Custom Query (230 matches)


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Results (52 - 54 of 230)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#62 Antoine Martin Antoine Martin duplicate must be able to specify the reverse-mDNS port to use with firewalls

at present, a random port is chosen, which will not work with hosts running almost any kind of firewall...

Should re-use the spec parsing code used by the server, which supports syntax like:



#63 Antoine Martin Antoine Martin fixed native OSX build

Parallel to bug #21 (OSX Packaging) It is worth pursuing a native OSX build using gtk-osx

This would integrate better with osx.

Important pieces are:

Step by step: start-from-scratch Problem is that there seems to be an incompatibility with the version from macports... (detects existing pkg_config?)

Hopefully this will result in a package that works better than py2app's...

#65 Antoine Martin Antoine Martin wontfix the newer GTK builds for win32 do not support ICO format - workaround it

Added a test for it so we dont flood the logs (r1523)

GError: This build of gdk-pixbuf does not support saving the image format: ico

But we should either save it in png format (and hope the user's version of windows supports that or at least fails gracefully) or find a library that will convert it to ico (not found so far - only reading is supported, see PIL, etc)

Maybe pywin32 can give us access to something in windows API that will do the job, this is not too far off (it's only reading though).

Found Icon.Save in .NET

this example writes it out straight to file. Newer versions of windows support icons as PNGs, we should at least do that when saving .ICO fails.

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