Custom Query (230 matches)


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Results (201 - 230 of 230)

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Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#32 port_mapper will eventually run out of ports Antoine Martin defect critical 0.9 Client
#48 debian packages (and rpms?) no longer show the icon in the menus Antoine Martin defect critical 0.9 Client
#49 ConfigureServerWindow instance has no attribute 'select_user' Antoine Martin defect critical 0.9 Client
#57 Save host key to file 'None' Antoine Martin defect critical 0.9 Client
#58 do_commit_changes list index out of range bug in ConfigureServerWindow Antoine Martin defect critical 0.9 Client
#67 windows vista uac issues Antoine Martin defect critical 1.0 Client
#68 msvcr90.dll bundling issues Antoine Martin defect critical 1.0 Client
#70 replace pyinotify dependency with gio.File.monitor_directory Antoine Martin enhancement critical 0.9.1 Client
#79 windows 7 moans on pywin32 - makes systray not positioned correctly Antoine Martin defect critical 0.9.1 Client
#80 mac DMG can't find pygtk (but it's there...) Antoine Martin defect critical 0.9.1 Client
#90 100% cpu usage on some systems - twisted POLLIN Antoine Martin defect critical 0.9.2 Client
#96 binaries (debs/rpms,etc..) miss the Antoine Martin defect critical 0.10 Client
#108 Can't start shifter_server in Debian Lenny: missing gio Antoine Martin defect critical 0.10 Server
#133 open file remotely without using ssh channel Antoine Martin enhancement critical 0.12 Global
#137 winswitch_command_wrapper does not launch application if winswitch is not running Antoine Martin defect critical 0.12 Client
#143 Ubuntu packages are broken because of non-existing /usr/libexec or /usr/local/libexec dirs Antoine Martin defect critical Global
#153 app menus missing in 0.12.4 on OSX client Antoine Martin defect critical 1.1 Client
#160 ssh key failures: "Input strings must be a multiple of 8 in length" Antoine Martin defect critical 0.12 Client
#161 Menus don't expand to anything Antoine Martin defect critical 0.12 Client
#183 Having issues with OSX client Antoine Martin defect critical Xpra
#191 failure to load certain types of rsa private keys protected by passphrases Antoine Martin defect critical 0.12 Client
#193 tray icon is missing with Ubuntu 11.10 Antoine Martin defect critical 0.12 Client
#199 Ubuntu oneiric install fails Antoine Martin defect critical Website, Email, etc
#205 winswitch server restarts xpra session and adds --bind-tcp=<port> [was security risk..] Antoine Martin defect critical Server
#217 KDE auto-start failure: writing to closed log file Antoine Martin defect critical 0.12 Client
#270 Winswitch unable to connect over ssh from MS Windows to server running openssh 6.7 dfeldstern defect critical 0.12 Global
#120 Missing xpra dependency in Debian's Packages Antoine Martin defect blocker 0.12 Website, Email, etc
#233 distros without glib bindings - Attribute Error: 'module' object has no attribute 'threads_init' defect blocker 0.12 Server
#277 WinSwitch Wont Start OSX 10.9.5 student_meh defect blocker 0.12 Global
#305 Invalid signatures defect blocker Global
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