Custom Query (230 matches)


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Results (91 - 93 of 230)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#152 fixed Can't add to Lubuntu server menu Antoine Martin tlc

My server is running Lubuntu. My client, OSX.

I added a working .desktop file to ~/.winswitch/server/menu, but it replaced the contents of the Start Application menus for that server. I wanted to add to those menus.

So then I moved the .desktop file to ~/.local/share/applications, which added it to my menus on the server DESKTOP (when I do Start Desktop), but not my Start Application menus on the client FOR the server. I restarted the server and the client.

How can I ADD to the menus of a server?

#154 fixed spurious characters with xpra Antoine Martin FredSRichardson

I'm using the latest version on both the client and server:


I notice that when I use certain emacs commands like "C-X 1" or "C-X 0" a sequence of "1" or "0" will get pasted at the current point in the buffer.

The server is ubuntu-64 (lucid) and the client is ubuntu-32 (lucid VM under Windows 7).



#156 fixed winswitch on mac os x lion Antoine Martin Grknsngn

it doesn't start at all. trying to open /Applications/ says

LSOpenURLsWithRole() failed with error -10810 for the file /Applications/
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