Custom Query (161 matches)


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Results (101 - 161 of 161)

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Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#129 Gentoo xpra ebuild - missing dependency for dev-python/imaging Antoine Martin defect major Client
#137 winswitch_command_wrapper does not launch application if winswitch is not running Antoine Martin defect critical 0.12 Client
#143 Ubuntu packages are broken because of non-existing /usr/libexec or /usr/local/libexec dirs Antoine Martin defect critical Global
#145 gtk.AboutDialog() web url fails on win32 and osx Antoine Martin defect major 0.12 Client
#148 xpra want's xpra but only is available in Ubuntu Maverick Antoine Martin defect major Client
#149 The '<' key produces '>' with the winswitch xpra Antoine Martin defect major 0.12 Xpra
#152 Can't add to Lubuntu server menu Antoine Martin defect major 1.0 Server
#154 spurious characters with xpra Antoine Martin defect major Xpra
#156 winswitch on mac os x lion Antoine Martin defect major OSX Build
#165 Keyboard works incorrectly on Mac OS X (Lion) Antoine Martin defect major OSX Build
#167 pynotify corrupted double-linked list? Antoine Martin defect major 1.0 Global
#173 Server settings window too small Antoine Martin defect major 0.12 Client
#174 winswitch menu inconsistencies Antoine Martin defect minor 0.12 Client
#178 [PATCH] Fix for broken exception handling Antoine Martin defect major Server
#180 suspend and re-connection issues Antoine Martin defect major 0.12 Global
#182 HTTPS setup bad Antoine Martin defect minor Website, Email, etc
#183 Having issues with OSX client Antoine Martin defect critical Xpra
#185 xdg-open: shell script not compatible with /bin/sh [PATCH] Antoine Martin defect minor Server
#186 config apply_changes triggers error in rdp_client_base Antoine Martin defect major 0.12 Client
#191 failure to load certain types of rsa private keys protected by passphrases Antoine Martin defect critical 0.12 Client
#193 tray icon is missing with Ubuntu 11.10 Antoine Martin defect critical 0.12 Client
#197 Ubuntu Maverick 100% CPU-Usage and no functionality Antoine Martin defect minor 0.12 Server
#201 Incorrect check for started X server Antoine Martin defect major Client
#207 path munge in OSX Helpers scripts Antoine Martin defect minor OSX Build
#208 crash on some SVG files: float division by zero (Segmentation fault) Antoine Martin defect major Android
#209 SVGZ application icons are not shown Antoine Martin defect major UI
#210 .desktop files do not validate Antoine Martin defect minor UI
#212 need option to prevent VBOX protocol on first run/connect Antoine Martin defect major Global
#215 Wrong keyboard setting when resume NX session Antoine Martin defect major 0.12 Server
#216 wheezy package issues Antoine Martin defect major UI
#217 KDE auto-start failure: writing to closed log file Antoine Martin defect critical 0.12 Client
#219 xpra no longer working Antoine Martin defect major 0.12 Server
#220 cannot launch winswitch_client on arch linux Antoine Martin defect major Client
#223 Server won't launch - incorrect codepage in util/ Antoine Martin defect major Server
#226 b2a_base64() argument 1 must be string or read-only buffer, not None Antoine Martin defect major Client
#229 crash on shutdown defect major Server
#232 SSL certificate has expired defect major Website, Email, etc
#233 distros without glib bindings - Attribute Error: 'module' object has no attribute 'threads_init' defect blocker 0.12 Server
#243 Unity specific menu options from .desktop files being prioritised over defaults Antoine Martin defect trivial 0.12 Server
#257 lists incorrect version for Download the latest source defect minor Website, Email, etc
#258 svn checkout returns Access forbidden defect major Website, Email, etc
#259 Repository download page for Ubuntu/Debian points Trust users to Saucy package defect major Website, Email, etc
#263 Conflict between netifaces and python-netifaces packages on Fedora 20 Radek Novacek defect minor Global
#265 difficulty with "msjnc" application and win-switch Eric Blade defect major Client
#266 xpra v0.14.6-2 not working Nathan Rennie-Waldock defect major Xpra
#268 .desktop files not parsed correctly Antoine gmail defect major Server
#270 Winswitch unable to connect over ssh from MS Windows to server running openssh 6.7 dfeldstern defect critical 0.12 Global
#272 [PATCH] Correct parsing for .desktop files defect minor Global
#275 bashism in /bin/sh script defect major 0.11 Global
#276 CentOS 7 missing dependencies defect minor 0.11 Xpra
#277 WinSwitch Wont Start OSX 10.9.5 student_meh defect blocker 0.12 Global
#284 [PATCH] Fix incorrect icons for some apps defect minor Server
#285 connecting with ssh to winswitch server is failing. Kundan Kumar defect major Client
#290 CentOS 6.8 package directory is missing "winswitch" package (maybe others) defect major Global
#291 When attempting to start an application on Fedora 24 using WindowSwitch 0.12.21 you are informed that xpra is not supported. jayce1996 defect major Server
#296 Xpra version mismatch error defect major 0.12 Global
#297 Repo is missing Ubuntu 17.04 packages Nathan Rennie-Waldock defect major Website, Email, etc
#298 winswitch is missing in qwert defect major Global
#301 Packages missing from all centos/EL repo defect major Global
#304 GPG key expired Antoine Martin defect major Website, Email, etc
#305 Invalid signatures defect blocker Global
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