Opened 13 years ago

Closed 13 years ago

#169 closed defect (invalid)

Server not responding

Reported by: freeman Owned by: Antoine Martin
Priority: major Milestone: 0.12
Component: Global Keywords:


Hi, I do not know where to post this issue sorry if this is already posted.

I recently installed winswitch on a newly installed ubuntu computer.

xpra 0.7.30, nxserver, vnc server, sshserver are all installed

I try to run the the application but nothing works. When I start an application from the applet, I have a notification is says, "server not responding", or "something went wrong".

I tried by hand to run the server, and the command parser but it does not work either.

I checked Xpra and it does work manually.

I do not know what to do or change to make it work

this is the std output from the client, which seems to be the source of the problem.

> winswitch_client
[II] 2011/15/11 17:57:06 xmodmap_util.get_xmodmap(None) exec(['/usr/bin/xmodmap', '-pke'])=(keycode   8 =keycode   9 = Escape NoSymbol Escapekeycode  10 = 1 exclam 1 exclamkeycode  11 = 2 a...,)
[II] 2011/15/11 17:57:06 WinSwitchClient.populate_xkeymap() detected keymap=xkb_keymap {	xkb_keycodes  { include "evdev+aliases(qwerty)"	};	xkb_types     { include "complete...
[EE] 2011/15/11 17:57:06 client.main() caught exception, closing client
[ee] 2011/15/11 17:57:06 Traceback (most recent call last):
[ee] 2011/15/11 17:57:06   File "/usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/winswitch/client/", line 85, in main
[ee] 2011/15/11 17:57:06
[ee] 2011/15/11 17:57:06   File "/usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/winswitch/client/", line 159, in run
[ee] 2011/15/11 17:57:06     callWhenRunning(self.ready)
[ee] 2011/15/11 17:57:06   File "/usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/winswitch/util/", line 87, in callWhenRunning
[ee] 2011/15/11 17:57:06     return	REACTOR.callWhenRunning(*args, **kwargs)
[ee] 2011/15/11 17:57:06 AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'callWhenRunning'
[II] 2011/15/11 17:57:06 WinSwitchClient.do_cleanup()
[II] 2011/15/11 17:57:06 WinSwitchClient.do_detach_all_servers() servers=[]
[EE] 2011/15/11 17:57:06 WinSwitchClient.cleanup()
[ee] 2011/15/11 17:57:06 Traceback (most recent call last):
[ee] 2011/15/11 17:57:06   File "/usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/winswitch/client/", line 220, in cleanup
[ee] 2011/15/11 17:57:06     self.do_cleanup()
[ee] 2011/15/11 17:57:06   File "/usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/winswitch/client/", line 232, in do_cleanup
[ee] 2011/15/11 17:57:06     callLater(0, self.stop_local_server)
[ee] 2011/15/11 17:57:06   File "/usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/winswitch/util/", line 85, in callLater
[ee] 2011/15/11 17:57:06     return	REACTOR.callLater(*args, **kwargs)
[ee] 2011/15/11 17:57:06 AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'callLater'
[II] 2011/15/11 17:57:06 client.main() exit code=1, waiting for all other threads to exit - this may take a few seconds

Change History (14)

comment:1 Changed 13 years ago by Antoine Martin

How did you install it? From source?

Looks like something is going wrong with the python-twisted code (REACTOR, is twisted installed? Is pygtk also installed?

comment:2 Changed 13 years ago by Antoine Martin

btw, the "client" is not meant to be used directly as there is no UI to control it. Only "winswitch_applet" and "winswitch_server" are actually useful.

comment:3 in reply to:  2 Changed 13 years ago by freeman

So yes I checked that, and yes pygtk is installed and twisted too

below the log when I try to run gnome-terminal (it seems to try running sub-processes but not have sufficient privileges, is this true?)

