Opened 13 years ago

Closed 12 years ago

#196 closed enhancement (fixed)

~/.winswitch/server/server.log in use all the time

Reported by: pmarek Owned by: Antoine Martin
Priority: minor Milestone: 0.12
Component: Global Keywords:


It would be nice if winswitch_server would rename the logfile to .prev (or something similar) when it's being started and/or gets eg. signal SIGHUP (similar to syslog), so that its size can be easily limited.

Change History (1)

comment:1 Changed 12 years ago by Antoine Martin

Component: ServerGlobal
Milestone: 0.12
Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

r4889 rotates the log files everytime the applet or server is restarted.
(having a config option for this would be difficult as much logging would have already happened by the time we get to the option, and SIGHUP is not handled yet... although it really should be!)

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