Custom Query (230 matches)


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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#305 fixed Invalid signatures Matteo Ipri

Hi all, I can not install xpra on Ubuntu 17.10 Artful AArdvark because I get the following:

W: GPG error: artful Release: The following signatures were invalid: EXPKEYSIG 18ADB31CF18AD6BB Antoine Martin <[email protected]>
E: The repository ' artful Release' is not signed.

I followed instructions on:

and on:

Steps to reproduce:

apt-get install curl
curl | apt-key add -


apt-get install dirmngr
apt-key adv --fetch-keys

both get me the above message; while

apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-keys F18AD6BB

results in a connection timeout.

Please advice, Thanks

#308 wontfix Can not open sessions on ubuntu 18.04 xinwang

I freshly installed ubuntu 18.04 in a new computer (with win10 as dual system). For the reason of wifi drivers, I upgraded Linux kernel to linux-generic-hwe-18.04-edge.

First question is:

If directly install winswitch, it said that

"The following packages have unmet dependencies:

winswitch : Depends: xpra (>= 1.0) but it is not going to be installed

Recommends: python-gnome2-desktop but it is not installable Recommends: python-gst0.10 but it is not installable

E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages. ".

But I already installed python-gnome2 and python-gnome2-dev.

I installed xpra then winswitch (newest version even beta version). I can open winswitch now.

When I connected a remote server successfully, I try to start applications. But then jumped out a message box who let me input the password of user "xxx" (my username). It just like this:

| Server Authentication | | | | Please enter the password for user 'xxx', | | connecting to tcp server | | | | [Input box] | | | | Cancel OK |

When I input the correct password of my username (the user name and password of local pc and remote pc is the same), it said:

Connection Failed: disconnected before the session could b... authentication failed

Then next message:

Session XXXXXX failed 2020-01-25 :0.0(508x285 mm - DPI 96x96) workarea: 1845x1053 at 75x27 2020-01-25 eDP-1(309x174mm-DPI:157x157) 2020-01-25 Warning:server connection failure: 2020-01-25 disconnected before the session could be established

The remote server run a ubuntu 16.04, which can be connected normally using a Windows computer and my old 16.04 desktop.

I struggled to solve this but have no idea. It's kind of you, if there is any suggestion.

#309 wontfix No module named xpra.dotxpra on Debian Buster F. Vogel


Server: Debian Buster
# dpkg -l | grep -E "xpra|winswitch"
ii  python3-xpra                         3.0.9-r26132-2                  amd64        tool to detach/reattach running X programs
ii  winswitch                            0.12.23-2                       all          tool to start and control remote sessions
ii  xpra                                 3.0.9-r26132-2                  amd64        tool to detach/reattach running X programs
ii  xpra-html5                           3.0.9-r26132-2                  amd64        html5 xpra client

Client: Linux Mint 19.3
$ dpkg -l | grep -E "xpra|winswitch"
ii  python3-xpra                               3.0.9-r26132-2                                   amd64        tool to detach/reattach running X programs
ii  winswitch                                  0.12.23-2                                        all          tool to start and control remote sessions
ii  xpra                                       3.0.9-r26132-2                                   amd64        tool to detach/reattach running X programs

Xpra itself works fine, but using winswitch does not: "You have requested an xpra session but this server does not support it"

When running the server from the CLI I get the following message:

[EE] 2020/29/04 19:07:38.816622 WinSwitchServer.assign_virt_utils() failed to load xpra, make sure it is installed: No module named xpra.dotxpra

There is a very old ticket with the same issue (#219). According to that i tried to link /usr/lib/xpra to a lot of locations without any effort.

If you need more input please let me know!

Regards, Frank

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