[ee] 2011/15/11 21:54:12 Traceback (most recent call last):
[ee] 2011/15/11 21:54:12   File "/usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/winswitch/virt/", line 46, in grab_daemon_pid
[ee] 2011/15/11 21:54:12     proc = subprocess.Popen(args_list, stdin=None, stdout=subp
rocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, cwd=cwd, env=env)
[ee] 2011/15/11 21:54:12   File "/usr/lib/python2.6/", line 623, in __init
[ee] 2011/15/11 21:54:12     errread, errwrite)
[ee] 2011/15/11 21:54:12   File "/usr/lib/python2.6/", line 1141, in _exec
[ee] 2011/15/11 21:54:12     raise child_exception
[ee] 2011/15/11 21:54:12 OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory
[EE] 2011/15/11 21:54:12 XpraServerUtil.session_error(ServerSession(:61 - xpra - starti
ng),failed to start daemon process!) notification handler=<bound method WinSwitchServer
.session_failed of <winswitch.server.controller.WinSwitchServer instance at 0x33cb200>>
[II] 2011/15/11 21:54:12 WinSwitchServer.session_failed(ServerSession(:61 - xpra - star
ting),failed to start daemon process!) owner=ab70df97d9404bcdbbaed7a893219a95
[II] 2011/15/11 21:54:12 WinSwitchServer.send_session_status_to_all(ServerSession(:61 -
 xpra - starting),closed) clients=[WinSwitchClientChannel(User(Morgan : ab70df97d9404bc
[EE] 2011/15/11 21:54:12 XpraServerUtil.session_error(ServerSession(:61 - xpra - closed),Session failed to start) notification handler=<bound method WinSwitchServer.session_failed of <winswitch.server.controller.WinSwitchServer instance at 0x33cb200>>
[II] 2011/15/11 21:54:12 WinSwitchServer.session_failed(ServerSession(:61 - xpra - closed),Session failed to start) owner=ab70df97d9404bcdbbaed7a893219a95
[II] 2011/15/11 21:54:12 ServerSession.close() self=ServerSession(:61 - xpra - closed), killing {'10-dbus': 53666}
[II] 2011/15/11 21:54:12 WinSwitchClientChannel.send_remove_session(ServerSession(:61 - xpra - closed))
[II] 2011/15/11 21:54:12 XpraServerUtil.start_session_object(ServerSession(:61 - xpra - closed),User(Morgan : ab70df97d9404bcdbbaed7a893219a95),False) Error: process failed to start!
[EE] 2011/15/11 21:54:12 WinSwitchServer.real_start_session(User(Morgan : ab70df97d9404bcdbbaed7a893219a95),xpra,Command(Terminal: gnome-terminal),,{},None) something went wrong, session is None..
[II] 2011/15/11 21:54:12 ServerLineConnection.do_message(ab70df97d9404bcdbbaed7a893219a95,Session Terminal Failed,failed to start daemon process!,)
[II] 2011/15/11 21:54:12 ServerLineConnection.do_message(ab70df97d9404bcdbbaed7a893219a95,Session failed,The session has started but it is not responding,)
[II] 2011/15/11 21:54:12 WinSwitchApplet.attention(Session Terminal Failed,None)
[II] 2011/15/11 21:54:12 WinSwitchApplet.attention(Session failed,None)
[II] 2011/15/11 21:54:22 XpraServerUtil.disable_gnome_screensaver(ServerSession(:61 - xpra - closed)) session already closed (failed?)
[II] 2011/15/11 21:54:31 ServerSettings.test_supports_ssh() OK: X11 Forwarding is enabled (config line=x11forwarding yes)
[EE] 2011/15/11 21:54:31 file_io.populate_object_from_properties({..},ServerSettings(),winswitch.objects.server_settings.ServerSettings,[],[],[],True,True) 'gst_sound_sink_options' is missing!
[EE] 2011/15/11 21:54:31 file_io.populate_object_from_properties({..},ServerSettings(),winswitch.objects.server_settings.ServerSettings,[],[],[],True,True) 'gst_sound_source_options' is missing!
[EE] 2011/15/11 21:54:31 file_io.populate_object_from_properties({..},ServerSettings(),winswitch.objects.server_settings.ServerSettings,[],[],[],True,True) found some unused/invalid keys: {'gst_sound_sink_options["device"]': 'alsa_output.pci-0000_04_00.0.analog-stereo', 'gst_sound_source_options["device"]': 'alsa_output.pci-0000_04_00.0.analog-stereo'}

