Custom Query (230 matches)


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Results (100 - 102 of 230)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#173 fixed Server settings window too small Antoine Martin pmarek

With r4481 of winswitch I've got a corrupted settings window - the window is too small for the "users" tab of the server settings, see screenshot.

#172 fixed ability to upgrade xpra server sessions in place Antoine Martin pmarek

At the moment, if one uses "xpra upgrade" on an existing xpra session, winswitch will see that the server process it had started has now terminated and it will close the session and kill all the remaining session processes.


  • detect an exit code from the xpra server which will mean "upgrade me" and re-spawn it.

This could be tricky as there are daemons involved, pipes and file descriptors, gio file watchers, etc.

  • change the xpra code to exec the new process in place so we keep the same pid and this becomes transparent to winswitch

Another benefit is that all the start options would then be preserved too (password, etc) - and we could even envisage that extra options could be specified to override existing ones

#171 fixed "winswitch attach" Antoine Martin pmarek

It would be nice if winswitch could be attached to a server via a shell command, similar to "xpra attach".

This is related to #168, too.

Thanks a lot.

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