6 | 6 | COMMAND_UUID is best taken from the remote machine. Start the program from your client (leave it open!!!) and log into you server. navigate to the server sessions config directory ({{{~/.winswitch/server/sessions}}} there are subdirectorys named after the DISPLAY from the session. You don't need to know the DISPLAY of the session (if you know it, just open the directory and look inside of the {{{config.txt}}} and search for command_uuid="UUID") simply type {{{grep -i "command_uuid" -R *}}} wich search all files for "command_uuid" if only one session is activly open on the remote machine, just one command_uuid will have a UUID, and this is your UUID. If there are more sessions open, you have to try a litle bit to find "your" UUID as there is no way telling the name of the programm with this UUID. |