Custom Query (40 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Priority Milestone Component
#22 patch NX and vncviewer to avoid dialogs new Antoine Martin major 1.1 Client
#27 re-enable run-as-root server mode accepted Antoine Martin critical 1.1 Client
#35 CUPS printing support accepted Antoine Martin major 1.0 Global
#43 disable shutdown options in virtual desktops! (and logout virtual desktop only!) accepted Antoine Martin major 1.0 Client
#44 Start menu shortcuts need more attention, they go stale accepted Antoine Martin major 1.0 Client
#45 full virtual desktops show too many applications in their menus accepted Antoine Martin minor 1.0 Client
#66 use pyGTK Win32 Extension to cleanup/remove StatusIcon/win32 code new Antoine Martin major 1.0 Client
#76 automate creation of the macos DMG images accepted Antoine Martin major 1.0 Client
#84 merge out-of-tree tests and run them as part of release scripts accepted Antoine Martin major 1.0 Client
#94 load xdg menu spec instead of just parsing .desktop files new Antoine Martin major 1.0 Client
#109 supports password less logins accepted Antoine Martin major 0.12 Client
#162 crypto incompatibilities between pycrypto and bouncycastle accepted Antoine Martin major 0.12 Android
#179 avoid threaded code as much as possible accepted Antoine Martin minor 1.0 Android
#181 winswitch: session activity in menu accepted Antoine Martin minor 0.12 Client
#194 0.12.12 - extra apple shown in menu bar, reopened Antoine Martin minor 0.12 OSX Build
#195 osx server with ssh tunneling does not work (no way to find command to run) new Antoine Martin major 0.12 Global
#218 --open_server_config bugs accepted Antoine Martin minor Client
#222 Option to leave sound alone accepted Antoine Martin minor Xpra
#228 Forum is down accepted Antoine Martin minor Global
#234 wheezy beta repository contains no winswitch package accepted Antoine Martin minor Website, Email, etc
#239 xpra unusable on Win32 0.12.19 beta new blocker Windows Build
#240 winswitch: outdated nautilus extension assigned Antoine gmail minor 0.12 UI
#241 Intermittent phantom session on start-up of new session assigned madmonk minor Server
#247 system tray menu has incorrect dimensions on multi-head accepted Antoine Martin major 0.12 UI
#253 screen-size is ignored with xpra (vnc type works OK) assigned fgnievinski minor Xpra
#255 xpra slow in desktop session (application session is okay) assigned fgnievinski major Xpra
#256 menus appearing in wrong location on 3-head display assigned Eric Blade major Android
#260 No winswitch package for Fedora i386 new major Global
#262 winswitch on ubuntu 14.04 keeps failing assigned madsurgeon major Server
#269 Installing winswitch on Red Hat Enterprise Linux v5.4 ? new blocker Server
#271 No way to recover account if password forgotten? new major Website, Email, etc
#274 uppercase username sensitivity accepted Antoine Martin critical 0.11 Global
#278 winswitch applet freezes KDE plasma-desktop assigned cd311 major 0.11 Global
#280 remove gstreamer sound support accepted Antoine Martin major 0.11 Global
#281 No connection through reverse SSH tunnel new major Client
#287 Unable to install Winswitch on CentOS 7 assigned Chris St.Peters major Global
#288 Ubuntu 14.04.4 WinSwitch 0.12.21-1 connecting to Xpra 0.17.0-r12447: invalid packet format, not an xpra client? assigned Dennis Schridde major Global
#289 can't use xpra protocol in new (0.12.22) windows build of winswitch assigned dfeldstern major Global
#292 No Applet icon on OSX 10.11.6 accepted Antoine Martin major Global
#306 Ubuntu 18.04 package can't be installed new major Global
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