Custom Query (230 matches)


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Results (217 - 219 of 230)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#277 fixed WinSwitch Wont Start OSX 10.9.5 student_meh student_meh

WinSwitch? does not seem to start at all in OSX 10.9.5

I have tried to look for a verbose mode to start WinSwitch? from terminal to see what is up but I was not able to find any flaggs that the app allows.

I have went through security and firewall check but no luck. The app simply does not start at all.

Can you please enable verbose flag. Previous version of WinSwitch? worked fine.

Thank you very much.

#296 fixed Xpra version mismatch error thinksilicon

Hi, I've checked out latest release of winswitch (0.12.20) and compiled on my openSUSE 42.2. Works fine so far, except I get an error-message on start-up:

"Xpra version mismatch,xpra version on the server is 2.0.1-r15494, your version is 2.0.1-r15494. Xpra support has been disabled"

As you can see, this message doesn't really make sense, as it's the exact same version of xpra. I took a look into the xpra_version_compat(self, v1, v2) function and if I'm not taken wrong it looks like, the function has a problem with the git-release-number in my xpra-verion. Would you be able to provide a patch, so xpra_version_compat() is more resilient against those version-numbers?

Thank you and keep up the good work!

#150 invalid Keyboard focus problem, OSX, xpra Antoine Martin tlc

When using xpra with an OSX client and an Ubuntu server, I have consistent keyboard focus problems.

Whenever the app opens a secondary window, clicking fields, or anywhere on the secondary window will not give keyboard focus to a field.

I can work around by clicking the titlebar of the original app window, then moving back to the secondary window. Then my mouse clicks will affect keyboard focus.

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