'string:"Window Switch"', 'string:"Virtual Session"'],None,{'LANG': 'en_US.UTF-8', 'SHELL': '/bin/bash', 'DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS': 'unix:abstract=/tmp/dbus-j5biNUH2R7,guid=54b4f373543710abec7bff1c53fb0300', 'PWD': '/home/easyprot', 'USER': 'easyprot', 'HOME': '/home/easyprot', 'PATH': '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games', 'DISPLAY': ':61'}) returncode=0, stdoutdata=2490\n, stderrdata=, pid=2490 [DD] 2014/25/08 11:34:17.567215 XpraServerUtil.check_session_has_started() status=starting, preload=False [DD] 2014/25/08 11:34:17.588426 process_util.twisted_exec(['/usr/bin/xpra', 'stop', ':117', '--password-file=/home/easyprot/.winswitch/server/sessions/117/session.pass'],<function display_stopped at 0x7f57e8c61f50>,<function display_stop_error at 0x7f57e8c61ed8>,None,None) [DD] 2014/25/08 11:34:17.588701 ProcessOutput.start() usePTY=False, env={'PATH': '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games', 'PWD': '/home/easyprot', 'LOGNAME': 'easyprot', 'USER': 'easyprot', 'HOME': '/home/easyprot'}, cmd=['/usr/bin/xpra', 'stop', ':117', '--password-file=/home/easyprot/.winswitch/server/sessions/117/session.pass'] [DD] 2014/25/08 11:34:17.594033 ProcessOutput.connectionMade() [EE] 2014/25/08 11:34:17.594366 XpraServerUtil.session_error(ServerSession(:117 - xpra - starting),Session failed to start, waited 30 seconds,closed) notification handler=<bound method WinSwitchServer.session_failed of <winswitch.server.controller.WinSwitchServer instance at 0x7f57f5c6d488>> [II] 2014/25/08 11:34:17.594432 WinSwitchServer.session_failed(ServerSession(:117 - xpra - starting),Session failed to start, waited 30 seconds,closed) owner=913860e1cef64bc59c219acd8af3b228 [II] 2014/25/08 11:34:17.594550 WinSwitchServer.send_session_status_to_all(ServerSession(:117 - xpra - starting),closed) clients=[WinSwitchClientChannel(User(Administrator : 913860e1cef64bc59c219acd8af3b228))] [DD] 2014/25/08 11:34:17.594848 ServerSession.fire_status_callbacks(closed) (None, None, <function status_change_schedule_capture at 0x7f57e9d60668>, False, None): <function status_change_schedule_capture at 0x7f57e9d60668>()=False [DD] 2014/25/08 11:34:17.594892 ServerSession.fire_status_callbacks(closed) (None, None, <function status_change_schedule_capture at 0x7f57e9d60e60>, False, None): <function status_change_schedule_capture at 0x7f57e9d60e60>()=False [II] 2014/25/08 11:34:17.594947 ServerSession.close() self=ServerSession(:117 - xpra - closed), killing {'10-dbus': '5756'} [DD] 2014/25/08 11:34:17.594985 ServerSession.close() killing 10-dbus: 5756 [II] 2014/25/08 11:34:17.595035 process_util.send_kill_signal(5756,15,True) [DD] 2014/25/08 11:34:17.595064 process_util.send_kill_signal(5756,15,True) using os.kill [DD] 2014/25/08 11:34:17.595111 process_util.send_kill_signal(5756,15) [Errno 3] No such process [II] 2014/25/08 11:34:17.595176 WinSwitchClientChannel.send_remove_session(ServerSession(:117 - xpra - closed)) [DD] 2014/25/08 11:34:17.671823 ProcessOutput.processExited([Failure instance: Traceback (failure with no frames): <class 'twisted.internet.error.ProcessTerminated'>: A process has ended with a probable error condition: process ended with exit code 1.\n]) Failure (command=['/usr/bin/xpra', 'stop', ':117', '--password-file=/home/easyprot/.winswitch/server/sessions/117/session.pass']), exitCode=1 [DD] 2014/25/08 11:34:17.671984 ProcessOutput.processEnded([Failure instance: Traceback (failure with no frames): <class 'twisted.internet.error.ProcessTerminated'>: A process has ended with a probable error condition: process ended with exit code 1.\n]) [EE] 2014/25/08 11:34:17.672034 XpraServerUtil.display_stop_error(connection failed: [Errno 111] Connection refused) [II] 2014/25/08 11:34:17.672074 XpraServerUtil.stop_display(ServerSession(:117 - xpra - closed),None,:117) [II] 2014/25/08 11:34:17.672106 XpraServerUtil.kill_display(ServerSession(:117 - xpra - closed),-1,15)
Also, Now I see the following xpra.log in the session folder:
easyprot@phenyx:~$ cat .winswitch/server/sessions/61/xpra.log X.Org X Server 1.15.1 Release Date: 2014-04-13 X Protocol Version 11, Revision 0 Build Operating System: Linux 3.2.0-37-generic x86_64 Ubuntu Current Operating System: Linux phenyx 3.13.0-34-generic #60-Ubuntu SMP Wed Aug 13 15:45:27 UTC 2014 x86_64 Kernel command line: BOOT_IMAGE=/vmlinuz-3.13.0-34-generic root=/dev/mapper/VolGroup00-lvol0 ro nomdmonddf nomdmonisw nomdmonddf nomdmonisw nomdmonddf nomdmonisw Build Date: 16 April 2014 01:36:29PM xorg-server 2:1.15.1-0ubuntu2 (For technical support please see Current version of pixman: 0.30.2 Before reporting problems, check to make sure that you have the latest version. Markers: (--) probed, (**) from config file, (==) default setting, (++) from command line, (!!) notice, (II) informational, (WW) warning, (EE) error, (NI) not implemented, (??) unknown. (++) Log file: "/home/easyprot/.xpra/Xorg.:61.log", Time: Mon Aug 25 11:33:52 2014 (++) Using config file: "/etc/xpra/xorg.conf" (==) Using system config directory "/usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d" Initializing built-in extension Generic Event Extension Initializing built-in extension SHAPE Initializing built-in extension MIT-SHM Initializing built-in extension XInputExtension Initializing built-in extension XTEST Initializing built-in extension BIG-REQUESTS Initializing built-in extension SYNC Initializing built-in extension XKEYBOARD Initializing built-in extension XC-MISC Initializing built-in extension SECURITY Initializing built-in extension XINERAMA Initializing built-in extension XFIXES Initializing built-in extension RENDER Initializing built-in extension RANDR Initializing built-in extension COMPOSITE Initializing built-in extension DAMAGE Initializing built-in extension MIT-SCREEN-SAVER