Custom Query (230 matches)


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Results (46 - 48 of 230)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#28 Antoine Martin Antoine Martin fixed run sessions and their clients with daemonizable threads

At the moment, xpra supports this on the server: the xpra server stays alive even when shifter_server is stopped.
Ideally, we want to keep all the sessions running and just re-load the session files when the server re-starts. The problem comes from the fact that NX writes to stdout and we watch this output to get the current session state, we will need to redirect to a file instead and watch that (and maybe also start it with 'nohup'?)

#39 Antoine Martin Antoine Martin fixed get rid of the "libgio-2.0.0.dll was not found" error on MS Windows

When starting the application on win32, we get what looks like a fatal error (it is not):

The application has failed to start because libgio-2.0.0.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem.

This is bogus, the application is fine, it is just something to do with gtk pixbuf loaders (svg?)
We should at least prevent this error from coming up, ideally we should find a proper fix for #10 (SVG support)

#40 Antoine Martin Antoine Martin fixed figure out why DR Watson shows up on exit (MS Windows)

The error report is totally useless (thanks Microsoft), and according to this response to my question on the py2exe mailing list, the only way to resolve this is trial and error. (great..)

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