Opened 13 years ago

Closed 13 years ago

Last modified 13 years ago

#207 closed defect (fixed)

path munge in OSX Helpers scripts

Reported by: tlc Owned by: Antoine Martin
Priority: minor Milestone:
Component: OSX Build Keywords:


I install the OSX winswitch package and run xpra from it. I run the script that sets up the dynamic libs, etc. here:


This script has the odd behavior of not working unless you run it from a parent dir of the script. Otherwise you get

$ /Applications/
/Applications/ line 77: /Users/troy//Applications/ No such file or directory
/Applications/ line 77: exec: /Users/troy//Applications/ cannot execute: No such file or directory

I think the issue is at the top of the file

if [[ "$0" == `pwd`* ]] || [[ "$0" == "//"* ]]; then

Attachments (1)

osx-xpra-launcher.png (205.5 KB) - added by Antoine Martin 13 years ago.
new version now has an xpra sub application - with the launcher

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (3)

comment:1 Changed 13 years ago by Antoine Martin

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

I didn't write this code, so I made the (ugly/hacking) minimal change I could think of, see r4941

This will be part of the 0.12.15 release - due shortly.

Changed 13 years ago by Antoine Martin

Attachment: osx-xpra-launcher.png added

new version now has an xpra sub application - with the launcher

comment:2 Changed 13 years ago by Antoine Martin

trunk now includes and Xpra "app" hidden inside the winswitch app - see screenshot above.

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