Custom Query (230 matches)


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Results (145 - 147 of 230)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#291 fixed When attempting to start an application on Fedora 24 using WindowSwitch 0.12.21 you are informed that xpra is not supported. jayce1996 jayce1996

If you try to start an application on a Fedora 24 server using WindowSwitch? 0.12.21, you get the following error dialog:

You have requested an xpra session but this server does not support it.

Attempting to start an xpra session directly using: xpra start ssh:localhost:100 --start-child=xchat

actually produces an application.

xpra is installed in the same location that winswitch thinks it is.

#243 fixed Unity specific menu options from .desktop files being prioritised over defaults Antoine Martin madmonk

The Win Switch menu appears to offer the last choice in the .desktop file these typically appear to be the unity specific options which would normally be ignored / hidden in other environments. The files can of course be copied and modified which clears up the problem. It would of course be nice if the relevant parser could be adjusted to take the 1st option in the file (which is the default option AFAIK).


Exert from the firefox.desktop file...

From the beginning of the file

[Desktop Entry]
Name=Firefox Web Browser
Exec=firefox %u

The Win Switch menu shows the last option however....

From the end of the file

[Desktop Action NewPrivateWindow]
Name=Open a New Private Window
Exec=firefox -private-window
#143 fixed Ubuntu packages are broken because of non-existing /usr/libexec or /usr/local/libexec dirs Antoine Martin blackhole123

/usr/libexec and /usr/local/libexec do not (and should not, I suppose) exist under a standard Ubuntu install, and yet the packages contain references to them.

In particular, replacing them by /usr/lib/ and /usr/local/lib in

/usr/lib/python2.6/winswitch/utils/ at lines 126 and 128 (+/- 1) is needed for the server to start.

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