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I'm trying to set up a WinSwitch 0.10.0 server on a Linux VM (host is Windows 7). It shares the networking card of the host but has a different IP address. Forwarding apps with ssh tunneling works, but removing the ssh tunnel does not. I'd like to determine whether performance is better without the tunneling, but I'm currently unable to.

I see the following error in winswitch/client/applet.log during a reconnect attempt:

2010/29/08 10:31:29 ShifterApplet.start_link(ServerConfig(kraft:8796762835984)) link already exists for 'kraft', kicking it
2010/29/08 10:31:29 ServerPortMonitor.get_command() remote server ServerConfig(kraft:8796762835984) is not tunnelled - cannot detect server port!
2010/29/08 10:31:29 ServerPortMonitor.start() no command to run!

This does not make much sense to me, because it should not be trying to use a tunnel.

The server log does not show any new messages.

Here are the relevant client settings:

ssh_tunnel=False host="" port=22 username="mwolson" encrypted_password=[snip] administrator_login="" default_command_port=8010 enabled=True auto_connect=True auto_start=False preload_tunnels=False

Here are the server settings on the VM:

ssh_tunnel=False listen_on="*:8010" firewall_enabled=False

I can use netcat to connect to port 8010 on the VM from Windows, and I've tried disabling the Windows Firewall. Let me know if there's any additional info I can provide.


In the first time I have made the connection to my remote computer via "New Connection" menu item. It was successful. My remote computer have been automatically added in "Servers" tab list in Configuration. But I can't connect to it via menu items. The system shows me "SSH authentication failed" message. I can only make connection via "New Connection"

P.S. Both systems - Ubuntu 10.04 P.S.S. Sorry for my English.


When I starting any remote application the program starts it twice. So I get two instances of one application. When I close one of the instances the second instance closes too.

P.S. Both systems - Ubuntu 10.04 P.S.S. Sorry for my English.

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.