Custom Query (230 matches)


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Results (58 - 60 of 230)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#38 wontfix Patch TigerVNC to allow us to set the Window name on MSWindows Antoine Martin Antoine Martin

The linux version of TigerVNC 1.0 has the name global parameter:

Global Parameters:
  name           - The X window name (default=)

But the Windows version does not.

#46 fixed allow the user to turn off the icons in the menus and dialogs Antoine Martin Antoine Martin

We workaround the latest gnome "upgrade" by forcing gtk to display icons where we expect them to be (IMO looks ugly without), we may want to give the user the option to enable it or not instead.

#50 fixed Solaris packages Antoine Martin Elliot Moore

Just a question of running?:

python bdist_pkgtool

distutils builddist
not that simple I am afraid: would not handle dependencies.

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