Custom Query (230 matches)


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Results (91 - 93 of 230)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#224 notabug Winswitch on Win 7 Antoine Martin Demontager

I need to use Win7 Ultimate machine as server for applications and Lubuntu 12.10 as client. The problem is i don't see any applications available to launch in tray icon menu - not in Windows 7 neither Lubuntu. Sure i connected to server and vice-versa. I tried to match same protocol - nx on Win7 and Linux, but no result. When checking connection configuration i see this -

Seamless Default "None available! Microsoft Microsoft Windows limitations"

Desktop Default "None available! Microsoft Microsoft Windows limitations" So i assume the problem in Win 7 Ultimate support. I used before to connect to Windows 2003 Server from Gentoo and it just worked fine.

#270 fixed Winswitch unable to connect over ssh from MS Windows to server running openssh 6.7 dfeldstern dfeldstern

After upgrading a linux server to openssh 6.7, I'm no longer able to connect to it from MS Windows (winswitch 0.12.20). In the server's log I see "fatal: Unable to negotiate a key exchange method [preauth]". I have no trouble connecting to the server via putty.

It seems that this is a twisted-conch issue:

However, I assume that even once that's fixed, some work will be required on winswitch's part, too, even if only to create a new build; so opening a ticker here, too.

#215 fixed Wrong keyboard setting when resume NX session Antoine Martin Rogerio Bastos

I'm using winswitch 0.12.14 in server and client-side, and NX protocol to open Desktop sessions. However, every time I resume a session the keyboard settings is not set and I need to execute the following command to fix:

$ setxkbmap -layout us -variant alt-intl -print | xkbcomp - $DISPLAY
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