Custom Query (230 matches)


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Results (64 - 66 of 230)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#214 fixed RELEASE-NOTES is not shipped in the src.tar.bz2 Antoine Martin onlyjob

Please ship RELEASE-NOTES in source archives.

(Current 'winswitch-0.12.14.src.tar.bz2' do not have 'RELEASE-NOTES' file.)

#114 fixed Remote app starts twice Antoine Martin Mystic-Mirage

When I starting any remote application the program starts it twice. So I get two instances of one application. When I close one of the instances the second instance closes too.

P.S. Both systems - Ubuntu 10.04 P.S.S. Sorry for my English.

#297 fixed Repo is missing Ubuntu 17.04 packages Nathan Rennie-Waldock Nathan Rennie-Waldock

Repo has xpra packages for 17.04, but not winswitch.

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