Custom Query (230 matches)


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Results (85 - 87 of 230)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#102 fixed Can't select to run Firefox from menu Antoine Martin Nathan Grennan

There seems to be an explicit effort to hide Firefox in the menu to prevent attempts of running it. Firefox is probably my number one use case. This was tried between two Fedora boxes running 0.9.11.

#104 fixed Create a windows server Antoine Martin Antoine Martin

Not much to share from a windows box, but at least we can try:

  • control the VNC server process
  • punch through the firewall as needed?
  • a local ssh server for tunnelling? (openssh cygwin build?)
  • xterm?


Then we can tackle #105 (RDP)

#105 fixed RDP support Antoine Martin Antoine Martin

Following popular demand... Let's implement RDP client/server support.

  • an rdesktop client wrapper
  • an xrdp based server plugin (which will need to override the authentication phase with one of our tokens - replace sesman?)
  • the full server build for Windows

The Windows server is going to need:

  • way to control the RDP server if possible (unlikely)

Depends on #104

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