Opened 10 years ago

#281 new defect

No connection through reverse SSH tunnel

Reported by: Rainer Owned by:
Priority: major Milestone:
Component: Client Keywords: reverse SSH


It seems that connection through reverse SSH tunnel is not possible. The reverse SSH tunnel is created with autossh, for example using "-R".

When trying the advanced checks for connection debugging, I login with ssh to the host that created the remote SSH connection and then check with winswitch_stdio_socket.
The resulting error message is

OK 'connecting to /var/lib/winswitch/socket'
OK 'stdio connection established'
NOK 'server connection failed','An error occurred while connecting: 2: No such file or directory.':
OK started server: <subprocess.Popen object at 0x7f9bdd87d5d0>
Message: pygobject_register_sinkfunc is deprecated (GstObject?)
NOK 'server connection failed','An error occurred while connecting: 2: No such file or directory.':

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