Custom Query (230 matches)
Results (46 - 48 of 230)
Ticket | Resolution | Summary | Owner | Reporter |
#163 | duplicate | Maximizing does not work correctly. | ||
Description |
Maximizing does not work correctly. The container maximizes correctly but the content does not. It stays at the same shape it come up when started. However, you can then manually move the edges and change the size and the application behaves correctly. I've attached a screenshot to this ticket. |
#161 | wontfix | Menus don't expand to anything | ||
Description |
I discussed this bug on the forum ( and I've finally managed to get a screenshot of first bug I mentioned. Sometimes the menu's don't expand to anything. Example: I see the local server, I click on Start Applications and the menu is empty (I just see a sliver showing something should be there, it's just not populated with anything.) However, this happens with ALL the menu options for all attached winswitch servers/connections. When this happens I can't quit the applet. However, from another system I can start applications from my that system. See attached screenshot. |
#120 | fixed | Missing xpra dependency in Debian's Packages | ||
Description |
In file, as well as in Packages for other Debian/Ubuntu? versions, xpra is mentioned as a dependency for winswitch, but its description is missing in the mentioned Packages. The package correctly resides in and after downloading and installing with dpkg --install xpra- the installation of winswitch from the repository succeedes. |