Opened 15 years ago

Closed 14 years ago

Last modified 14 years ago

#112 closed defect (worksforme)

Can't connect to server on LAN without using a tunnel

Reported by: Michael Olson Owned by: Antoine Martin
Priority: major Milestone:
Component: Client Keywords:

Description (last modified by Antoine Martin)

I'm trying to set up a WinSwitch 0.10.0 server on a Linux VM (host is Windows 7). It shares the networking card of the host but has a different IP address. Forwarding apps with ssh tunneling works, but removing the ssh tunnel does not. I'd like to determine whether performance is better without the tunneling, but I'm currently unable to.

I see the following error in winswitch/client/applet.log during a reconnect attempt:

2010/29/08 10:31:29 ShifterApplet.start_link(ServerConfig(kraft:8796762835984)) link already exists for 'kraft', kicking it
2010/29/08 10:31:29 ServerPortMonitor.get_command() remote server ServerConfig(kraft:8796762835984) is not tunnelled - cannot detect server port!
2010/29/08 10:31:29 ServerPortMonitor.start() no command to run!

This does not make much sense to me, because it should not be trying to use a tunnel.

The server log does not show any new messages.

Here are the relevant client settings:


Here are the server settings on the VM:


I can use netcat to connect to port 8010 on the VM from Windows, and I've tried disabling the Windows Firewall. Let me know if there's any additional info I can provide.

Change History (3)

comment:1 Changed 15 years ago by Antoine Martin

To answer your first question: performance is better without using SSH. SSH introduces some tiny but totally unnecessary latency, the impact of which varies depending on the protocol being used on top.

Generally, if things stop working without the SSH tunnel, something must be blocking the straight TCP connections: either an outgoing port filter on the client (rare) or an incoming port filter on the server (much more common).

However, seeing that you tested the port with netcat (telnet also works), that is not the problem here.
The easiest way to get LAN connections working is via mDNS (auto configured).
If you cannot or do not want to use mdns, I would just delete the existing config and re-try with a brand new one ("New Connection" in main menu), specifying your "direct" port (8010) in the dialog.

Let me know how you get on...

comment:2 Changed 14 years ago by Antoine Martin

Resolution: worksforme
Status: newclosed

Not heard back, please re-open if this is still an issue with the latest release.

comment:3 Changed 14 years ago by Antoine Martin

Description: modified (diff)
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