Custom Query (230 matches)


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Results (220 - 222 of 230)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#32 fixed port_mapper will eventually run out of ports Antoine Martin Antoine Martin

We currently do not free_ports(), but we should...
We should not re-use these ports immediately (just in case nx/xpra/vnc whatever does not set SOCK_REUSE) but we need to keep track of them and allow those to be re-used.

If there are too many ports reserved (threshold?) we can just clear the list and start again (we re-detect ports that really are assigned).

#36 fixed don't use SCP to open file on a local server Antoine Martin Antoine Martin

At the moment, we use the same process using FileCopier, but we could just open the file directly!

#38 wontfix Patch TigerVNC to allow us to set the Window name on MSWindows Antoine Martin Antoine Martin

The linux version of TigerVNC 1.0 has the name global parameter:

Global Parameters:
  name           - The X window name (default=)

But the Windows version does not.

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