Initializing built-in extension DOUBLE-BUFFER Initializing built-in extension RECORD Initializing built-in extension DPMS Initializing built-in extension Present Initializing built-in extension DRI3 Initializing built-in extension X-Resource Initializing built-in extension XVideo Initializing built-in extension XVideo-MotionCompensation Initializing built-in extension SELinux Initializing built-in extension XFree86-VidModeExtension Initializing built-in extension XFree86-DGA Initializing built-in extension XFree86-DRI Initializing built-in extension DRI2 Loading extension GLX 2014-08-25 11:33:53,024 server uuid is 43d91ef4bb4843c89f826c63197ef2f1 2014-08-25 11:33:53,082 no authentication module specified with 'password_file', using 'file' based authentication 2014-08-25 11:33:53,093 using notification forwarder: DBUSNotificationsForwarder(org.freedesktop.Notifications) 2014-08-25 11:33:53,102 csc module csc_opencl could not be loaded: No module named pyopencl 2014-08-25 11:33:53,111 started child '/etc/X11/Xsession true' with pid 2391 2014-08-25 11:33:53,112 xpra server version 0.12.3 2014-08-25 11:33:53,112 running with pid 2373 2014-08-25 11:33:53,162 xpra is ready. 2014-08-25 11:33:53,162 child '/etc/X11/Xsession true' with pid 2391 has terminated 2014-08-25 11:33:53,912 New connection received: SocketConnection(/home/easyprot/.xpra/phenyx-61) 2014-08-25 11:33:53,917 Connection lost It seems to be an xpra problem. This is the corresponding xpra logfile: easyprot@phenyx:~$ cat !$ cat .xpra/Xorg.\:61.log [507128.445] X.Org X Server 1.15.1 Release Date: 2014-04-13 [507128.446] X Protocol Version 11, Revision 0 [507128.446] Build Operating System: Linux 3.2.0-37-generic x86_64 Ubuntu [507128.446] Current Operating System: Linux phenyx 3.13.0-34-generic #60-Ubuntu SMP Wed Aug 13 15:45:27 UTC 2014 x86_64 [507128.446] Kernel command line: BOOT_IMAGE=/vmlinuz-3.13.0-34-generic root=/dev/mapper/VolGroup00-lvol0 ro nomdmonddf nomdmonisw nomdmonddf nomdmonisw nomdmonddf nomdmonisw [507128.446] Build Date: 16 April 2014 01:36:29PM [507128.446] xorg-server 2:1.15.1-0ubuntu2 (For technical support please see [507128.446] Current version of pixman: 0.30.2 [507128.446] Before reporting problems, check to make sure that you have the latest version. [507128.446] Markers: (--) probed, (**) from config file, (==) default setting, (++) from command line, (!!) notice, (II) informational, (WW) warning, (EE) error, (NI) not implemented, (??) unknown. [507128.446] (++) Log file: "/home/easyprot/.xpra/Xorg.:61.log", Time: Mon Aug 25 11:33:52 2014 [507128.446] (++) Using config file: "/etc/xpra/xorg.conf" [507128.446] (==) Using system config directory "/usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d" [507128.446] (==) ServerLayout "dummy_layout" [507128.446] (**) |-->Screen "dummy_screen" (0) [507128.446] (**) | |-->Monitor "dummy_monitor" [507128.447] (**) | |-->Device "dummy_videocard" [507128.447] (**) |-->Input Device "dummy_mouse" [507128.447] (**) |-->Input Device "dummy_keyboard" [507128.447] (**) Option "DontVTSwitch" "true" [507128.447] (**) Option "AllowMouseOpenFail" "true" [507128.447] (**) Option "AutoAddDevices" "false" [507128.447] (**) Option "AutoEnableDevices" "false" [507128.447] (**) Not automatically adding devices [507128.447] (**) Not automatically enabling devices [507128.447] (==) Automatically adding GPU devices [507128.447] (WW) The directory "/usr/share/fonts/X11/misc" does not exist. [507128.447] Entry deleted from font path. [507128.447] (WW) The directory "/usr/share/fonts/X11/cyrillic" does not exist. [507128.447] Entry deleted from font path. [507128.447] (WW) The directory "/usr/share/fonts/X11/100dpi/" does not exist. [507128.447] Entry deleted from font path. [507128.447] (WW) The directory "/usr/share/fonts/X11/75dpi/" does not exist. [507128.447] Entry deleted from font path. [507128.447] (WW) The directory "/usr/share/fonts/X11/Type1" does not exist. [507128.447] Entry deleted from font path. [507128.447] (WW) The directory "/usr/share/fonts/X11/100dpi" does not exist. [507128.447] Entry deleted from font path. [507128.447] (WW) The directory "/usr/share/fonts/X11/75dpi" does not exist. [507128.447] Entry deleted from font path. [507128.447] (==) FontPath set to: built-ins [507128.447] (==) ModulePath set to "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/xorg/extra-modules,/usr/lib/xorg/extra-modules,/usr/lib/xorg/modules" [507128.447] (II) Loader magic: 0x7f030a79dd60 [507128.447] (II) Module ABI versions: [507128.447] X.Org ANSI C Emulation: 0.4 [507128.447] X.Org Video Driver: 15.0 [507128.447] X.Org XInput driver : 20.0 [507128.447] X.Org Server Extension : 8.0 [507128.447] (II) xfree86: Adding drm device (/dev/dri/card0) [507128.448] (II) config/udev: Ignoring already known drm device (/dev/dri/card0) [507128.455] (--) PCI:*(0:12:12:0) 1002:515e:8086:346c rev 2, Mem @ 0xb0000000/134217728, 0xb8c00000/65536, I/O @ 0x00001000/256, BIOS @ 0x????????