Custom Query (230 matches)


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Results (46 - 48 of 230)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#291 fixed When attempting to start an application on Fedora 24 using WindowSwitch 0.12.21 you are informed that xpra is not supported. jayce1996 jayce1996

If you try to start an application on a Fedora 24 server using WindowSwitch? 0.12.21, you get the following error dialog:

You have requested an xpra session but this server does not support it.

Attempting to start an xpra session directly using: xpra start ssh:localhost:100 --start-child=xchat

actually produces an application.

xpra is installed in the same location that winswitch thinks it is.

#265 fixed difficulty with "msjnc" application and win-switch Eric Blade Eric Blade

Install msjnc application from:

Server running application is Ubuntu 14.04-1.

Application is installed into window-switch menus as "Internet->VPN Session Disconnect". (It's actual name in the system is "Network Connect")

Attempting to run it from Window-Switch results in an xpra session briefly starting, and then closing down. Logs don't seem to match up with anything (I don't see any session logs that mention msjnc, and although I have two xpra processes and a Xvfb-for-Xpra- process left over, claiming to be :67 and :68, my only logs are for other numbers and appear to be prior sessions).

Running the application from the server itself, using:

xpra start ssh: --start-child=msjnc

is successful.

Apparently the windows xpra client doesn't accept the "--start-child" parameter, so I'm not quite sure how to test it when starting from remote.

The application does not succeed when running from window-switch on the local machine, either.

#270 fixed Winswitch unable to connect over ssh from MS Windows to server running openssh 6.7 dfeldstern dfeldstern

After upgrading a linux server to openssh 6.7, I'm no longer able to connect to it from MS Windows (winswitch 0.12.20). In the server's log I see "fatal: Unable to negotiate a key exchange method [preauth]". I have no trouble connecting to the server via putty.

It seems that this is a twisted-conch issue:

However, I assume that even once that's fixed, some work will be required on winswitch's part, too, even if only to create a new build; so opening a ticker here, too.

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