Custom Query (230 matches)


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Results (58 - 60 of 230)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#236 invalid Setting Up WinSwitch over a local network JamesDeadman

I have two computers networked together via an ethernet crossover cable and I'm trying to figure out what to do to make WinSwitch? work between them. There is a lot of jargon being used the software that I'm not familiar with. Could I perhaps get a step by step on how to set up WinSwitch??

I'm running Windows 7 on both machines. I already use Mouse Without Borders between the two computers to allow the mouse and individual files to go between both computers, but it would be nice to move program windows as well.

#237 invalid Gentoo Ebuild Michael Weber

version 0.9.5 is missing in

distutils.eclass is deprecated.

See for python-r1* and virtual/python-imaging (Pillow,PIL) integration see

#246 invalid International keyboard support failing MCondarelli

I have an Italian keyboard. Some keys (notably ',?', '{', '}', '#' and '@') are only available via 'AltGr?' escape. All these keys do not appear to work.


  • Server: Linux Wheezy_amd64
    • LANG=en_US.UTF-8
  • Client: Windows Seven x64
    • Italian setup
  • Test program: eclipse 3.8.0
  • Winswitch was installed today following indication on web site.
  • All software installed is standard and up-to-date.
  • All other keys are correctly interpreted as Italian KBD in spite of client/server language mismatch (e.g.: all accented letters are correct).
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