Custom Query (71 matches)


Show under each result:

Status: accepted (13 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Resolution
#247 system tray menu has incorrect dimensions on multi-head Antoine Martin defect major UI
#132 workaround applications that daemonize and return after launch Antoine Martin enhancement minor Server
#176 better support for VirtualBox sessions Antoine Martin enhancement major Global
#25 Nautilus integration: add entries to "Send to" dialog Antoine Martin enhancement minor Client
#33 use dbus to get notifications of screensaver state changes Antoine Martin enhancement minor Client
#34 simple gtk application to configure the applications shown in menus Antoine Martin enhancement minor Client
#95 window manager integration rework Antoine Martin enhancement major Client
#97 hook support for external sessions (spice, qemu vnc server, local server, etc) Antoine Martin enhancement major Client
#109 supports password less logins Antoine Martin defect major Client
#135 better start menu integration: provide tools, on-off via magic key, start if needed Antoine Martin enhancement major Client
#168 More options for SSH connection Antoine Martin enhancement major Client
#181 winswitch: session activity in menu Antoine Martin defect minor Client
#162 crypto incompatibilities between pycrypto and bouncycastle Antoine Martin defect major Android

Status: assigned (1 match)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Resolution
#240 winswitch: outdated nautilus extension Antoine gmail defect minor UI

Status: closed (54 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Resolution
#140 replace Xvfb with Xvnc or Xdummy when using xpra Antoine Martin task major Xpra duplicate
#149 The '<' key produces '>' with the winswitch xpra Antoine Martin defect major Xpra fixed
#150 Keyboard focus problem, OSX, xpra Antoine Martin defect major Xpra invalid
#120 Missing xpra dependency in Debian's Packages Antoine Martin defect blocker Website, Email, etc fixed
#130 move website to a separate repository Antoine Martin task minor Website, Email, etc fixed
#200 package repository has broken dependencies Antoine Martin defect major Website, Email, etc worksforme
#261 winswitch client does not appear in system tray defect major UI invalid
#172 ability to upgrade xpra server sessions in place Antoine Martin enhancement minor Server fixed
#197 Ubuntu Maverick 100% CPU-Usage and no functionality Antoine Martin defect minor Server fixed
#198 Can't start NX or VNC session Antoine Martin defect major Server wontfix
#215 Wrong keyboard setting when resume NX session Antoine Martin defect major Server fixed
#219 xpra no longer working Antoine Martin defect major Server fixed
#227 no encoding declared in winswitch/util/ Antoine Martin defect major Server duplicate
#233 distros without glib bindings - Attribute Error: 'module' object has no attribute 'threads_init' defect blocker Server fixed
#243 Unity specific menu options from .desktop files being prioritised over defaults Antoine Martin defect trivial Server fixed
#147 to enable ARD on OSX, we need the user's password - provide a way to request it Antoine Martin task minor OSX Build fixed
#88 sound support: use gstreamer+pulseaudio to provide efficient sound in/out over network Antoine Martin enhancement major Global fixed
#124 xpra- doesn't resolve Antoine Martin defect major Global fixed
#127 xpra ebuild should honour the server flag and avoid building all the x stuff if disabled Antoine Martin task major Global fixed
#133 open file remotely without using ssh channel Antoine Martin enhancement critical Global fixed
#136 reduce imports required for basic functions - speedup and will reduce logging Antoine Martin enhancement major Global fixed
#169 Server not responding Antoine Martin defect major Global invalid
#170 ability to decide where URLs are opened Antoine Martin enhancement minor Global fixed
#180 suspend and re-connection issues Antoine Martin defect major Global fixed
#196 ~/.winswitch/server/server.log in use all the time Antoine Martin enhancement minor Global fixed
#270 Winswitch unable to connect over ssh from MS Windows to server running openssh 6.7 dfeldstern defect critical Global fixed
#277 WinSwitch Wont Start OSX 10.9.5 student_meh defect blocker Global fixed
#296 Xpra version mismatch error defect major Global fixed
#302 winswitch 0.12.23: install --prefix not respected for all items (need PREFIX= environmental variable as well) defect major Global wontfix
#18 use twisted-conch to replace paramiko Antoine Martin task critical Client fixed
#38 Patch TigerVNC to allow us to set the Window name on MSWindows Antoine Martin enhancement minor Client wontfix
#55 keyboard mapping issues... Antoine Martin defect major Client fixed
#134 move all internal scripts to /usr/libexec - these aren't meant to be used directly Antoine Martin task major Client fixed
#137 winswitch_command_wrapper does not launch application if winswitch is not running Antoine Martin defect critical Client fixed
#139 keyboard mappings xmodmap vs setxkbmap vs whatever... Antoine Martin defect major Client duplicate
#145 gtk.AboutDialog() web url fails on win32 and osx Antoine Martin defect major Client fixed
#151 Can't connect to servers with special characters in the SSH password. Antoine Martin defect major Client worksforme
#155 improvements to client_launcher Arthur Huillet enhancement major Client wontfix
#160 ssh key failures: "Input strings must be a multiple of 8 in length" Antoine Martin defect critical Client wontfix
#161 Menus don't expand to anything Antoine Martin defect critical Client wontfix
#171 "winswitch attach" Antoine Martin enhancement major Client fixed
#173 Server settings window too small Antoine Martin defect major Client fixed
#174 winswitch menu inconsistencies Antoine Martin defect minor Client fixed
#184 read ~/.winswitch/client/xpra_options_defaults.conf before starting xpra Antoine Martin enhancement minor Client fixed
#186 config apply_changes triggers error in rdp_client_base Antoine Martin defect major Client fixed
#187 replace distro packaging util code with calls to packagekit on Linux Antoine Martin enhancement major Client fixed
#190 support putty's pageant authentication agent on MS Windows Antoine Martin enhancement major Client wontfix
#191 failure to load certain types of rsa private keys protected by passphrases Antoine Martin defect critical Client fixed
#193 tray icon is missing with Ubuntu 11.10 Antoine Martin defect critical Client fixed
#203 reconnect in winswitch menu needs two tries Antoine Martin defect minor Client invalid
#206 test ssh public key login on win32 Antoine Martin task minor Client needinfo
#217 KDE auto-start failure: writing to closed log file Antoine Martin defect critical Client fixed
#175 ability to run multiple copies of winswitch under the same user id Antoine Martin enhancement minor Android fixed
#177 restore window mode for desktop environments without a system tray area Antoine Martin enhancement minor Android fixed

Status: new (2 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Resolution
#141 guest mode: invite users without giving them full access, give them a specific session only Antoine Martin enhancement major Global
#195 osx server with ssh tunneling does not work (no way to find command to run) Antoine Martin defect major Global

Status: reopened (1 match)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Resolution
#194 0.12.12 - extra apple shown in menu bar, Antoine Martin defect minor OSX Build
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