Custom Query (230 matches)


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Results (201 - 230 of 230)

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Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#184 read ~/.winswitch/client/xpra_options_defaults.conf before starting xpra Antoine Martin enhancement minor 0.12 Client
#185 xdg-open: shell script not compatible with /bin/sh [PATCH] Antoine Martin defect minor Server
#196 ~/.winswitch/server/server.log in use all the time Antoine Martin enhancement minor 0.12 Global
#197 Ubuntu Maverick 100% CPU-Usage and no functionality Antoine Martin defect minor 0.12 Server
#203 reconnect in winswitch menu needs two tries Antoine Martin defect minor 0.12 Client
#206 test ssh public key login on win32 Antoine Martin task minor 0.12 Client
#207 path munge in OSX Helpers scripts Antoine Martin defect minor OSX Build
#210 .desktop files do not validate Antoine Martin defect minor UI
#213 tests can't load dependent modules Antoine Martin defect minor Testing
#214 RELEASE-NOTES is not shipped in the src.tar.bz2 Antoine Martin enhancement minor Global
#237 Gentoo Ebuild task minor Xpra
#242 Additional NX options enhancement minor Server
#252 x264 should be a package dependency? enhancement minor Server
#257 lists incorrect version for Download the latest source defect minor Website, Email, etc
#263 Conflict between netifaces and python-netifaces packages on Fedora 20 Radek Novacek defect minor Global
#272 [PATCH] Correct parsing for .desktop files defect minor Global
#273 winswitch_command_wrapper: Add option to only start inside winswitch enhancement minor Client
#276 CentOS 7 missing dependencies defect minor 0.11 Xpra
#284 [PATCH] Fix incorrect icons for some apps defect minor Server
#293 XPRA - add connection title to menu enhancement minor Global
#17 add full-desktop commands to Windows start menu Antoine Martin enhancement trivial 0.8 Client
#29 register our mDNS service types: _shifter._tcp. and _shifter_reversed_mdns._tcp. Antoine Martin enhancement trivial 1.0 Client
#36 don't use SCP to open file on a local server Antoine Martin enhancement trivial 0.9 Client
#46 allow the user to turn off the icons in the menus and dialogs Antoine Martin enhancement trivial 1.1 Client
#188 Supporting the vino vnc server? Antoine Martin enhancement trivial UI
#192 Couldn't reach you any other way Antoine Martin enhancement trivial Global
#230 IRC link on Dev page broken task trivial Website, Email, etc
#243 Unity specific menu options from .desktop files being prioritised over defaults Antoine Martin defect trivial 0.12 Server
#251 FAQ should mention "shortcut" and "launcher" enhancement trivial Android
#286 question about 8bit pseudocolor support by xpra enhancement trivial Global
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