Custom Query (230 matches)


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Results (205 - 207 of 230)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#309 wontfix No module named xpra.dotxpra on Debian Buster F. Vogel


Server: Debian Buster
# dpkg -l | grep -E "xpra|winswitch"
ii  python3-xpra                         3.0.9-r26132-2                  amd64        tool to detach/reattach running X programs
ii  winswitch                            0.12.23-2                       all          tool to start and control remote sessions
ii  xpra                                 3.0.9-r26132-2                  amd64        tool to detach/reattach running X programs
ii  xpra-html5                           3.0.9-r26132-2                  amd64        html5 xpra client

Client: Linux Mint 19.3
$ dpkg -l | grep -E "xpra|winswitch"
ii  python3-xpra                               3.0.9-r26132-2                                   amd64        tool to detach/reattach running X programs
ii  winswitch                                  0.12.23-2                                        all          tool to start and control remote sessions
ii  xpra                                       3.0.9-r26132-2                                   amd64        tool to detach/reattach running X programs

Xpra itself works fine, but using winswitch does not: "You have requested an xpra session but this server does not support it"

When running the server from the CLI I get the following message:

[EE] 2020/29/04 19:07:38.816622 WinSwitchServer.assign_virt_utils() failed to load xpra, make sure it is installed: No module named xpra.dotxpra

There is a very old ticket with the same issue (#219). According to that i tried to link /usr/lib/xpra to a lot of locations without any effort.

If you need more input please let me know!

Regards, Frank

#54 duplicate start session dialog to allow us to switch to jpeg compression for xpra Antoine Martin Antoine Martin

the code itself is pretty easy, what is difficult is keeping the interface clean between the dialog, the client and the server...

Maybe define a list of options for each session type? Is this too generic for the sake of it?

#56 duplicate need a reliable way to detect the screensaver / idle session Antoine Martin Antoine Martin

This used to be done with python-xlib code in window_util but was removed as it caused segfaults. r1450 All the other approaches I have tried did not work as advertised (root window property, etc..)

There must be something in dbus that would do the job, but I can't find it documented anywhere.

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