Custom Query (230 matches)


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Results (13 - 15 of 230)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#151 worksforme Can't connect to servers with special characters in the SSH password. Antoine Martin boltronics

Server: WinSwitch 0.12.3, Ubuntu 10.04 (using the WinSwitch repo) Client: WinSwitch 0.12.3, Debian Wheezy (using the WinSwitch Sid repo)

"Match Username" was ticked, I customized the "Sound Monitor Device", and set the Menu Size to "Small" on the client (since the menus were huge on Debian by default - a different bug I suspect). Default Desktop Screen Size was set. Everything else was using the defaults (xpra for Seamless, vnc for Desktop).

I used a password on the server which contained (amongst other characters) the characters ")$;". Presumably one of these prevented the SSH connection from connecting, since the password prompt kept re-appearing. I changed the password on the Ubuntu server to only use an alphanumeric password, and then the password was accepted.

#102 fixed Can't select to run Firefox from menu Antoine Martin Nathan Grennan

There seems to be an explicit effort to hide Firefox in the menu to prevent attempts of running it. Firefox is probably my number one use case. This was tried between two Fedora boxes running 0.9.11.

#198 wontfix Can't start NX or VNC session Antoine Martin HellFire

I can't start an NX or VNC session. Can't see why VNC is failing, but NX is failing because of extra data in the DISPLAY var.

VNC server.log: VNC vnc.log:

NX server.log: NX nx.log:

NX server is NoMachine's NX v3.5.0 VNC is RealVNC Enterprise v4.6.3

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