comment:4 Changed 13 years ago by freeman

apparently it is pointing to the wrong directory for

[EE] 2011/15/11 21:54:12 virt_server_daemonizer.grab_daemon_pid(['/usr/local/lib/winswitch/virt_server_daemonizer'

It is not there but in the python libs, where can I change that?

Last edited 13 years ago by Antoine Martin (previous) (diff)

comment:5 Changed 13 years ago by Antoine Martin

I need go back to my original question: how did you install it? from source? from trunk? from packages?
Which version of Ubuntu is this? Is it 32 or 64-bit?

It looks like it is not detecting the path to the location containing the "libexec" directory.
If you find where you installed "virt_server_daemonizer", you should be able to use this workaround:

winswitch_xxxxxx --winswitch_libexec_dir=/path/to/dir

comment:6 Changed 13 years ago by freeman

ubuntu maverick 64-bits

I installed it from the package repo.

comment:7 Changed 13 years ago by Antoine Martin

Hah, well first Maverick is so broken in so many ways that I would not waste my time on it...
Still, is there anything in /usr/local/lib/winswitch? There should not be, but then why would it select this path if it did not exist!?

comment:8 Changed 13 years ago by Antoine Martin

Have you ever attempted an install from source which would conflict with the package?

comment:9 Changed 13 years ago by freeman

I totally removed the app, and reinstall (again from the repo).

It finds /usr/local/lib/winswitch and this time has the needed files.

But still could not start the daemon apparently.

(I could not change the distro. Not my choice.)

comment:10 Changed 13 years ago by Antoine Martin

Owner: changed from Antoine Martin to Antoine Martin
Status: newaccepted

FYI: just tested on the closest thing I could find (Lucid 64 bit) and the package installed it correctly here:


And /usr/lib/winswitch is the location that is detected during startup.

I don't understand why anything would install in /usr/local - will check the maverick package tomorrow, I am out of time for today sorry!

comment:11 Changed 13 years ago by freeman

Thanks a lot

Maybe this will help

[II] 2011/15/11 22:47:32 xlib_wm.__init__() display=localhost:11.0
[II] 2011/15/11 22:47:32 WinSwitchApplet.do_start_session(ServerConfig(chex:20738313058
0),Command(Terminal: gnome-terminal),xpra,None,{},False)
[II] 2011/15/11 22:47:32 WinSwitchApplet.attention(Starting Terminal,None)
[II] 2011/15/11 22:47:32 WinSwitchClientChannel.start_session(7552dd6f285f11c151b668ceb
8b614e0,xpra,,) command=Command(Terminal: gnome-terminal)
[II] 2011/15/11 22:47:32 WinSwitchServer.start_session(User(Morgan : ab70df97d9404bcdbb
aed7a893219a95),xpra,Command(Terminal: gnome-terminal),,{},None)
[II] 2011/15/11 22:47:32 XpraServerUtil.start_dbus(ServerSession(:61 - xpra - starting)
) dbus_pid=64074, dbus_address=unix:abstract=/tmp/dbus-9fjX3ZCH2z,guid=d4d98397b09be986
[II] 2011/15/11 22:47:32 XpraServerUtil.start_daemon(ServerSession(:61 - xpra - startin
g),{'LANG': 'en_US.UTF-8', 'TERM': 'screen', 'SHELL': '/bin/bash', 'DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS': 'unix:abstract=/tmp/dbus-9fjX3ZCH2z,guid=d4d98397b09be986b8cb0fe200060e4b', 'PWD': '/home/morgan', 'USER': 'morgan', 'HOME': '/home/morgan', 'PATH': '/home/morgan/bin/python/epd-7.1-2-rh5-x86_64/bin/:/home/morgan/bin:/home/morgan/bin/python/epd-7.1-2-rh5-x86_64/bin/:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games', 'DISPLAY': ':61'}) starting ['/usr/local/bin/xpra', '--xvfb=/usr/bin/Xvfb +extension Composite -screen 0 3840x2560x24+32 -noreset -auth $XAUTHORITY', '--bind-tcp=', '--password-file=/home/morgan/.winswitch/server/sessions/61/session.pass', '--no-daemon', '--no-pulseaudio', '--session-name=Terminal', 'start', ':61'], logging to /home/morgan/.winswitch/server/sessions/61/xpra.log