/131072 [507128.455] Initializing built-in extension Generic Event Extension [507128.455] Initializing built-in extension SHAPE [507128.455] Initializing built-in extension MIT-SHM [507128.455] Initializing built-in extension XInputExtension [507128.455] Initializing built-in extension XTEST [507128.455] Initializing built-in extension BIG-REQUESTS [507128.455] Initializing built-in extension SYNC [507128.455] Initializing built-in extension XKEYBOARD [507128.455] Initializing built-in extension XC-MISC [507128.455] Initializing built-in extension SECURITY [507128.455] Initializing built-in extension XINERAMA [507128.455] Initializing built-in extension XFIXES [507128.455] Initializing built-in extension RENDER [507128.455] Initializing built-in extension RANDR [507128.455] Initializing built-in extension COMPOSITE [507128.455] Initializing built-in extension DAMAGE [507128.455] Initializing built-in extension MIT-SCREEN-SAVER [507128.456] Initializing built-in extension DOUBLE-BUFFER [507128.456] Initializing built-in extension RECORD [507128.456] Initializing built-in extension DPMS [507128.456] Initializing built-in extension Present [507128.456] Initializing built-in extension DRI3 [507128.456] Initializing built-in extension X-Resource [507128.456] Initializing built-in extension XVideo [507128.456] Initializing built-in extension XVideo-MotionCompensation [507128.456] Initializing built-in extension SELinux [507128.456] Initializing built-in extension XFree86-VidModeExtension [507128.456] Initializing built-in extension XFree86-DGA [507128.456] Initializing built-in extension XFree86-DRI [507128.456] Initializing built-in extension DRI2 [507128.456] (II) LoadModule: "glx" [507128.456] (II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions/ [507128.457] (II) Module glx: vendor="X.Org Foundation" [507128.457] compiled for 1.15.1, module version = 1.0.0 [507128.457] ABI class: X.Org Server Extension, version 8.0 [507128.457] (==) AIGLX enabled [507128.457] Loading extension GLX [507128.457] (II) LoadModule: "dummy" [507128.457] (II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers/ [507128.458] (II) Module dummy: vendor="X.Org Foundation" [507128.458] compiled for 1.15.0, module version = 0.3.7 [507128.458] Module class: X.Org Video Driver [507128.458] ABI class: X.Org Video Driver, version 15.0 [507128.458] (II) LoadModule: "void" [507128.458] (II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/input/ [507128.458] (II) Module void: vendor="X.Org Foundation" [507128.458] compiled for 1.15.0, module version = 1.4.0 [507128.458] Module class: X.Org XInput Driver [507128.458] ABI class: X.Org XInput driver, version 20.0 [507128.458] (II) DUMMY: Driver for Dummy chipsets: dummy [507128.458] (WW) Falling back to old probe method for dummy [507128.458] (WW) VGA arbiter: cannot open kernel arbiter, no multi-card support [507128.458] (II) DUMMY(0): Chipset is a DUMMY [507128.458] (**) DUMMY(0): Depth 24, (--) framebuffer bpp 32 [507128.458] (==) DUMMY(0): RGB weight 888 [507128.458] (==) DUMMY(0): Default visual is TrueColor [507128.458] (==) DUMMY(0): Using gamma correction (1.0, 1.0, 1.0) [507128.458] (**) DUMMY(0): VideoRAM: 96000 kByte [507128.458] (--) DUMMY(0): Max Clock: 230000 kHz [507128.458] (II) DUMMY(0): dummy_monitor: Using hsync range of 5.00-1000.00 kHz [507128.458] (II) DUMMY(0): dummy_monitor: Using vrefresh range of 5.00-200.00 Hz [507128.458] (II) DUMMY(0): Clock range: 11.00 to 300.00 MHz [507128.458] (II) DUMMY(0): Not using mode "32768x32768" (insufficient memory for mode) [507128.458] (II) DUMMY(0): Not using mode "32768x16384" (insufficient memory for mode) [507128.458] (II) DUMMY(0): Not using mode "16384x8192" (insufficient memory for mode) [507128.458] (II) DUMMY(0): Not using mode "8192x4096" (insufficient memory for mode) [507128.459] (**) DUMMY(0): Virtual size is 5120x3200 (pitch 5120) [507128.459] (**) DUMMY(0): *Mode "5120x3200": 199.8 MHz, 33.7 kHz, 10.0 Hz [507128.459] (II) DUMMY(0): Modeline "5120x3200"x10.0 199.75 5120 5152 5904 5936 3200 3277 3283 3361 (33.7 kHz z) [507128.459] (**) DUMMY(0): *Mode "3840x2880": 133.4 MHz, 30.3 kHz, 10.0 Hz [507128.459] (II) DUMMY(0): Modeline "3840x2880"x10.0 133.43 3840 3872 4376 4408 2880 2950 2955 3025 (30.3 kHz z) [507128.459] (**) DUMMY(0): *Mode "3840x2560": 116.9 MHz, 26.9 kHz, 10.0 Hz [507128.459] (II) DUMMY(0): Modeline "3840x2560"x10.0 116.93 3840 3872 4312 4344 2560 2622 2627 2689 (26.9 kHz z) [507128.459] (**) DUMMY(0): *Mode "3840x2048": 91.5 MHz, 21.5 kHz, 10.0 Hz [507128.459] (II) DUMMY(0): Modeline "3840x2048"x10.0 91.45 3840 3872 4216 4248 2048 2097 2101 2151 (21.5 kHz z) [507128.459] (**) DUMMY(0): *Mode "2048x2048": 49.5 MHz, 21.5 kHz, 10.0 Hz [507128.459] (II) DUMMY(0): Modeline "2048x2048"x10.0 49.47 2048 2080 2264 2296 2048 2097 2101 2151 (21.5 kHz z) [507128.459] (**) DUMMY(0): *Mode "2560x1600": 47.1 MHz, 16.8 kHz, 10.0 Hz [507128.459] (II) DUMMY(0): Modeline "2560x1600"x10.0 47.12 2560 2592 2768 2800 1600 1639 1642 1681 (16.8 kHz z) [507128.459] (**) DUMMY(0): *Mode "1920x1440": 69.5 MHz, 29.1 kHz, 20.0 Hz [507128.459] (II) DUMMY(0): Modeline "1920x1440"x20.0 69.47 1920 1960 2152 2384 1440 1441 1444 1457 (29.1 kHz z) [507128.459] (**) DUMMY(0): *Mode "1920x1200": 26.3 MHz, 12.6 kHz, 10.0 Hz [507128.459] (II) DUMMY(0): Modeline "1920x1200"x10.0 26.28 1920 1952 2048 2080 1200 1229 1231 1261 (12.6 kHz z) [507128.459] (**) DUMMY(0): *Mode "1920x1080": 23.5 MHz, 11.4 kHz, 10.0 Hz [507128.459] (II) DUMMY(0): Modeline "1920x1080"x10.0 23.53 1920 1952 2040 2072 1080 1106 1108 1135 (11.4 kHz z) [507128.459] (**) DUMMY(0): *Mode "1600x1200": 22.0 MHz, 12.6 kHz, 10.0 Hz [507128.459] (II) DUMMY(0): Modeline "1600x1200"x10.0 22.04 1600 1632 1712 1744 1200 1229 1231 1261 (12.6 kHz z) [507128.459] (**) DUMMY(0): *Mode "1680x1050": 20.1 MHz, 11.1 kHz, 10.0 Hz [507128.459] (II) DUMMY(0): Modeline "1680x1050"x10.0 20.08 1680 1712 1784 1816 1050 1075 1077 1103 (11.1 kHz z) [507128.459] (**) DUMMY(0): *Mode "1600x900": 33.9 MHz, 18.9 kHz, 20.0 Hz [507128.459] (II) DUMMY(0): Modeline "1600x900"x20.0 33.92 1600 1632 1760 1792 900 921 924 946 (18.9 kHz z) [507128.459] (**) DUMMY(0): *Default mode "1400x1050": 179.3 MHz, 93.8 kHz, 85.0 Hz [507128.459] (II) DUMMY(0): Modeline "1400x1050"x85.0 179.26 1400 1504 1656 1912 1050 1051 1054 1103 -hsync +vsync (93.8 kHz zd) [507128.459] (**) DUMMY(0): *Mode "1440x900": 30.7 MHz, 19.0 kHz, 20.1 Hz [507128.459] (II) DUMMY(0): Modeline "1440x900"x20.1 30.66 1440 1472 1584 1616 900 921 924 946 (19.0 kHz z) [507128.459] (**) DUMMY(0): *Mode "1280x1024": 31.5 MHz, 21.6 kHz, 20.1 Hz [507128.460] (II) DUMMY(0): Modeline "1280x1024"x20.1 31.50 1280 1312 1424 1456 