Custom Query (22 matches)


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Owner: Antoine Martin (12 matches)

Ticket Summary Type Priority Milestone Component Created
#82 osx: get xmodmap when needed? enhancement trivial 1.1 Client 15 years ago
#8 create new custom widget to replace deprecated gtk.ComboBox enhancement minor 1.1 Client 15 years ago
#20 allow user to specify passphrase when creating keys enhancement minor 1.1 Client 15 years ago
#41 Xvnc pre-launch: start other commands but not WM enhancement minor 1.1 Client 15 years ago
#123 osx auto-start task minor 1.0 Client 14 years ago
#22 patch NX and vncviewer to avoid dialogs defect major 1.1 Client 15 years ago
#66 use pyGTK Win32 Extension to cleanup/remove StatusIcon/win32 code defect major 1.0 Client 15 years ago
#94 load xdg menu spec instead of just parsing .desktop files defect major 1.0 Client 15 years ago
#138 file transfers should be encrypted (always? or just over non-ssh channels) task major 1.0 Client 14 years ago
#141 guest mode: invite users without giving them full access, give them a specific session only enhancement major 0.12 Global 13 years ago
#157 clipboard channel support for VNC shadow enhancement major 1.0 Client 13 years ago
#195 osx server with ssh tunneling does not work (no way to find command to run) defect major 0.12 Global 12 years ago

Owner: (none) (10 matches)

Ticket Summary Type Priority Milestone Component Created
#279 depends on deprecated python-rsvg task major 1.1 Global 9 years ago
#281 No connection through reverse SSH tunnel defect major Client 9 years ago
#282 Appdata file - please include enhancement major Global 9 years ago
#306 Ubuntu 18.04 package can't be installed defect major Global 6 years ago
#244 Hierarchical options with server and application overrides enhancement minor Client 11 years ago
#250 WinSwitch could support xrdp server enhancement minor Server 10 years ago
#260 No winswitch package for Fedora i386 defect major Global 10 years ago
#271 No way to recover account if password forgotten? defect major Website, Email, etc 10 years ago
#239 xpra unusable on Win32 0.12.19 beta defect blocker Windows Build 11 years ago
#269 Installing winswitch on Red Hat Enterprise Linux v5.4 ? defect blocker Server 10 years ago
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