[EE] 2011/15/11 22:47:32 XpraServerUtil.session_error(ServerSession(:61 - xpra - starting),failed to start daemon process!) notification handler=<bound method WinSwitchServer.session_failed of <winswitch.server.controller.WinSwitchServer instance at 0x37e3290>>
[II] 2011/15/11 22:47:32 WinSwitchServer.session_failed(ServerSession(:61 - xpra - starting),failed to start daemon process!) owner=ab70df97d9404bcdbbaed7a893219a95
[II] 2011/15/11 22:47:32 WinSwitchServer.send_session_status_to_all(ServerSession(:61 - xpra - starting),closed) clients=[WinSwitchClientChannel(User(Morgan : ab70df97d9404bcdbbaed7a893219a95))]
[EE] 2011/15/11 22:47:32 XpraServerUtil.session_error(ServerSession(:61 - xpra - closed),Session failed to start) notification handler=<bound method WinSwitchServer.session_failed of <winswitch.server.controller.WinSwitchServer instance at 0x37e3290>>
[II] 2011/15/11 22:47:32 WinSwitchServer.session_failed(ServerSession(:61 - xpra - closed),Session failed to start) owner=ab70df97d9404bcdbbaed7a893219a95
[II] 2011/15/11 22:47:32 ServerSession.close() self=ServerSession(:61 - xpra - closed), killing {'10-dbus': 64074}
[II] 2011/15/11 22:47:32 WinSwitchClientChannel.send_remove_session(ServerSession(:61 - xpra - closed))
[II] 2011/15/11 22:47:32 XpraServerUtil.start_session_object(ServerSession(:61 - xpra - closed),User(Morgan : ab70df97d9404bcdbbaed7a893219a95),False) Error: process failed to start!
[II] 2011/15/11 22:47:32 ServerLineConnection.do_message(ab70df97d9404bcdbbaed7a893219a95,Session Terminal Failed,failed to start daemon process!,)

[EE] 2011/15/11 22:47:32 WinSwitchServer.real_start_session(User(Morgan : ab70df97d9404bcdbbaed7a893219a95),xpra,Command(Terminal: gnome-terminal),,{},None) something went wrong, session is None..
[II] 2011/15/11 22:47:32 WinSwitchApplet.attention(Session Terminal Failed,None)
[II] 2011/15/11 22:47:33 ServerLineConnection.do_message(ab70df97d9404bcdbbaed7a893219a95,Session failed,The session has started but it is not responding,)
[II] 2011/15/11 22:47:33 WinSwitchApplet.attention(Session failed,None)
[II] 2011/15/11 22:47:42 XpraServerUtil.disable_gnome_screensaver(ServerSession(:61 - xpra - closed)) session already closed (failed?)

comment:12 Changed 13 years ago by freeman

and now it points at /usr/lib/winswitch/virt_server_daemonizer (sorry if I badly reported that)

comment:13 Changed 13 years ago by freeman

Sorry, I found out what was the problem. Installation was pointing to the wrong python version.

I changed where to point for python and now it seems to work properly.

comment:14 Changed 13 years ago by Antoine Martin

Resolution: invalid
Status: acceptedclosed
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