1024 1048 1052 1076 (21.6 kHz z) [507128.460] (**) DUMMY(0): *Mode "1366x768": 72.0 MHz, 48.2 kHz, 60.0 Hz [507128.460] (II) DUMMY(0): Modeline "1366x768"x60.0 72.00 1366 1414 1446 1494 768 771 777 803 (48.2 kHz z) [507128.460] (**) DUMMY(0): *Mode "1280x800": 24.1 MHz, 16.9 kHz, 20.1 Hz [507128.460] (II) DUMMY(0): Modeline "1280x800"x20.1 24.15 1280 1312 1400 1432 800 819 822 841 (16.9 kHz z) [507128.460] (**) DUMMY(0): *Mode "1024x768": 23.8 MHz, 20.2 kHz, 25.0 Hz [507128.460] (II) DUMMY(0): Modeline "1024x768"x25.0 23.77 1024 1056 1144 1176 768 785 789 807 (20.2 kHz z) [507128.460] (**) DUMMY(0): *Mode "1024x600": 18.3 MHz, 15.9 kHz, 25.1 Hz [507128.460] (II) DUMMY(0): Modeline "1024x600"x25.1 18.26 1024 1056 1120 1152 600 614 617 631 (15.9 kHz z) [507128.460] (**) DUMMY(0): *Mode "800x600": 14.5 MHz, 15.9 kHz, 25.2 Hz [507128.460] (II) DUMMY(0): Modeline "800x600"x25.2 14.50 800 832 880 912 600 614 617 631 (15.9 kHz z) [507128.460] (**) DUMMY(0): *Default mode "320x200": 15.8 MHz, 37.9 kHz, 85.3 Hz (D) [507128.460] (II) DUMMY(0): Modeline "320x200"x85.3 15.75 320 336 368 416 200 200 202 222 doublescan -hsync +vsync (37.9 kHz zd) [507128.460] (**) DUMMY(0): Mode "4800x1200": 64.4 MHz, 12.6 kHz, 10.0 Hz [507128.460] (II) DUMMY(0): Modeline "4800x1200"x10.0 64.42 4800 4832 5072 5104 1200 1229 1231 1261 (12.6 kHz) [507128.460] (**) DUMMY(0): Mode "3600x1200": 106.1 MHz, 24.3 kHz, 20.0 Hz [507128.460] (II) DUMMY(0): Modeline "3600x1200"x20.0 106.06 3600 3632 3984 4368 1200 1201 1204 1214 (24.3 kHz) [507128.460] (**) DUMMY(0): Mode "3840x1080": 100.4 MHz, 21.9 kHz, 20.0 Hz [507128.460] (II) DUMMY(0): Modeline "3840x1080"x20.0 100.38 3840 3848 4216 4592 1080 1081 1084 1093 (21.9 kHz) [507128.460] (**) DUMMY(0): Mode "2560x1440": 42.1 MHz, 15.1 kHz, 10.0 Hz [507128.460] (II) DUMMY(0): Modeline "2560x1440"x10.0 42.12 2560 2592 2752 2784 1440 1475 1478 1513 (15.1 kHz) [507128.460] (**) DUMMY(0): Mode "3288x1080": 39.8 MHz, 11.4 kHz, 10.0 Hz [507128.460] (II) DUMMY(0): Modeline "3288x1080"x10.0 39.76 3288 3320 3464 3496 1080 1106 1108 1135 (11.4 kHz) [507128.460] (**) DUMMY(0): Mode "2048x1536": 80.1 MHz, 31.1 kHz, 20.0 Hz [507128.460] (II) DUMMY(0): Modeline "2048x1536"x20.0 80.06 2048 2104 2312 2576 1536 1537 1540 1554 (31.1 kHz) [507128.460] (**) DUMMY(0): Default mode "1856x1392": 288.0 MHz, 112.5 kHz, 75.0 Hz [507128.460] (II) DUMMY(0): Modeline "1856x1392"x75.0 288.00 1856 1984 2208 2560 1392 1393 1396 1500 -hsync +vsync (112.5 kHz d) [507128.460] (**) DUMMY(0): Default mode "1856x1392": 218.3 MHz, 86.4 kHz, 60.0 Hz [507128.460] (II) DUMMY(0): Modeline "1856x1392"x60.0 218.30 1856 1952 2176 2528 1392 1393 1396 1439 -hsync +vsync (86.4 kHz d) [507128.460] (**) DUMMY(0): Default mode "1792x1344": 261.0 MHz, 106.3 kHz, 75.0 Hz [507128.460] (II) DUMMY(0): Modeline "1792x1344"x75.0 261.00 1792 1888 2104 2456 1344 1345 1348 1417 -hsync +vsync (106.3 kHz d) [507128.460] (**) DUMMY(0): Default mode "1792x1344": 204.8 MHz, 83.7 kHz, 60.0 Hz [507128.460] (II) DUMMY(0): Modeline "1792x1344"x60.0 204.80 1792 1920 2120 2448 1344 1345 1348 1394 -hsync +vsync (83.7 kHz d) [507128.460] (**) DUMMY(0): Default mode "1400x1050": 155.8 MHz, 81.5 kHz, 74.8 Hz [507128.460] (II) DUMMY(0): Modeline "1400x1050"x74.8 155.80 1400 1464 1784 1912 1050 1052 1064 1090 +hsync +vsync (81.5 kHz d) [507128.460] (**) DUMMY(0): Default mode "1400x1050": 145.1 MHz, 76.5 kHz, 70.0 Hz [507128.460] (II) DUMMY(0): Modeline "1400x1050"x70.0 145.06 1400 1496 1648 1896 1050 1051 1054 1093 -hsync +vsync (76.5 kHz d) [507128.460] (**) DUMMY(0): Default mode "1400x1050": 122.0 MHz, 64.9 kHz, 60.0 Hz [507128.460] (II) DUMMY(0): Modeline "1400x1050"x60.0 122.00 1400 1488 1640 1880 1050 1052 1064 1082 +hsync +vsync (64.9 kHz d) [507128.460] (**) DUMMY(0): Default mode "1280x960": 148.5 MHz, 85.9 kHz, 85.0 Hz [507128.460] (II) DUMMY(0): Modeline "1280x960"x85.0 148.50 1280 1344 1504 1728 960 961 964 1011 +hsync +vsync (85.9 kHz d) [507128.460] (**) DUMMY(0): Default mode "1280x960": 108.0 MHz, 60.0 kHz, 60.0 Hz [507128.460] (II) DUMMY(0): Modeline "1280x960"x60.0 108.00 1280 1376 1488 1800 960 961 964 1000 +hsync +vsync (60.0 kHz d) [507128.460] (**) DUMMY(0): Mode "1360x768": 24.5 MHz, 16.2 kHz, 20.1 Hz [507128.460] (II) DUMMY(0): Modeline "1360x768"x20.1 24.49 1360 1392 1480 1512 768 786 789 807 (16.2 kHz) [507128.460] (**) DUMMY(0): Mode "800x1280": 25.9 MHz, 27.0 kHz, 20.1 Hz [507128.460] (II) DUMMY(0): Modeline "800x1280"x20.1 25.89 800 832 928 960 1280 1310 1315 1345 (27.0 kHz) [507128.460] (**) DUMMY(0): Mode "1280x800": 24.1 MHz, 16.9 kHz, 20.1 Hz [507128.460] (II) DUMMY(0): Modeline "1280x800"x20.1 24.15 1280 1312 1400 1432 800 819 822 841 (16.9 kHz) [507128.460] (**) DUMMY(0): Default mode "1152x864": 143.5 MHz, 91.5 kHz, 100.0 Hz [507128.460] (II) DUMMY(0): Modeline "1152x864"x100.0 143.47 1152 1232 1360 1568 864 865 868 915 -hsync +vsync (91.5 kHz d) [507128.460] (**) DUMMY(0): Default mode "1152x864": 121.5 MHz, 77.5 kHz, 85.1 Hz [507128.460] (II) DUMMY(0): Modeline "1152x864"x85.1 121.50 1152 1216 1344 1568 864 865 868 911 +hsync -vsync (77.5 kHz d) [507128.460] (**) DUMMY(0): Default mode "1152x864": 119.7 MHz, 77.1 kHz, 85.0 Hz [507128.460] (II) DUMMY(0): Modeline "1152x864"x85.0 119.65 1152 1224 1352 1552 864 865 868 907 -hsync +vsync (77.1 kHz d) [507128.460] (**) DUMMY(0): Default mode "1152x864": 108.0 MHz, 67.5 kHz, 75.0 Hz [507128.460] (II) DUMMY(0): Modeline "1152x864"x75.0 108.00 1152 1216 1344 1600 864 865 868 900 +hsync +vsync (67.5 kHz d) [507128.460] (**) DUMMY(0): Default mode "1152x864": 105.0 MHz, 67.6 kHz, 75.0 Hz [507128.460] (II) DUMMY(0): Modeline "1152x864"x75.0 104.99 1152 1224 1352 1552 864 865 868 902 -hsync +vsync (67.6 kHz d) [507128.460] (**) DUMMY(0): Default mode "1152x864": 96.8 MHz, 63.0 kHz, 70.0 Hz [507128.460] (II) DUMMY(0): Modeline "1152x864"x70.0 96.77 1152 1224 1344 1536 864 865 868 900 -hsync +vsync (63.0 kHz d) [507128.460] (**) DUMMY(0): Default mode "1152x864": 81.6 MHz, 53.7 kHz, 60.0 Hz [507128.460] (II) DUMMY(0): Modeline "1152x864"x60.0 81.62 1152 1216 1336 1520 864 865 868 895 -hsync +vsync (53.7 kHz d) [507128.460] (**) DUMMY(0): Mode "800x1242": 25.0 MHz, 26.3 kHz, 20.1 Hz [507128.460] (II) DUMMY(0): Modeline "800x1242"x20.1 25.03 800 832 920 952 1242 1271 1275 1305 (26.3 kHz) [507128.460] (**) DUMMY(0): Mode "1280x768": 23.1 MHz, 16.2 kHz, 20.1 Hz [507128.460] (II) DUMMY(0): Modeline "1280x768"x20.1 23.11 1280 1312 1392 1424 768 786 789 807 (16.2 kHz) [507128.460] (**) DUMMY(0): Mode "1280x762": 22.9 MHz, 16.1 kHz, 20.1 Hz [507128.460] (II) DUMMY(0): Modeline "1280x762"x20.1 22.93 1280 1312 1392 1424 762 780 783 801 (16.1 kHz) [507128.460] (**) DUMMY(0): Mode "720x1280": 30.2 MHz, 33.7 kHz, 25.1 Hz [507128.460] (II) DUMMY(0): Modeline "720x1280"x25.1 30.22 720 752 864 896 1280 1309 1315 1345 (33.7 kHz) [507128.460] (**) DUMMY(0): Mode "1280x720": 27.4 MHz, 18.9 kHz, 25.0 Hz [507128.460] (II) DUMMY(0): Modeline "1280x720"x25.0 27.41 1280 1312 1416 1448 720 737 740 757 (18.9 kHz) [507128.460] (**) DUMMY(0): Mode "720x1242": 29.2 MHz, 32.9 kHz, 25.2 Hz [507128.460] (II) DUMMY(0): Modeline "720x1242"x25.2 29.20 720 752 856 888 1242 1271 1276 1305 (32.9 kHz) [507128.460] (**) DUMMY(0): Mode "1280x682": 25.9 MHz, 18.0 kHz, 25.0 Hz [507128.460] (II) DUMMY(0): Modeline "1280x682"x25.0 25.85 1280 1312 1408 1440 682 698 701 717 (18.0 kHz) [507128.460] (**) DUMMY(0): Mode "1024x768": 18.7 MHz, 16.2 kHz, 20.1 Hz [507128.460] (II) DUMMY(0): Modeline "1024x768"x20.1 18.71 1024 1056 1120 1152 768 786 789 807 (16.2 kHz) [507128.461] (**) DUMMY(0): Mode "768x1024": 24.9 MHz, 27.1 kHz, 25.2 Hz [507128.461] (II) DUMMY(0): Modeline "768x1024"x25.2 24.93 768 800 888 920 1024 1047 1052 1076 (27.1 kHz) [507128.461] (**) DUMMY(0): Mode "768x1024": 19.5 MHz, 21.6 kHz, 20.0 Hz [507128.461] (II) DUMMY(0): Modeline "768x1024"x20.0 19.50 768 800 872 904 1024 1048 1052 1076 (21.6 kHz) [507128.461] (**) DUMMY(0): Default mode "1024x768i": 44.9 MHz, 35.5 kHz, 86.9 Hz (I) [507128.461] (II) DUMMY(0): Modeline "1024x768i"x86.9 44.90 1024 1032 1208 1264 768 768 776 817 interlace +hsync +vsync (35.5 kHz d) [507128.461] (**) DUMMY(0): Mode "768x986": 23.9 MHz, 26.0 kHz, 25.1 Hz [507128.461] (II) DUMMY(0): Modeline "768x986"x25.1 23.90 768 800 888 920 986 1009 1013 1036 (26.0 kHz) [507128.461] (**) DUMMY(0): Mode "1024x730": 22.5 MHz, 19.3 kHz, 25.1 Hz [507128.461] (II) DUMMY(0): Modeline "1024x730"x25.1 22.50 1024 1056 1136 1168 730 747 750 767 (19.3 kHz) [507128.461] (**) DUMMY(0): Default mode "960x720": 170.7 MHz, 128.5 kHz, 85.0 Hz (D) [507128.461] (II) DUMMY(0): Modeline "960x720"x85.0 170.68 960 1036 1144 1328 720 720 722 756 doublescan -hsync +vsync (128.5 kHz d) [507128.461] (**) DUMMY(0): Default mode "960x720": 148.5 MHz, 112.5 kHz, 75.0 Hz (D) [507128.461] (II) DUMMY(0): Modeline "960x720"x75.0 148.50 960 1032 1144 1320 720 720 722 750 doublescan -hsync +vsync (112.5 kHz d) [507128.461] (**) DUMMY(0): Default mode "960x720": 117.0 MHz, 90.0 kHz, 60.0 Hz (D) [507128.461] (II) DUMMY(0): Modeline "960x720"x60.0 117.00 960 1024 1128 1300 720 720 722 750 doublescan -hsync +vsync (90.0 kHz d) [507128.461] (**) DUMMY(0): Default mode "928x696": 144.0 MHz, 112.5 kHz, 75.0 Hz (D) [507128.461] (II) DUMMY(0): Modeline "928x696"x75.0 144.00 928 992 1104 1280 696 696 698 750 doublescan -hsync +vsync (112.5 kHz d) [507128.461] (**) DUMMY(0): Default mode "928x696": 109.2 MHz, 86.4 kHz, 60.1 Hz (D) [507128.461] (II) DUMMY(0): Modeline "928x696"x60.1 109.15 928 976 1088 1264 696 696 698 719 doublescan -hsync +vsync (86.4 kHz d) [507128.461] (**) DUMMY(0): Mode "600x1024": 19.9 MHz, 27.0 kHz, 25.1 Hz [507128.461] (II) DUMMY(0): Modeline "600x1024"x25.1 19.90 600 632 704 736 1024 1047 1052 1076 (27.0 kHz) [507128.461] (**) DUMMY(0): Default mode "896x672": 130.5 MHz, 106.3 kHz, 75.0 Hz (D) [507128.461] (II) DUMMY(0): Modeline "896x672"x75.0 130.50 896 944 1052 1228 672 672 674 708 doublescan -hsync +vsync (106.3 kHz d) [507128.461] (**) DUMMY(0): Default mode "896x672": 102.4 MHz, 83.7 kHz, 60.0 Hz (D) [507128.461] (II) DUMMY(0): Modeline "896x672"x60.0 102.40 896 960 1060 1224 672 672 674 697 doublescan -hsync +vsync (83.7 kHz d) [507128.461] (**) DUMMY(0): Mode "600x986": 19.1 MHz, 25.9 kHz, 25.0 Hz [507128.461] (II) DUMMY(0): Modeline "600x986"x25.0 19.07 600 632 704 736 986 1009 1013 1036 (25.9 kHz) [507128.461] (**) DUMMY(0): Mode "1024x562": 17.0 MHz, 14.8 kHz, 25.0 Hz [507128.461] (II) DUMMY(0): Modeline "1024x562"x25.0 17.03 1024 1056 1120 1152 562 575 578 591 (14.8 kHz) [507128.461] (**) DUMMY(0): Default mode "832x624": 57.3 MHz, 49.7 kHz, 74.6 Hz [507128.461] (II) DUMMY(0): Modeline "832x624"x74.6 57.28 832 864 928 1152 624 625 628 667 -hsync -vsync (49.7 kHz d) [507128.461] (**) DUMMY(0): Mode "536x960": 16.7 MHz, 25.5 kHz, 25.3 Hz [507128.461] (II) DUMMY(0): Modeline "536x960"x25.3 16.74 536 568 624 656 960 982 986 1009 (25.5 kHz) [507128.461] (**) DUMMY(0): Mode "960x536": 15.2 MHz, 14.1 kHz, 25.0 Hz [507128.461] (II) DUMMY(0): Modeline "960x536"x25.0 15.23 960 992 1048 1080 536 548 551 563 (14.1 kHz) [507128.461] (**) DUMMY(0): Mode "536x922": 16.0 MHz, 24.4 kHz, 25.2 Hz [507128.461] (II) DUMMY(0): Modeline "536x922"x25.2 16.01 536 568 624 656 922 943 947 969 (24.4 kHz) [507128.461] (**) DUMMY(0): Mode "600x800": 15.2 MHz, 21.1 kHz, 25.1 Hz [507128.461] (II) DUMMY(0): Modeline "600x800"x25.1 15.17 600 632 688 720 800 818 822 841 (21.1 kHz) [507128.461] (**) DUMMY(0): Mode "960x498": 14.1 MHz, 13.1 kHz, 25.1 Hz [507128.461] (II) DUMMY(0): Modeline "960x498"x25.1 14.09 960 992 1040 1072 498 509 511 523 (13.1 kHz) [507128.461] (**) DUMMY(0): Mode "600x762": 14.4 MHz, 20.2 kHz, 