Custom Query (230 matches)


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Results (97 - 99 of 230)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#178 fixed [PATCH] Fix for broken exception handling Antoine Martin HellFire

Some of the exception handling is broken (references non-existent attributes or not using all arguments in string formatting). Attached patch fixes both I found.

#284 fixed [PATCH] Fix incorrect icons for some apps Nathan Rennie-Waldock

Some apps are showing the incorrect icon in the applications menu. After a lot of debugging, I figured out icons with an extension will always be replaced by an icon found after it.

In my case, Thunderbird was getting the icon from my icon theme, rather than the package one which was found first.

It was caused by checking for the filename *with* extension as the key, rather than without which is how they're stored.

#170 fixed ability to decide where URLs are opened Antoine Martin Antoine Martin

Split from #168 - see there for details.

What we want is the ability for the user connected to the session to decide what to do with requests (within that session) for opening new files and URLs. Give them 3 options:

  • open them as normal (application used will be part of the same session as the one that launched it) - current behaviour
  • open them in a new session (create a new session and attach it automatically)
  • open them on the client (only valid for URLs, files would have to be copied over first which is a lot more tricky!)
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