Custom Query (230 matches)


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Results (115 - 117 of 230)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#196 fixed ~/.winswitch/server/server.log in use all the time Antoine Martin pmarek

It would be nice if winswitch_server would rename the logfile to .prev (or something similar) when it's being started and/or gets eg. signal SIGHUP (similar to syslog), so that its size can be easily limited.

#197 fixed Ubuntu Maverick 100% CPU-Usage and no functionality Antoine Martin Thomas Käfer

Hi! I installed winswitch on 3 systems of mine in the last days:

1.) Linux Mint Debian Editon (based on Debian Wheezy) 2.) Ubuntu 11.04 Natty Narwhal 3.) Ubuntu 10.10 Maverick Meerkat

On 1.) and 2.) It worked well locally, although I was not able to use 1.) from 2.) - see for details

This issue is about the 3rd machine, the Ubuntu 10.10.

I did install winswitch like this:

curl | apt-key add -
echo "deb maverick main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/winswitch.list;
apt-get update
apt-get install winswitch

When starting the applet, it appeared in the statusbar, but reacted very sluggish (which did not get better even after 15 minutes) I could not open a session locally neither remote on the 1.) machine, although the second issue seems to stem from version incompatibilities of xpra.

I'll attach the logfile.

#201 fixed Incorrect check for started X server Antoine Martin Alexey Loginov

In trying to get a WinSwitch/xpra server on Ubuntu to work with a WinSwitch/xpra client on OSX, I had to fight with xmodmap a bit (need to use Alt for Eclipse, emacs, etc.). I found the check for running X server not to be quite right. The following diff is for an older version of winswitch/client/ (I can't use the latest due to, so the lines aren't current but their content hasn't changed.

The first change fixes the search of lines for "org.x.startx". In the old form, line.find returns -1 for any line without a match, triggering on the very first line ("PID Status Label"). Python documentation states a preference for "substring in string", when the position of substring in string is not needed. If you want to insist on "org.x.startx" at the very end of the line, the test could be: if line.endswith("org.x.startx"):

The second change corrects the check for a process that's running now ("0" in parts[1] appears to indicate that the process has terminated and returned 0). Checking that parts[0] is NOT "-" is a valid check for a running process, as well. The man pages are a bit vague.

The changes below work on my MacBookPros at home and at work with 10.5 and 10.6:

<                                       if line.find("org.x.startx$"):
>                                       if "org.x.startx" in line:
<                                                       started = parts[1]=="0"
>                                                       started = parts[1]=="-"

I hope this helps. -Alexey

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