25.2 Hz [507128.461] (II) DUMMY(0): Modeline "600x762"x25.2 14.39 600 632 680 712 762 779 783 801 (20.2 kHz) [507128.461] (**) DUMMY(0): Mode "800x562": 13.5 MHz, 14.8 kHz, 25.1 Hz [507128.461] (II) DUMMY(0): Modeline "800x562"x25.1 13.52 800 832 880 912 562 575 578 591 (14.8 kHz) [507128.461] (**) DUMMY(0): Default mode "840x525": 107.4 MHz, 93.9 kHz, 85.0 Hz (D) [507128.461] (II) DUMMY(0): Modeline "840x525"x85.0 107.38 840 904 992 1144 525 526 529 552 doublescan -hsync +vsync (93.9 kHz d) [507128.461] (**) DUMMY(0): Default mode "840x525": 93.5 MHz, 82.3 kHz, 75.0 Hz (D) [507128.461] (II) DUMMY(0): Modeline "840x525"x75.0 93.50 840 900 988 1136 525 526 529 549 doublescan -hsync +vsync (82.3 kHz d) [507128.461] (**) DUMMY(0): Default mode "840x525": 87.0 MHz, 76.6 kHz, 69.9 Hz (D) [507128.461] (II) DUMMY(0): Modeline "840x525"x69.9 87.00 840 900 988 1136 525 526 529 548 doublescan -hsync +vsync (76.6 kHz d) [507128.461] (**) DUMMY(0): Default mode "840x525": 73.1 MHz, 65.3 kHz, 60.0 Hz (D) [507128.461] (II) DUMMY(0): Modeline "840x525"x60.0 73.12 840 892 980 1120 525 526 529 544 doublescan -hsync +vsync (65.3 kHz d) [507128.461] (**) DUMMY(0): Mode "480x854": 13.3 MHz, 22.5 kHz, 25.1 Hz [507128.461] (II) DUMMY(0): Modeline "480x854"x25.1 13.34 480 512 560 592 854 873 877 897 (22.5 kHz) [507128.461] (**) DUMMY(0): Mode "848x480": 12.1 MHz, 12.7 kHz, 25.1 Hz [507128.461] (II) DUMMY(0): Modeline "848x480"x25.1 12.09 848 880 920 952 480 491 493 505 (12.7 kHz) [507128.461] (**) DUMMY(0): Mode "480x810": 12.6 MHz, 21.6 kHz, 25.3 Hz [507128.461] (II) DUMMY(0): Modeline "480x810"x25.3 12.59 480 512 552 584 810 828 832 851 (21.6 kHz) [507128.461] (**) DUMMY(0): Mode "480x800": 12.4 MHz, 21.3 kHz, 25.3 Hz [507128.461] (II) DUMMY(0): Modeline "480x800"x25.3 12.43 480 512 552 584 800 818 822 841 (21.3 kHz) [507128.461] (**) DUMMY(0): Mode "800x480": 11.5 MHz, 12.7 kHz, 25.1 Hz [507128.461] (II) DUMMY(0): Modeline "800x480"x25.1 11.46 800 832 872 904 480 491 493 505 (12.7 kHz) [507128.461] (**) DUMMY(0): Mode "848x442": 11.1 MHz, 11.6 kHz, 25.1 Hz [507128.461] (II) DUMMY(0): Modeline "848x442"x25.1 11.09 848 880 920 952 442 452 454 465 (11.6 kHz) [507128.461] (**) DUMMY(0): Default mode "700x525": 89.6 MHz, 93.8 kHz, 85.1 Hz (D) [507128.461] (II) DUMMY(0): Modeline "700x525"x85.1 89.63 700 752 828 956 525 525 527 551 doublescan -hsync +vsync (93.8 kHz d) [507128.461] (**) DUMMY(0): Default mode "700x525": 77.9 MHz, 81.5 kHz, 74.8 Hz (D) [507128.461] (II) DUMMY(0): Modeline "700x525"x74.8 77.90 700 732 892 956 525 526 532 545 doublescan +hsync +vsync (81.5 kHz d) [507128.461] (**) DUMMY(0): Default mode "700x525": 72.5 MHz, 76.5 kHz, 70.1 Hz (D) [507128.461] (II) DUMMY(0): Modeline "700x525"x70.1 72.53 700 748 824 948 525 525 527 546 doublescan -hsync +vsync (76.5 kHz d) [507128.461] (**) DUMMY(0): Default mode "700x525": 61.0 MHz, 64.9 kHz, 60.0 Hz (D) [507128.461] (II) DUMMY(0): Modeline "700x525"x60.0 61.00 700 744 820 940 525 526 532 541 doublescan +hsync +vsync (64.9 kHz d) [507128.461] (**) DUMMY(0): Mode "480x762": 11.8 MHz, 20.2 kHz, 25.2 Hz [507128.461] (II) DUMMY(0): Modeline "480x762"x25.2 11.79 480 512 552 584 762 779 783 801 (20.2 kHz) [507128.461] (**) DUMMY(0): Default mode "640x512": 78.8 MHz, 91.1 kHz, 85.0 Hz (D) [507128.461] (II) DUMMY(0): Modeline "640x512"x85.0 78.75 640 672 752 864 512 512 514 536 doublescan +hsync +vsync (91.1 kHz d) [507128.461] (**) DUMMY(0): Default mode "640x512": 67.5 MHz, 80.0 kHz, 75.0 Hz (D) [507128.461] (II) DUMMY(0): Modeline "640x512"x75.0 67.50 640 648 720 844 512 512 514 533 doublescan +hsync +vsync (80.0 kHz d) [507128.461] (**) DUMMY(0): Default mode "640x512": 54.0 MHz, 64.0 kHz, 60.0 Hz (D) [507128.462] (II) DUMMY(0): Modeline "640x512"x60.0 54.00 640 664 720 844 512 512 514 533 doublescan +hsync +vsync (64.0 kHz d) [507128.462] (**) DUMMY(0): Default mode "720x450": 53.2 MHz, 55.9 kHz, 59.9 Hz (D) [507128.462] (II) DUMMY(0): Modeline "720x450"x59.9 53.25 720 760 836 952 450 451 454 467 doublescan -hsync +vsync (55.9 kHz d) [507128.462] (**) DUMMY(0): Default mode "640x480": 74.2 MHz, 85.9 kHz, 85.1 Hz (D) [507128.462] (II) DUMMY(0): Modeline "640x480"x85.1 74.25 640 672 752 864 480 480 482 505 doublescan +hsync +vsync (85.9 kHz d) [507128.462] (**) DUMMY(0): Default mode "640x480": 36.0 MHz, 43.3 kHz, 85.0 Hz [507128.462] (II) DUMMY(0): Modeline "640x480"x85.0 36.00 640 696 752 832 480 481 484 509 -hsync -vsync (43.3 kHz d) [507128.462] (**) DUMMY(0): Default mode "640x480": 31.5 MHz, 37.5 kHz, 75.0 Hz [507128.462] (II) DUMMY(0): Modeline "640x480"x75.0 31.50 640 656 720 840 480 481 484 500 -hsync -vsync (37.5 kHz d) [507128.462] (**) DUMMY(0): Default mode "640x480": 31.5 MHz, 37.9 kHz, 72.8 Hz [507128.462] (II) DUMMY(0): Modeline "640x480"x72.8 31.50 640 664 704 832 480 489 492 520 -hsync -vsync (37.9 kHz d) [507128.462] (**) DUMMY(0): Default mode "640x480": 54.0 MHz, 60.0 kHz, 60.0 Hz (D) [507128.462] (II) DUMMY(0): Modeline "640x480"x60.0 54.00 640 688 744 900 480 480 482 500 doublescan +hsync +vsync (60.0 kHz d) [507128.462] (**) DUMMY(0): Default mode "640x480": 25.2 MHz, 31.5 kHz, 59.9 Hz [507128.462] (II) DUMMY(0): Modeline "640x480"x59.9 25.18 640 656 752 800 480 490 492 525 -hsync -vsync (31.5 kHz d) [507128.462] (**) DUMMY(0): Default mode "720x400": 35.5 MHz, 37.9 kHz, 85.0 Hz [507128.462] (II) DUMMY(0): Modeline "720x400"x85.0 35.50 720 756 828 936 400 401 404 446 -hsync +vsync (37.9 kHz d) [507128.462] (**) DUMMY(0): Default mode "680x384": 36.0 MHz, 47.4 kHz, 60.0 Hz (D) [507128.462] (II) DUMMY(0): Modeline "680x384"x60.0 36.00 680 704 720 760 384 385 390 395 doublescan +hsync -vsync (47.4 kHz d) [507128.462] (**) DUMMY(0): Default mode "680x384": 42.4 MHz, 47.7 kHz, 59.8 Hz (D) [507128.462] (II) DUMMY(0): Modeline "680x384"x59.8 42.38 680 716 784 888 384 385 390 399 