Custom Query (230 matches)


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Results (106 - 108 of 230)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#46 fixed allow the user to turn off the icons in the menus and dialogs Antoine Martin Antoine Martin

We workaround the latest gnome "upgrade" by forcing gtk to display icons where we expect them to be (IMO looks ugly without), we may want to give the user the option to enable it or not instead.

#69 wontfix always show system tray icon on windows Antoine Martin Antoine Martin

Our app avoids placing an icon in the task bar (window.SKIP_TASKBAR), so windows should get out of the way and let us live in the tray (aka notification area). But no, nanny-microsoft decides they know best, so we would need some code to go and hack the registry (yuk), something like what is mentioned in this thread.

#153 wontfix app menus missing in 0.12.4 on OSX client Antoine Martin tlc

I downloaded and installed 0.12.4 on my OSX client. There used to be a right-hand-side "tray" menu that I don't see anymore. I can find no way to run applications and Winswitch is unusable.

There are now some left-hand side menus ("Servers", "Windows", "Desktops") that I don't recall from before. Maybe they're meant to replace the tray menu?

  • Under "Servers", "New Connection" and <myserver> work.
  • Under "Windows", "Start Application" doesn't do anything. This is the only item in the "Windows" menu.
  • Under "Desktops", "Start Desktop" doesn't do anything. "Main Unix Display on <server>" does bring up a dialog.
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