Custom Query (230 matches)


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Results (193 - 195 of 230)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#277 fixed WinSwitch Wont Start OSX 10.9.5 student_meh student_meh

WinSwitch? does not seem to start at all in OSX 10.9.5

I have tried to look for a verbose mode to start WinSwitch? from terminal to see what is up but I was not able to find any flaggs that the app allows.

I have went through security and firewall check but no luck. The app simply does not start at all.

Can you please enable verbose flag. Previous version of WinSwitch? worked fine.

Thank you very much.

#268 fixed .desktop files not parsed correctly Antoine gmail Nathan Rennie-Waldock

.desktop files aren't being parsed correctly. Thunderbird is showing incorrectly as "Contacts". It appears only the last section is being processed, not the Desktop Entry section.

#275 fixed bashism in /bin/sh script onlyjob

As reported in

checkbashisms (from the 'devscripts' package) found the following:

possible bashism in ./usr/lib/winswitch/bin-override/xdg-open line 28
(should be 'b = a'):
		  if [ $e == 0 ]; then

Not using bash (or a Debian Policy compliant shell interpreter that doesn't provide such an extra feature) as /bin/sh is likely to lead to errors or unexpected behaviours. Please be aware that dash is the default /bin/sh in Debian.

Hints about how to fix bashisms can be found at:

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.