doublescan -hsync +vsync (47.7 kHz d) [507128.462] (**) DUMMY(0): Default mode "640x400": 31.5 MHz, 37.9 kHz, 85.1 Hz [507128.462] (II) DUMMY(0): Modeline "640x400"x85.1 31.50 640 672 736 832 400 401 404 445 -hsync +vsync (37.9 kHz d) [507128.462] (**) DUMMY(0): Default mode "576x432": 71.7 MHz, 91.5 kHz, 100.1 Hz (D) [507128.462] (II) DUMMY(0): Modeline "576x432"x100.1 71.73 576 616 680 784 432 432 434 457 doublescan -hsync +vsync (91.5 kHz d) [507128.462] (**) DUMMY(0): Default mode "576x432": 60.8 MHz, 77.5 kHz, 85.2 Hz (D) [507128.462] (II) DUMMY(0): Modeline "576x432"x85.2 60.75 576 608 672 784 432 432 434 455 doublescan +hsync -vsync (77.5 kHz d) [507128.462] (**) DUMMY(0): Default mode "576x432": 59.8 MHz, 77.1 kHz, 85.1 Hz (D) [507128.462] (II) DUMMY(0): Modeline "576x432"x85.1 59.83 576 612 676 776 432 432 434 453 doublescan -hsync +vsync (77.1 kHz d) [507128.462] (**) DUMMY(0): Default mode "576x432": 54.0 MHz, 67.5 kHz, 75.0 Hz (D) [507128.462] (II) DUMMY(0): Modeline "576x432"x75.0 54.00 576 608 672 800 432 432 434 450 doublescan +hsync +vsync (67.5 kHz d) [507128.462] (**) DUMMY(0): Default mode "576x432": 52.5 MHz, 67.6 kHz, 75.0 Hz (D) [507128.462] (II) DUMMY(0): Modeline "576x432"x75.0 52.49 576 612 676 776 432 432 434 451 doublescan -hsync +vsync (67.6 kHz d) [507128.462] (**) DUMMY(0): Default mode "576x432": 48.4 MHz, 63.0 kHz, 70.0 Hz (D) [507128.462] (II) DUMMY(0): Modeline "576x432"x70.0 48.38 576 612 672 768 432 432 434 450 doublescan -hsync +vsync (63.0 kHz d) [507128.462] (**) DUMMY(0): Default mode "576x432": 40.8 MHz, 53.7 kHz, 60.1 Hz (D) [507128.462] (II) DUMMY(0): Modeline "576x432"x60.1 40.81 576 608 668 760 432 432 434 447 doublescan -hsync +vsync (53.7 kHz d) [507128.462] (**) DUMMY(0): Default mode "640x350": 31.5 MHz, 37.9 kHz, 85.1 Hz [507128.462] (II) DUMMY(0): Modeline "640x350"x85.1 31.50 640 672 736 832 350 382 385 445 +hsync -vsync (37.9 kHz d) [507128.462] (**) DUMMY(0): Default mode "512x384i": 22.4 MHz, 35.5 kHz, 86.6 Hz (D) [507128.462] (II) DUMMY(0): Modeline "512x384i"x86.6 22.45 512 516 604 632 384 384 388 409 interlace doublescan +hsync +vsync (35.5 kHz d) [507128.462] (**) DUMMY(0): Default mode "512x384": 47.2 MHz, 68.7 kHz, 85.0 Hz (D) [507128.462] (II) DUMMY(0): Modeline "512x384"x85.0 47.25 512 536 584 688 384 384 386 404 doublescan +hsync +vsync (68.7 kHz d) [507128.462] (**) DUMMY(0): Default mode "512x384": 39.4 MHz, 60.0 kHz, 75.0 Hz (D) [507128.462] (II) DUMMY(0): Modeline "512x384"x75.0 39.38 512 520 568 656 384 384 386 400 doublescan +hsync +vsync (60.0 kHz d) [507128.462] (**) DUMMY(0): Default mode "512x384": 37.5 MHz, 56.5 kHz, 70.1 Hz (D) [507128.462] (II) DUMMY(0): Modeline "512x384"x70.1 37.50 512 524 592 664 384 385 388 403 doublescan -hsync -vsync (56.5 kHz d) [507128.462] (**) DUMMY(0): Default mode "512x384": 32.5 MHz, 48.4 kHz, 60.0 Hz (D) [507128.462] (II) DUMMY(0): Modeline "512x384"x60.0 32.50 512 524 592 672 384 385 388 403 doublescan -hsync -vsync (48.4 kHz d) [507128.462] (**) DUMMY(0): Default mode "416x312": 28.6 MHz, 49.7 kHz, 74.7 Hz (D) [507128.462] (II) DUMMY(0): Modeline "416x312"x74.7 28.64 416 432 464 576 312 312 314 333 doublescan -hsync -vsync (49.7 kHz d) [507128.462] (**) DUMMY(0): Default mode "400x300": 28.1 MHz, 53.7 kHz, 85.3 Hz (D) [507128.462] (II) DUMMY(0): Modeline "400x300"x85.3 28.15 400 416 448 524 300 300 302 315 doublescan +hsync +vsync (53.7 kHz d) [507128.462] (**) DUMMY(0): Default mode "400x300": 24.8 MHz, 46.9 kHz, 75.1 Hz (D) [507128.462] (II) DUMMY(0): Modeline "400x300"x75.1 24.75 400 408 448 528 300 300 302 312 doublescan +hsync +vsync (46.9 kHz d) [507128.462] (**) DUMMY(0): Default mode "400x300": 25.0 MHz, 48.1 kHz, 72.2 Hz (D) [507128.462] (II) DUMMY(0): Modeline "400x300"x72.2 25.00 400 428 488 520 300 318 321 333 doublescan +hsync +vsync (48.1 kHz d) [507128.462] (**) DUMMY(0): Default mode "400x300": 20.0 MHz, 37.9 kHz, 60.3 Hz (D) [507128.462] (II) DUMMY(0): Modeline "400x300"x60.3 20.00 400 420 484 528 300 300 302 314 doublescan +hsync +vsync (37.9 kHz d) [507128.462] (**) DUMMY(0): Default mode "400x300": 18.0 MHz, 35.2 kHz, 56.3 Hz (D) [507128.462] (II) DUMMY(0): Modeline "400x300"x56.3 18.00 400 412 448 512 300 300 301 312 doublescan +hsync +vsync (35.2 kHz d) [507128.462] (**) DUMMY(0): Default mode "320x240": 18.0 MHz, 43.3 kHz, 85.2 Hz (D) [507128.462] (II) DUMMY(0): Modeline "320x240"x85.2 18.00 320 348 376 416 240 240 242 254 doublescan -hsync -vsync (43.3 kHz d) [507128.462] (**) DUMMY(0): Default mode "320x240": 15.8 MHz, 37.5 kHz, 75.0 Hz (D) [507128.462] (II) DUMMY(0): Modeline "320x240"x75.0 15.75 320 328 360 420 240 240 242 250 doublescan -hsync -vsync (37.5 kHz d) [507128.462] (**) DUMMY(0): Default mode "320x240": 15.8 MHz, 37.9 kHz, 72.8 Hz (D) [507128.462] (II) DUMMY(0): Modeline "320x240"x72.8 15.75 320 332 352 416 240 244 246 260 doublescan -hsync -vsync (37.9 kHz d) [507128.462] (**) DUMMY(0): Default mode "320x240": 12.6 MHz, 31.5 kHz, 60.1 Hz (D) [507128.462] (II) DUMMY(0): Modeline "320x240"x60.1 12.59 320 328 376 400 240 245 246 262 doublescan -hsync -vsync (31.5 kHz d) [507128.462] (**) DUMMY(0): Default mode "360x200": 17.8 MHz, 37.9 kHz, 85.0 Hz (D) [507128.462] (II) DUMMY(0): Modeline "360x200"x85.0 17.75 360 378 414 468 200 200 202 223 doublescan -hsync +vsync (37.9 kHz d) [507128.462] (**) DUMMY(0): Default mode "320x175": 15.8 MHz, 37.9 kHz, 85.3 Hz (D) [507128.462] (II) DUMMY(0): Modeline "320x175"x85.3 15.75 320 336 368 416 175 191 192 222 doublescan +hsync -vsync (37.9 kHz d) [507128.462] (++) DUMMY(0): DPI set to (96, 96) [507128.462] (II) Loading sub module "fb" [507128.462] (II) LoadModule: "fb" [507128.463] (II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/ [507128.463] (II) Module fb: vendor="X.Org Foundation" [507128.463] compiled for 1.15.1, module version = 1.0.0 [507128.463] ABI class: X.Org ANSI C Emulation, version 0.4 [507128.463] (II) Loading sub module "ramdac" [507128.463] (II) LoadModule: "ramdac" [507128.463] (II) Module "ramdac" already built-in [507128.463] (--) Depth 24 pixmap format is 32 bpp [507128.463] (II) DUMMY(0): Using 1600 scanlines of offscreen memory [507128.463] (==) DUMMY(0): Backing store enabled [507128.463] (==) DUMMY(0): Silken mouse enabled [507128.463] (WW) DUMMY(0): Option "UseEdidDpi" is not used [507128.463] (==) RandR enabled [507128.467] (II) SELinux: Disabled on system [507128.468] (II) AIGLX: Screen 0 is not DRI2 capable [507128.468] (EE) AIGLX: reverting to software rendering [507128.480] (II) AIGLX: Loaded and initialized swrast [507128.480] (II) GLX: Initialized DRISWRAST GL provider for screen 0 [507128.519] (II) XKB: generating xkmfile /tmp/server-02D8252E59564A234380F1E5417646A9DB3B7452.xkm [507128.541] (II) Using input driver 'void' for 'dummy_mouse' [507128.541] (**) Option "CorePointer" "true" [507128.541] (**) dummy_mouse: always reports core events [507128.541] (II) XINPUT: Adding extended input device "dummy_mouse" (type: Void, id 6) [507128.541] (**) dummy_mouse: (accel) keeping acceleration scheme 1 [507128.541] (**) dummy_mouse: (accel) acceleration profile 0 [507128.541] (**) dummy_mouse: (accel) acceleration factor: 2.000 [507128.541] (**) dummy_mouse: (accel) acceleration threshold: 4 [507128.541] (II) Using input driver 'void' for 'dummy_keyboard' [507128.541] (**) Option "CoreKeyboard" "true" [507128.541] (**) dummy_keyboard: always reports core events [507128.541] (II) XINPUT: Adding extended input device "dummy_keyboard" (type: Void, id 7) [507128.541] (**) dummy_keyboard: (accel) keeping acceleration scheme 1 [507128.541] (**) dummy_keyboard: (accel) acceleration profile 0 [507128.541] (**) dummy_keyboard: (accel) acceleration factor: 2.000 [507128.541] (**) dummy_keyboard: (accel) acceleration threshold: 4 [507128.543] (II) config/udev: Adding input device Power Button (/dev/input/event1) [507128.543] (II) AutoAddDevices is off - not adding device. [507128.543] (II) config/udev: Adding input device Power Button (/dev/input/event0) [507128.543] (II) AutoAddDevices is off - not adding device. [507128.543] (II) config/udev: Adding drm device (/dev/dri/card0) [507128.543] (II) xfree86: Adding drm device (/dev/dri/card0) [507128.543] (II) config/udev: Ignoring already known drm device (/dev/dri/card0) [507478.989] (EE) Server terminated successfully (0). Closing log file. Also, when running xpra on the server from the command line I get this: easyprot@phenyx:~$ xpra --no-daemon --bind-tcp= start :10 X.Org X Server 1.15.1 Release Date: 2014-04-13 X Protocol Version 11, Revision 0 Build Operating System: Linux 3.2.0-37-generic x86_64 Ubuntu Current Operating System: Linux phenyx 3.13.0-34-generic #60-Ubuntu SMP Wed Aug 13 15:45:27 UTC 2014 x86_64 Kernel command line: BOOT_IMAGE=/vmlinuz-3.13.0-34-generic root=/dev/mapper/VolGroup00-lvol0 ro nomdmonddf nomdmonisw nomdmonddf nomdmonisw nomdmonddf nomdmonisw Build Date: 16 April 2014 01:36:29PM xorg-server 2:1.15.1-0ubuntu2 (For technical support please see Current version of pixman: 0.30.2 Before reporting problems, check to make sure that you have the latest version. Markers: (--) probed, (**) from config file, (==) default setting, (++) from command line, (!!) notice, (II) informational, (WW) warning, (EE) error, (NI) not implemented, (??) unknown. (++) Log file: "/home/easyprot/.xpra/Xorg.:10.log", Time: Mon Aug 25 11:40:01 2014 (++) Using config file: "/etc/xpra/xorg.conf" (==) Using system config directory "/usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d" Initializing built-in extension Generic Event Extension Initializing built-in extension SHAPE Initializing built-in extension MIT-SHM Initializing built-in extension XInputExtension Initializing built-in extension XTEST Initializing built-in extension BIG-REQUESTS Initializing built-in extension SYNC Initializing built-in extension XKEYBOARD Initializing built-in extension XC-MISC Initializing built-in extension SECURITY Initializing built-in extension XINERAMA Initializing built-in extension XFIXES Initializing built-in extension RENDER Initializing built-in extension RANDR Initializing built-in extension COMPOSITE Initializing built-in extension DAMAGE Initializing built-in extension MIT-SCREEN-SAVER Initializing built-in extension DOUBLE-BUFFER Initializing built-in extension RECORD Initializing built-in extension DPMS Initializing built-in extension Present Initializing built-in extension DRI3 Initializing built-in extension X-Resource Initializing built-in extension XVideo Initializing built-in extension XVideo-MotionCompensation Initializing built-in extension SELinux Initializing built-in extension XFree86-VidModeExtension Initializing built-in extension XFree86-DGA Initializing built-in extension XFree86-DRI Initializing built-in extension DRI2 Loading extension GLX 2014-08-25 11:40:01,475 server uuid is 086e928233d949deb661563f2f55b43e 2014-08-25 11:40:01,552 using notification forwarder: DBUSNotificationsForwarder(org.freedesktop.Notifications) 2014-08-25 11:40:01,559 csc module csc_opencl could not be loaded: No module named pyopencl 2014-08-25 11:40:01,572 started child '/etc/X11/Xsession true' with pid 4068 2014-08-25 11:40:01,572 xpra server version 0.12.3 2014-08-25 11:40:01,572 running with pid 4045 2014-08-25 11:40:01,613 xpra is ready. 2014-08-25 11:40:01,680 child '/etc/X11/Xsession true' with pid 4068 has terminated
The xpra logfile looks the same as in the former case.
What is wrong?
Change History (1)
comment:1 Changed 10 years ago by
Description: | modified (diff) |
Owner: | set to Antoine gmail |
Status: | new → accepted |
Note: See
TracTickets for help on using
(just tidying up ticket format for now)