Custom Query (230 matches)


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Results (61 - 63 of 230)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#38 wontfix Patch TigerVNC to allow us to set the Window name on MSWindows Antoine Martin Antoine Martin

The linux version of TigerVNC 1.0 has the name global parameter:

Global Parameters:
  name           - The X window name (default=)

But the Windows version does not.

#9 fixed Putty does not exit when remote command terminates Antoine Martin Antoine Martin

In ssh-mode, we launch a remote X command and putty is still running when the command terminates.
This causes the session to remain "active" on the client despite the fact that it is really finished...

This happens with all the clients we can use: TortoisePlink.exe, Plink.exe as well as openssh (via cygwin). Looks like the clients refuse to shutdown whilst there is still a tunnel (the X display connection) so we may have to use a trick on the server and run the command via a wrapper which will take care of killing the ssh process when the command terminates.

#105 fixed RDP support Antoine Martin Antoine Martin

Following popular demand... Let's implement RDP client/server support.

  • an rdesktop client wrapper
  • an xrdp based server plugin (which will need to override the authentication phase with one of our tokens - replace sesman?)
  • the full server build for Windows

The Windows server is going to need:

  • way to control the RDP server if possible (unlikely)

Depends on #104

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